[wp-hackers] $single

Hadley Wickham h.wickham at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Jun 16 06:23:57 UTC 2004

> Query string syntax is a very convinent way to pass arguments to complex 
> functions without having a thousand arguments. (See some of the link 
> functions.) parse_str() makes this incredibly easy.

Yeah, but I was hoping for something a bit more like

$postsquery->setCategory("general", "exciting")
$posts = $postsquery->getMatching()

Why is this an advantage?

Well, I think it's a bit more obvious what's happening than $post = 
get_posts("m=10&c[]=general&c[]=exciting") (or whatever the query string 
would actually be).

It's easy to add new ways of filtering the data without thinking how 
they would fit into the query string.   eg. 
$postquery->setStatus("drafts") (and thus you could reuse the code for 
retrieving stuff for the admin interface)

Maintenance would be a bit easier because you'll have lots of small 
methods instead of one huge one.

(Not that I'm complaining or anything :P )


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