[bbDev] editing tables to complete installation
Pablo Viojo
pviojo at gmail.com
Mon May 23 12:54:28 GMT 2005
Dear Carlos,
I think you shouldn't have any problems if you set the user_type=1 (as you
have done). Anyway you can chage the password to be sure that's not the
problem. All you got to do is change the value at the password field to
somethign you want (ie: ' mysecretpassword' ) and choose MD5 as function (at
the left of the field), update your record, and ready to login with that
password (Should ;) )
I've installed bbpress a month ago but now I haven't an installation to test
this, so maybe something I've said is wrong, but that's the idea, I think.
Best Regards, greetings from Uruguay
Pablo Viojo
2005/5/23, Carlos Bilbao <carlosbilbaoar at yahoo.es>:
> Hi, I´m trying to install bbpress on my ftp but i´m a
> newbie usisng phpMyadmin, so now i´m in the last point
> of the installation, but without any idea on how to
> make it work. I think it should be a matter of working
> with tables. I followed podz´s bbpress installation
> manual
> (http://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/bbpressX/install/)
> on every step, but in the end, when it comes to login
> with my admin nick and pass, it doesn´t run at all.
> So i can´t get off this f***ing login page!! XD
> It says (podz´s manual) that i have to edit the
> bb_user table on phpMyadmin to switch the user_style
> to the variable choosen from template-function.php. I
> choosed 0 (cause i dont understand wich number is
> better...), so i changed it to 1, so i get this on
> phpMyadmin "Filas afectadas: 1
> consulta SQL:
> UPDATE `bb_users` SET `user_type` = '1' WHERE
> `user_id` = '1' LIMIT 1 ;
> "
> But every time i try to log in with my emailed
> password , i just get the same login page...
> Any tip? It`d be great if any of you could explain me
> this step in a more simple way...
> By the way, greetings from Madrid, Spain!!
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Pablo Viojo
pviojo at gmail.com
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