[wp-hackers] Images, images, EVERYWHERE!

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Thu Jul 29 13:04:26 UTC 2004

> I've seen plugins that need an /image folder...some call for 
> it at the root, 
> others want to use the /wp-images folder and still others 
> want wp-content/images Can we PLEASE have ONE image folder? 
> Please? It's ridiculous having to edit every plugin to change 
> the path to a single image 
> folder, which is what I do, but we lusers shouldn't have to do that.

I look at the wp-images directory as a home for images used by
WordPress.  User content shouldn't be in here, but it seems reasonable
if a plugin wants to use this directory to hold images that the plugin
requires itself.  Are you suggesting that all plugins use this folder
for images required by the plugin (not user content)?

Concerning user files, I don't feel good about WordPress managing my
file-based content.  Its capabilities are insufficient for this purpose,
since it lacks nearly every practical file management function.  As
such, whether a plugin uses the upload directory setting in WordPress to
hold user content is immaterial to me since I imagine that whatever
settings I need to set for the plugin will override those in WordPress


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