[wp-hackers] Comment Spam Database

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Thu Nov 18 06:49:52 UTC 2004

This might be what you're looking for:

Kevin Breit wrote:

> Hello,
>    I am mildly interested in tackling the spam database integration 
> with Wordpress.  Let it be clear, when I say "tackle" I mean gently 
> throw my 130 pound body against it and see if it happens to tip over.  
> I'm an intermediate PHP programmer and a pretty poor programmer as a 
> whole, otherwise I'd take on the project with more authority and 
> confidence.
>    I have a really simple idea.  Mostly, I want it to "Just Work".  In 
> the comment listing in wp-admin, there would be a checkbox next to 
> each displayed column.  Somewhere on the page would be a button: 
> "Submit to Spam Database".  When that is checked, it runs a few 
> functions and submits the content to the database.  Unfortunately, 
> checking messages against the database is over my head at this time.
>    I hate to disappoint, but this won't have bayesian filtering or any 
> of that magic stuff.  I also don't have the skills to write the 
> database server that would house the spam.  I could try, I guess.  If 
> you were ever wanting to describe something as "the suck", then ask me 
> to design the server.
>    Is someone working on this?  If not, is there demand for it?  If 
> so, can someone help me get the server going?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Breit
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