[wp-hackers] For those who don't subscribe to the wp docs mailing list:

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 18:04:25 UTC 2004

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 13:40:08 -0400, Mark Jaquith
<mark.wordpress at txfx.net> wrote:
> ...  Part of the problem is that there
> is sparse documentation, and the Wiki isn't very user friendly.  I think
> that it would be good to start developing a comprehensive user manual
> and FAQ database once most of the major changes to 1.3 CVS have been
> finalized.  Personally, I'd like the get/echo function issue resolved
> before such documentation was started.

There are works in progress, Maybe you, as well as others could add to
that, and flesh it out. Not all of wordpress changes with each
version, so let's keep adding the non-ephemeral stuff to the
UserManual and the FAQ.

With regards to the UserManual, the FAQ effort, we could use some volunteers.

Podz added half the stuff in the FAQ, I added most of the other half.
If someone is interested and can add stuff to the FAQ, they can
contact me, and their efforts will not go unnoticed.

I tired of writing the UserManual after a bit, having had to convert a
portion of what I wrote thrice to three different formats, but I am
sure that when I have some latitude w.r.t. school work, I will get
back to finishing it. Updating it for every release should be easy
compared to fleshing it out. Even if it is not, I am sure we can
upgrade it, with each release.


When nothing is done, nothing is left undone -- 老子 Lǎozi

University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net

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