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<title>[Tests][1238] trunk/tests/functions.php: better test for wp_unique_filename() fixes #23699</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/1238/tests">1238</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>joehoyle</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2013-03-06 17:41:20 +0000 (Wed, 06 Mar 2013)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>better test for wp_unique_filename() fixes <a href="http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23699">#23699</a></pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunktestsfunctionsphp">trunk/tests/functions.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunktestsfunctionsphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/tests/functions.php (1237 => 1238)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/tests/functions.php        2013-03-05 18:24:08 UTC (rev 1237)
+++ trunk/tests/functions.php        2013-03-06 17:41:20 UTC (rev 1238)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -98,118 +98,37 @@
</span><span class="cx">                         $this->assertFalse( path_is_absolute($path), "path_is_absolute('$path') should return false" );
</span><span class="cx">         }
</span><span class="cx">
</del><span class="cx">         function test_wp_unique_filename() {
</span><del>-                /* this test requires:
-                 - that you have dir + file 'data/images/test-image.png',
-                 - and that this dir is writeable
-                 - there is an image 'test-image.png' that will be used to test unique filenames
-                 NB: there is a hardcoded dependency that the testing file is '.png'; however,
-                 this limitation is arbitary, so change it if you like.
-                */
</ins><span class="cx">                 $testdir = DIR_TESTDATA . '/images/';
</span><del>-                $testimg = 'test-image.png';
-                $this->assertTrue( file_exists($testdir) );
-                $this->assertTrue( is_writable($testdir) );
-                $this->assertTrue( file_exists($testdir . $testimg) );
+                // sanity check
+                $this->assertEquals( 'abcdefg.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'abcdefg.png' ), 'Sanitiy check failed' );
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-                $cases = array(
-                        // null case
-                        'null' . $testimg,
</del><ins>+                // check number is appended for file already exists
+                $this->assertFileExists( $testdir . 'test-image.png', 'Test image does not exist' );
+                $this->assertEquals( 'test-image1.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'test-image.png' ), 'Number not appended correctly' );
+                $this->assertFileNotExists( $testdir . 'test-image1.png' );
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-                        // edge cases: '.png', 'abc.', 'abc', 'abc0', 'abc1', 'abc0.png', 'abc1.png' (num @ end)
-                        '.png',
-                        'abc',
-                        'abc.',
-                        'abc0',
-                        'abc1',
-                        'abc0.png',
-                        'abc1.png',
</del><ins>+                // check special chars
+                $this->assertEquals( 'testtést-imagé.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'testtést-imagé.png' ), 'Filename with special chars failed' );
+                // check special chars with potential conflicting name
+                $this->assertEquals( 'tést-imagé.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'tést-imagé.png' ), 'Filename with special chars failed' );
+                // check with single quotes in name (somehow)
+                $this->assertEquals( "abcdefgh.png", wp_unique_filename( $testdir, "abcdefg'h.png" ), 'File with quote failed' );
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-                        // replacing # with _
-                        str_replace('-', '#', $testimg), // test#image.png
-                        str_replace('-', '##', $testimg), // test##image.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), '#', $testimg), // t#st#imag#.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), '##', $testimg), // t##st##imag##.png
</del><ins>+                // check with single quotes in name (somehow)
+                $this->assertEquals( "abcdefgh.png", wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'abcdefg"h.png' ), 'File with quote failed' );
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-                        // replacing \ or ' with nothing
-                        str_replace('-', '\\', $testimg), // test\image.png
-                        str_replace('-', '\\\\', $testimg), // test\\image.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), '\\', $testimg), // t\st\imag\.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), '\\\\', $testimg), // t\\st\\imag\\.png
-                        str_replace('-', "'", $testimg), // test'image.png
-                        str_replace('-', "'", $testimg), // test''image.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), "'", $testimg), // t'st'imag'.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), "''", $testimg), // t''st''imag''.png
-                        str_replace('-', "\'", $testimg), // test\'image.png
-                        str_replace('-', "\'\'", $testimg), // test\'\'image.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), "\'", $testimg), // t\'st\'imag\'.png
-                        str_replace(array('-', 'e'), "\'\'", $testimg), // t\'\'st\'\'imag\'\'.png
-                        'test' . str_replace('e', 'é', $testimg), // testtést-imagé.png
-                        '12%af34567890~!@#$..%^&*()|_+qwerty fgh`jkl zx<>?:"{}[]="\'/?.png', // kitchen sink
-                        $testdir.'test-image-with-path.png',
-                );
-                // what we expect the replacements will do
-                $expected = array(
-                                'null' . $testimg,
-                                'png',
-                                'abc',
-                                'abc',
-                                'abc0',
-                                'abc1',
-                                'abc0.png',
-                                'abc1.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'testimage.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'tstimag.png',
-                                'testtést-imagé.png',
-                                '12%af34567890@..%^_+qwerty-fghjkl-zx.png',
-                                str_replace( array( '\\', '/', ':' ), '', $testdir ).'test-image-with-path.png',
-                        );
-                foreach ($cases as $key => $case) {
-                        // make sure expected file doesn't exist already
-                        // happens when tests fail and the unlinking doesn't happen
-                        if( $expected[$key] !== $testimg && file_exists($testdir . $expected[$key]) )
-                                unlink($testdir . $expected[$key]);
-                        // -- TEST 1: the replacement is as expected
-                        $this->assertEquals( $expected[$key], wp_unique_filename($testdir, $case, NULL), $case );
-                        // -- end TEST 1
-                        // -- TEST 2: the renaming will produce a unique name
-                        // create the expected file
-                        copy($testdir . $testimg, $testdir . $expected[$key]);
-                        // test that wp_unique_filename actually returns a unique filename
-                        $this->assertFileNotExists( $testdir . wp_unique_filename($testdir, $case, NULL) );
-                        // -- end TEST 2
-                        // cleanup
-                        if( $expected[$key] !== $testimg && file_exists($testdir . $expected[$key]) )
-                                unlink($testdir . $expected[$key]);
-                }
</del><ins>+                // test crazy name (useful for regression tests)
+                $this->assertEquals( '12%af34567890@..%^_+qwerty-fghjkl-zx.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, '12%af34567890#~!@#$..%^&*()|_+qwerty fgh`jkl zx<>?:"{}[]="\'/?.png' ), 'Failed crazy file name' );
+                // test slashes in names
+                $this->assertEquals( 'abcdefg.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'abcde\fg.png' ), 'Slash not removed' );
+                $this->assertEquals( 'abcdefg.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'abcde\\fg.png' ), 'Double slashed not removed' );
+                $this->assertEquals( 'abcdefg.png', wp_unique_filename( $testdir, 'abcde\\\fg.png' ), 'Tripple slashed not removed' );
</ins><span class="cx">         }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx">         /**