[wp-hackers] echo and return

Kitty kitty at mookitty.co.uk
Mon Jul 26 10:01:38 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 11:13 +0200, Brian Meidell wrote:
> Hi hackers,
> I had a short and confusing discussion with Mookitty and Matt on the irc 
> channel today, and I wanted to pick it up here.
thanks, love ya bunches too! ;)

Basically, I think all functions should return, and be left to be echoed
via <?php echo the_function() ?>, and I never mentioned shorthand tags
at all, just that it should be up to the file that's being served to
echo the return value. 

But, if that's not to be, my second choice would be to see all functions
goto a 'url' style of passing params:
<?php the_function('echo=true&hot=dog') ?> (some do this already) so
that param order doesn't matter, it's all split up by 'parse' anyways.
Another nice thing about this would be that users modding index.php
wouldn't have to worry about param order, which would make everyone's
life easier.

Obviously this would be a monster of a project, and would be something
to work on after 1.3 stabilises.
Kitty <kitty at mookitty.co.uk>
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