[wp-hackers] Mass Edit [Category Changes]

Tara Star tellme at climbtothestars.org
Mon Jul 12 22:25:43 UTC 2004

David House wrote:

> How about an entire new interface, 'Mass Category Edit Mode' or something? Then
> we could have the checkbox list, and one post loaded at a time. A list of posts
> (showing only titles) would run down the side, allowing the user to load any of
> these posts. Once loaded, the checkboxes would show the current categories and
> the user could change this at will, and then click a 'Change categories' below.
> So, like this:
> (checkbox list:)
> -cat1
> -cat2
>   -subcat
> -cat3

Here is my solution:


I've fixed it now and it actually seems to work! Tests and feedback, 
suggestions and opinions most welcome.

Steph aka bunny

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