{SPAM 62%} Re: [wp-hackers] Plug In Specs, Best Practice, FAQs?

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Thu Jul 1 15:29:37 UTC 2004

> Yeah, I thought that would go without saying.  And you should 
> follow the developers guidelines set forth over here: 
> http://wordpress.org/docs/developer/coding-style/

Drat.  Anyone know of a (free) tool that'll convert Allman style braces
in PHP to K&R?

My wife convinced me that Allman was the way to go, and I've been using
that instead of K&R only to find now that K&R is preferred.  That's the
last time I listen to her about programming anything, BS in CS or no.

-Running on 2.5 hours of sleep and 14 hours of hacked WP code.

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