[wp-hackers] HTMLArea Integration

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Thu Oct 7 15:33:44 UTC 2004

Jason Trommetter wrote:

>Has anyone ever considered integrating a WYSIWYG editor like HTMLArea
>into the base WP code?  I had to modify just one core file to get it
>to work, admin-header.php.
I think it'd have to be cleaned up a good deal.  The HTML it generates 
is ugly as sin.

>     <span style="font-weight: bold;">Hello</span> How are you?<br
>     /><br />Test.<br />

Note that two carriage returns get translated to two <br /> tags (we 
don't want that, we want WP to do it's paragraph magic on it).  Also, 
notice that "bolded" text is given a span, instead of <strong></strong>

I think that the idea is worthy of consideration, as some people will 
never be comfortable with editing plain HTML, but it has to be done in a 
way that generates clean code, and can be used in all major browsers.
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