[wp-hackers] WP Plugin site.

Henning Seljenes henning.seljenes at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 20:12:04 UTC 2004

"No files will be mirrored (if indeed mirroring does occur) without the express
consent of the authors. I'd prefer a GPG-signed email, for example, with this
indicated for the sake of documentation."

I don't think it should go as far as a GPG-signed email. I, myself,
will be creating a few plugins, but I have no idea what a GPG signed
message is or how I can create one. As long as you have an e-mail from
the author and attach a full copy of the headers it should be fine.

"I know diddly about GPL, but because WP would never integrate into its core a
non-GPL batch of code, I'd prefer that all the plugins be released under GPL
too, but this is not a show stopper. I'll worry more about that in a while."

According to the GPL any plugin released for Wordpress must be
released under the GPL or GPL-compatible (LGPL/BSD) type licence.

-- Henning

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 12:38:17 -0700, Craig Hartel <milquetoast at telus.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Keep the ideas coming. As a user, and not a
> hacker, I'd just like to make a couple of comments for the benefit of those who
> only recently came on the list and may not have had the time to read through all
> of the archives as yet.
> While the plugin site is intended to be a resource site, its focus will be on
> the users, who, as we all know, range from squeaky-clean newbies to the Mountain
> Dew-addicted hard-core programmers. My intention is to try and balance the
> scale, which will be a challenge.
> No files will be mirrored (if indeed mirroring does occur) without the express
> consent of the authors. I'd prefer a GPG-signed email, for example, with this
> indicated for the sake of documentation.
> I know diddly about GPL, but because WP would never integrate into its core a
> non-GPL batch of code, I'd prefer that all the plugins be released under GPL
> too, but this is not a show stopper. I'll worry more about that in a while.
> Simple is good. Lots of good information is essential to help users make a
> decision about which flavour of plugin to use for a particular purpose. The onus
> for this will be on the dogged-determination of the site admin to hassle the
> crap out of the author for this until this is satisfied. :)
> I don't wish any site visitor to be overwhelmed when they visit the site. I
> would rather start simply, and then get feedback from the visitors about what
> they want as well.
> Authors will always be credited. That being said, I hope that they will in turn
> credit those that helped them or credit any code which they are using from other
> sources. Links will be to the page of choice of the author, which I assume will
> be their home page. I think that this is important to allow users the
> opportunity to use PayPal or other methods to donate to the author.
> For those who don't know me, I'm a USER! I'm not a hacker, so I will rely on you
> folks for technical help, but I will also butt heads with you as well. :)
> Keep the ideas coming, as they are all appreciated.
> Craig.

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