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<title>[554] wp-testcase/test-xmlrpc-api/test_wp_getPost.php: XMLRPC: First pass test cases for wp.getPost</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://unit-tests.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/554">554</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>maxcutler</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2012-02-26 15:44:25 +0000 (Sun, 26 Feb 2012)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>XMLRPC: First pass test cases for wp.getPost</pre>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#wptestcasetestxmlrpcapitest_wp_getPostphp">wp-testcase/test-xmlrpc-api/test_wp_getPost.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="wptestcasetestxmlrpcapitest_wp_getPostphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: wp-testcase/test-xmlrpc-api/test_wp_getPost.php (0 => 554)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- wp-testcase/test-xmlrpc-api/test_wp_getPost.php         (rev 0)
+++ wp-testcase/test-xmlrpc-api/test_wp_getPost.php        2012-02-26 15:44:25 UTC (rev 554)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+class TestXMLRPCServer_wp_getPost extends WPXMLRPCServerTestCase {
+        var $post_data;
+        var $post_id;
+        var $post_date_ts;
+        function setUp() {
+                parent::setUp();
+                $this->post_date_ts = strtotime( '+1 day' );
+                $this->post_data = array(
+                        'post_title' => rand_str(),
+                        'post_content' => rand_str( 2000 ),
+                        'post_excerpt' => rand_str( 100 ),
+                        'post_author' => get_user_by( 'login', 'author' )->ID,
+                        'post_date' => strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $this->post_date_ts ),
+                );
+                $this->post_id = wp_insert_post( $this->post_data );
+        }
+        function tearDown() {
+                parent::tearDown();
+                wp_delete_post( $this->post_id );
+        }
+        function test_invalid_username_password() {
+                $result = $this->myxmlrpcserver->wp_getPost( array( 1, 'username', 'password' ) );
+                $this->assertInstanceOf( 'IXR_Error', $result );
+                $this->assertEquals( 403, $result->code );
+        }
+        function test_valid_post() {
+                $fields = array( 'post' );
+                $result = $this->myxmlrpcserver->wp_getPost( array( 1, 'author', 'author', $this->post_id, $fields ) );
+                $this->assertNotInstanceOf( 'IXR_Error', $result );
+                // Check data types
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_id'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_title'] );
+                $this->assertInstanceOf( 'IXR_Date', $result['post_date'] );
+                $this->assertInstanceOf( 'IXR_Date', $result['post_date_gmt'] );
+                $this->assertInstanceOf( 'IXR_Date', $result['post_modified'] );
+                $this->assertInstanceOf( 'IXR_Date', $result['post_modified_gmt'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_status'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_type'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_name'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_author'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_password'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_excerpt'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_content'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['link'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['comment_status'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['ping_status'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'bool', $result['sticky'] );
+                $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $result['post_format'] );
+                // Check expected values
+                $this->assertStringMatchesFormat( '%d', $result['post_id'] );
+                $this->assertEquals( $this->post_data['post_title'], $result['post_title'] );
+                $this->assertEquals( $this->post_date_ts, $result['post_date']->getTimestamp() );
+                $this->assertEquals( mktime( 0,0,0,0,0,0 ), $result['post_date_gmt']->getTimestamp() );
+                $this->assertEquals( 'draft', $result['post_status'] );
+                $this->assertEquals( 'post', $result['post_type'] );
+                $this->assertStringMatchesFormat( '%d', $result['post_author'] );
+                $this->assertEquals( $this->post_data['post_excerpt'], $result['post_excerpt'] );
+                $this->assertEquals( $this->post_data['post_content'], $result['post_content'] );
+                $this->assertEquals( url_to_postid( $result['link'] ), $this->post_id );
+        }
+        function test_no_fields() {
+                $fields = array();
+                $result = $this->myxmlrpcserver->wp_getPost( array( 1, 'author', 'author', $this->post_id, $fields ) );
+                $this->assertNotInstanceOf( 'IXR_Error', $result );
+                // when no fields are requested, only the IDs should be returned
+                $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $result ) );
+                $this->assertEquals( array( 'post_id' ), array_keys( $result ) );
+        }
+        function test_default_fields() {
+                $result = $this->myxmlrpcserver->wp_getPost( array( 1, 'author', 'author', $this->post_id ) );
+                $this->assertNotInstanceOf( 'IXR_Error', $result );
+                $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'post_id', $result );
+                $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'link', $result ); // random field from 'posts' group
+                $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'terms', $result );
+                $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'custom_fields', $result );
+        }