[wp-hackers] offline bloggin [OT]

Bjorn Wijers mailings at bdisfunctional.net
Sat Nov 6 23:35:59 UTC 2004

Alex and others,

Is it possible to create a list that can be used as a list where we can 
automatically send the forum posts to? So people can post to the forum 
OR subscribe to the list just for all none hacking related, say support 
in the broadest sense of the word? If you could automatically add a 
keyword in the title so one can say if it is a post to the forum or a 
new post to the list, that might work very well....I hope you get my 
point albeit a vague one :)


Alex King wrote:
> This is a list about hacking on WordPress (making modifications), it 
> isn't for support or bug reports.
> --Alex
> http://www.alexking.org/
> On Nov 6, 2004, at 2:29 PM, Luc Saint-Elie wrote:
>> the concept of "off topic" is not very clear (for me).
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