[wp-hackers] Returning instead of echoing

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Tue Nov 9 01:27:24 UTC 2004

Ryan Boren wrote:

>I personally prefer adding get_*() functions.  As for passing in arrays,
>I'd rather not require that in the templates, even with the assistance
>of compact().  As Matt mentioned last time this came up, we use the URI-
>like syntax that can be fed to parse_str() when we want to pass in a
>bunch of named arguments.
Any word on how the bevy of additional functions will affect 
performance?  My initial thought is that since the "get_" version will 
do the hard work, and the regular version will just echo its output, it 
shouldn't have much of an impact... but I am admittedly new to this.

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