[wp-hackers] Spam results

Christoph Rummel bronski at bronski.net
Sat Dec 4 14:29:11 UTC 2004

On 4. Dez 2004, at 02:32, Matt Mullenweg wrote:
> I'm curious what spam methods are working best for everyone? I see
> lots of comments people saying they're using something but not many
> saying what's working. Namely, what would be the best methods to roll
> in? Obviously something like captcha doesn't fit the WP philosophy,
> but some of the other approaches (scoring comments, better management
> of floods, auto-closing) I think could be very effective even when
> mass-deployed. Thoughts?

I'm using the built-in feature that puts all comments by people (i.e.
email addresses) who hade written previously approved comments right
through and everything else into moderation.

I Have to admit though that I don't have a big comment spam problem,
but no comment spam has gotten through since.

| Christoph Rummel
| http://bronski.net/

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