[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #37661: A New Experience for Discovering, Installing, and Previewing Themes in the Customizer

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Fri Nov 4 02:24:41 UTC 2016

#37661: A New Experience for Discovering, Installing, and Previewing Themes in the
 Reporter:  celloexpressions         |       Owner:  westonruter
     Type:  feature request          |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  high                     |   Milestone:  4.7
Component:  Customize                |     Version:  4.2
 Severity:  normal                   |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch has-           |     Focuses:  ui, accessibility,
  screenshots needs-testing has-     |  javascript
  user-testing has-ux-feedback       |

Comment (by folletto):

 > a ticket listing exactly what you'd like to be able to query on and the
 combinations of those, and we can get the needed support in place.

 Thank you! I don't know enough of the technical details about .org's API
 nor the conventions, so I can only speak from a more abstract point of
 view. I don't know if there's a ticket either.

 I can probably give some indication on a draft that is a bit abstract on
 the actual endpoint, which then will probably need someone more technical
 to get into details:

 1. textual search and filters can happen at the same time (i.e. I should
 be able to type "wedding" and select Grid Layout + Latest + Sticky Post)
 2. switching any of the filters — "Installed" included — should preserve
 all the other settings
 3. it should be fast (sub-100ms) to allow dynamic search
 4. Optional wish: there should be an extra API to provide relevant auto-
 complete guesses for text searches (fast too, even faster)

 I'd note that the ability to filter when switching across "Installed"
 (local) themes and "All" / "Featured" / "Popular" / "Latest"  (and all the
 other filters) might not be an API issue but a customizer issue. I don't
 know enough details there.

 A request searching for "coffee shop" in "Latest" with filters "Grid
 Layout" + "Sticky Post" + "Blog" could be like:


 Or if we want to have multiple taxonomies instead of unique keys across


 We can probably review WordPress·com API if it helps in getting some
 guidance, as if I recall correctly the two were very close.

 Also: I would design the API to be identically implemented as a REST WP-
 API interface, so it would be available out of the box on all installs.
 While this doesn't have to be developed at the same time (even if would be
 probably ideal) the API design should be designed to conform and be able
 to be built there properly.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/37661#comment:118>
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