[wp-hackers] Plugin Site

Craig Hartel milquetoast at telus.net
Sat Jul 17 02:08:54 UTC 2004

Guys and gals,

All great feedback, and I have read everything with great interest and with the 
respect due to your many talents, abilities, and experiences.

Here are a few of my specific thoughts which may or may not raise some more 
comments and suggestions:

This site is for users. It's not for hackers. What I mean by that, is that my 
plans are to serve the community's needs first and foremost. The needs of the 
authors will be accommodated to the very best of my abilities, but they are 
secondary to the user needs.

I will not host anything that is not expressly permitted by any author.

Links to authors will be a link to the site, or specific section dealing with 
the plugin. It will not be a link to a download. Many sites have Google AdSense, 
and PayPal opportunities, and I believe that every author is entitled to expect 
that any user of their work might help out by click-throughs or direct donations.

The structure of the new Mozilla updates site was mentioned, and I do like some 
aspects of that idea.

I see no reason why authors could not have donation links on the wp-plugin site. 
I'm not sure of the logistics of such a thing, but perhaps a link to their 
donation link might be a plausible alternative.

I don't really want the site to be a support site in the sense of the current 
wp.org support forums. Rather, I would be more agreeable to provide a way of 
sending feedback to the authors from the site, as well as providing a link to 
the wp.org support site and / or the WP Wiki.

I'd like the site to be a nice clean design. I don't want to overwhelm visitors 
with a myriad of things that are irrelevant to their experience.

A listing would contain information on the purpose of the plugin, at least a 
screen shot, a link or two to a working example or demo, a link to the author's 
site, the license under which it is provided, and the date of publishing. Maybe 
someone can create a plugin that will allow authors to pingback to the site when 
they post an update and any new information can be posted automagically on the 
plugin site.

Just some thoughts. All are open for discussion and debate. I'd rather do this 
right from the start than make a mess of it and have users and authors not 
bother with the site at all.


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