[wp-hackers] Adding a cache to WP

Luc Saint-Elie luc at saint-elie.com
Mon Jun 28 21:37:45 UTC 2004


I seem to end  in implementing successfully a cache for WP.
It's based on PEAR :Cache_Lite

I had a lot of problem coming from my own output buffering 
implementation..until I realized Cache_Lite provides output buffering 
(the conclusion is that PER developers are better than I am.. but I 
knew that already and that's not difficult :-) )

I'm not at all a developer so if someone could test (and correct if I 
did something wrong).

In my opinion providing a caching system would be a major strong point for WP

The process is :

1-  download PEAR :Cache_Lite at : 

2-  unpack and place the directory in your include directory

3- create a tmp directory if it doesn't exist

4- in index.php do

// set the include path (depends on each hosting)

/* Don't remove this line. */

// include the package
require_once "Cache/Lite/Output.php";

// set an ID for this cache
if ( $id =='/') {
	$id ='home';

// set some variables
$options = array(
     'cacheDir' => 'tmp/',
     'lifeTime' => 7200,
     'pearErrorMode' => CACHE_LITE_ERROR_DIE

// create a Cache_Lite_Output object
$objCache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options);

// test if there exists a valid cache
// test for POST is to avoid screwing comments with cached pages
if ( ! ($objCache->start($id) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] =='POST')  )

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

Š the remaining of the file


Luc Saint-Elie  Journaliste
7, rue Androuet
75018 Paris
Mail: luc at saint-elie.com
Tel : 08 70 73 20 28
Mob : 06 12 90 19 65

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