[wp-hackers] HTMLArea Integration

Jason Trommetter jasontromm at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 15:28:31 UTC 2004

HTMLArea would allow less savvy users to use WordPress.  There is a
build-in button in HTMLArea that allows you to see/edit the raw HTML
if you want to.

On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 16:50:51 +0200, Bjorn Wijers <bjorn at waag.org> wrote:
> Interesting.
> Would this mean that we can have a "switch" for the input area, so the
> people understanding HTML can just insert HTML code into the input area
> and the people that don`t know HTML press a button and see the WYSIWYG
> editor? I think I saw something similar with Textpattern. This can be
> very useful to lower the treshold for less tech savy users in using
> Wordpress.

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