[wp-hackers] Nightly build generation

Matthew Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Tue Nov 30 01:40:59 UTC 2004

Ryan Boren wrote:
> You mean Matt-cron?  It had some buffer overflow problems, or
> something.  ;-)

Ha! Funny because it's true.

Right now it's manual because it requires me to enter my password. I'm 
very open to a better shell one-liner to handle this. Here's what I'm 
using now:

cd /home/path/to/nightly/make;export CVS_RSH=ssh ; cvs 
-d:ext:saxmatt at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/cafelog export -Dtomorrow 
wordpress ; zip -R -9 /home/path/to/nightly/wordpress-`date 
+%Y-%m-%d`.zip wordpress/ ; tar czvf 
/home/wordpres/path/to/nightly/wordpress-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.tar.gz 
wordpress/; rm -Rf wordpress

I think someone actually already solved this on this list before but I 
can't find the message anywhere in the archives.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
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