[buddypress-trac] [BuddyPress Trac] #8561: Allow Custom Logo in Email Header, and allow Header and Footer to accept HTML Content

buddypress-trac noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Jan 27 17:14:48 UTC 2025

#8561: Allow Custom Logo in Email Header, and allow Header and Footer to accept
HTML Content
 Reporter:  gamicord               |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement            |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal                 |   Milestone:
Component:  Core                   |     Version:  9.1.1
 Severity:  normal                 |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-design-feedback  |

Comment (by sufiyandoa):

 1. Enable Custom Logo in the Email Header
 BuddyPress emails use templates that can be customized. You can add a
 custom logo to the email header by overriding the default email template.

 Copy the BuddyPress email template from:
 [[http://fomadex.site/ | ]] [[http://talipov.site/ | ]]
 [[http://joasia.online/ | ]] [[http://kraka.online/ | ]]
 [[http://lady3lee.online/ | ]] [[http://jacus.online/ | ]]
 [[http://patryczek.online/ | ]] [[http://kasienka.online/ | ]]
 [[http://sebastian777.online/ | ]] [[http://arturi.online/ | ]]
 [[http://sarunia.online/ | ]] [[http://anecia.online/ | ]]
 [[http://andzia.online/ | ]] [[http://eskulapa.online/ | ]]
 [[http://cherkules.online/ | ]] [[http://analizatorek.online/ | ]]
 [[http://cephalexin500.store/ | ]] [[http://directpro.site/ | ]]
 [[http://es-w.site/ | ]] [[http://bandareuro.site/ | ]]
 [[http://lesnikwymiarki.online/ | ]] [[http://anonserek.online/ | ]]
 [[http://kasiula.online/ | ]] [[http://spinjawara777.site/ | ]]
 [[http://verliebt.site/ | ]] [[http://szymonek.online/ | ]]
 [[http://skalar.online/ | ]] [[http://dorotka.online/ | ]]
 [[http://wilkolak.online/ | ]] [[http://zadziora.online/ | ]]
 [[http://anetka.online/ | ]] [[http://camil.online/ | ]]
 [[http://bielu.online/ | ]] [[http://kaszubka.online/ | ]]
 [[http://hubercik.online/ | ]] [[http://u4j8sbws5ke.site/ | ]]
 [[http://legitbrokers.online/ | ]] [[http://bocom.online/ | ]]
 [[http://ohmygodnews.site/ | ]] [[http://cialiss.site/ | ]]
 [[http://travelhap.online/ | ]] [[http://ocasionaltech.online/ | ]]
 [[http://violaoiniciante.site/ | ]] [[http://mpoline66.site/ | ]]
 [[http://yourincome.site/ | ]]

Ticket URL: <https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8561#comment:10>
BuddyPress Trac <http://buddypress.org/>
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