[wp-hackers] Turning off search's auto-forwarding?

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Mon Nov 22 19:38:19 UTC 2004

In wp-blog-header.php, somewhere around line 190 (based on a slightly 
dated CVS that I found this):

> 190      if ( $s <cid:part1.08050708.01090004 at txfx.net> && empty($paged <cid:part2.07040005.05030309 at txfx.net>) && !strstr <cid:part3.05070106.03050104 at txfx.net>($_SERVER <cid:part4.01030101.06020708 at txfx.net>['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-admin/')) { // If they were doing a search and got one result
> 191          header <cid:part5.08070503.04080103 at txfx.net>('Location: ' . get_permalink <cid:part6.02070404.01040008 at txfx.net>($posts <cid:part7.06090203.06030401 at txfx.net>[0]->ID));
> 192      }

Michael Heilemann wrote:

> Returning to the matter at hand, how do I hack the autoforwarding?

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