[wp-hackers] publish_post also kicking in on updates?

Gudlyf wphackers at realistek.com
Wed Jun 30 02:13:18 UTC 2004

Haven't seen any insight to this issue, so since more people have joined 
I'll try my luck once more:

I saw from the Plugin/API wiki page at 
http://wiki.wordpress.org/Plugin/API that the 'publish_post' hook is
supposed to only kick in when a post is *first* published. However, with 
my update-notify plugin (that sends
an email out to a list when the blog gets a new post), I've had to 
fiddle around trying to get it to not mail
if an already published post gets edited. You can see from the latest 
version I have up at
http://www.gudlyf.com/index.php?p=357 what I've tried. It only works if 
you don't first save the post to
draft, then publish, so that's not going to work.

Is there another hook I'm supposed to use to only kick in on the initial 
publish of a post? Perhaps that wiki
entry is described incorrectly?


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