{SPAM 55%} RE: [wp-hackers] rewrite_rules filter

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Thu Jul 1 04:31:06 UTC 2004

> > To this end, will there be a handy way to change the filename to which
> the
> > rewrite config is saved?  IIS_rewrite uses "http.ini".
> Sure, if someone who cares about IIS writes a handy way. :-)
> Does http.ini use # to identify comments?  If not, then that difference
> must be accounted for.

It does use # for comments.  Question marks in the rewrite rule target
(second parameter to RewriteRule) need to be escaped, "\$".  The flags I use
are [I,U], but that might be different.  Those are the only differences I
recall currently.

Docs are at http://www.isapirewrite.com/docs/ 

(Sorry - IIS vs. IASPI, same diff.)


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