[wp-hackers] Limiting # of posts when a category is viewed?

Luc Saint-Elie luc at saint-elie.com
Sun Jun 20 21:01:59 UTC 2004

At 12:15 -0700 20/06/04, Rich Manalang wrote:
>Another solution is condensing the size of an entry to x-number of 
>words when viewed in a date or category archive.  I wrote a plugin 
>to do just that.  Look here ->


I just tried it and this is a good approach.. I adopted it :-)

A suggestion :

At the en d of the condensed text you may want to add a link to the full text.

I KNOW.. the title of the message is the link, but with a little bit 
of text juts behind the title it's not obvious at first glance that 
there is more to read.

Congratulation for this plug in..


Luc Saint-Elie  Journaliste
7, rue Androuet
75018 Paris
Mail: luc at saint-elie.com
Tel : 08 70 73 20 28
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