[bbDev] Installation of this Forum
steagl at people.it
Tue Nov 1 17:10:56 GMT 2005
Il Tue, 1 Nov 2005 16:07:29 +0100, "Ivan Yakimenko"
<ip.yakimenko at lkpg.visit.se> scrive:
>A bit more polite, how?
I wans't rude, just pointed out that asking more polite make people
more likely to answer.
>This forum thing is not working and he is rude.
Have you notice at:
that states:
Currently, bbPress is alpha software. If you appreciate what that
means, what follows is its installation procedure.
An exaample of politeness is to lear how to quote messages when you
answer, replaying puttin all the preious messagess full of mailing
list signature etc it's not polite and make people have hard time to
read stuff. If you are to much busy to clean up messages before
answering maybe we are to much busy to read them.
Stefano Aglietti - StallonIt on IRCnet - ICQ#: 2078431
Email: steagl at people.it - steagl at despammed.com
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