[wp-hackers] Editing date for Draft Posts -Bug?

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 09:02:43 UTC 2004

Hi All,

Why is it that one can't edit the date for draft posts?

function touch_time() in admin-functions.php has the following:
function touch_time($edit = 1) {
	global $month, $postdata;
	// echo $postdata['Date'];
	if ('draft' == $postdata->post_status) {
		$checked = 'checked="checked" ';
		$edit = false;
	} else {
		$checked = ' ';

Now, since " $edit = false " for draft posts, even if someone were to
change the date in the edit screen, and check the box, the date for
the post is not changed to what the user specified, but is instead
updated to reflect the current date (date of last save).

Shall I submit a diff for this bug? 
There are 2 related bug reports:

Just wanted to check if there was a valid reason why WP behaves this
way before I did.


When nothing is done, nothing is left undone -- 老子 Lǎozi

University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net

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