[wp-hackers] Wordpress User Authentication

Alex King alex at alexking.org
Fri Jun 18 19:38:33 UTC 2004

LDAP may be the way to go for this, though I'm not sure how many places 
offer an LDAP server or how hard it is to install/configure.

There is a GPL class here:


There is an example class here:


The only real "gotcha" with using LDAP is PHP must be compiled "with 
LDAP", but it's the right tool for the job.

Does anyone have experience using LDAP in PHP?



On Jun 18, 2004, at 1:16 PM, Alex wrote:

> I'd be curious if there was an API hook for this (I don't see one).
> It'd be nice to be able to include one PHP file from WP that had API
> access. So, you could run a function like
> check_user_auth($user, $pass);
> within a seperate non-WP script. This increases exposure of the
> scripts to exploit, so might be done carefully. (Mainly for shared
> hosting...if the script was able to be read/executed by another user -
> eg, a shard apache1.3 hosting environment, then it could be brute
> forced).
> Such a feature would be best disabled by default. Or, have some type
> of key issuance for remote scripts. Similar to amazon or google's
> APIs. You are given a randomly generated key, and you put that in your
> scripts. Otherwise, your [external] scripts can't utilize the API.
> Just a few ideas there.
> Alex
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Brian Groce <wp at briangroce.com>
> Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 14:03:25 -0500
> Subject: [wp-hackers] Wordpress User Authentication
> To: hackers at wordpress.org
> Have any of you used the Wordpress user
> authentication either outside of Wordpress and/or on other Wordpress
> blogs on the same server?
> What I'm wanting to do is create a single-signon for both of these
> scenarios...one table of users, not multiple tables for each area.
> Separate tables for the rest of the data is fine.
> This is somewhat similar to "multiple blogs", but with the
> addition of being able to protect other non-blog areas (for example a
> calendar).
> Anyway, just throwing this out there to see if anyone else is doing 
> this
> sort of thing before I go and try to hack away at it.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> http://briangroce.com
> noname - 1K Download
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