[wp-hackers] Mass Edit [Category Changes]

Rich Manalang rich at manalang.com
Mon Jul 12 03:40:29 UTC 2004

How about listing out the categories a post belongs to as a comma 
delimited list and have a link or button that pops up a small window 
with all of the categories as checkboxes (similar to the current edit page).

Here's an example:

<a>Sample post 1</a>
<a>Edit</a> | <a>Delete</a>
Filed under: Category A, Category B, Category C, Category D | 
<a>Re-assign categories</a>
<a>Sample post 2</a>
<a>Edit</a> | <a>Delete</a>
Filed under: Category A, Category D | <a>Re-assign categories</a>
<a>Sample post 3</a>
<a>Edit</a> | <a>Delete</a>
Filed under: Category A, Category C, Category D | <a>Re-assign 

You get the point.

- Rich

Shelley Powers wrote:

>Wow -- that could get pretty ugly if you have a lot of categories,
>like I do. Might be better just to have a mass edit page for posts
>that have no category, a dropdown showing all, and then allow a person
>to select one. Later on they can refine and do the many category
>On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 19:22:04 -0500, Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
>>Shelley Powers wrote:
>>>So the question is: how would you deal with category in a mass edit page?
>>I would use the checkbox method the sidebar currently does but edit the
>>CSS so instead of up and down they sit next to each other.
>>Matt Mullenweg
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