[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #23825: Demand to disable plugins in order to create a network doesn't make sense

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Mar 20 11:02:37 UTC 2013

#23825: Demand to disable plugins in order to create a network doesn't make sense
 Reporter:  mark-k           |       Type:  defect (bug)
   Status:  new              |   Priority:  normal
Milestone:  Awaiting Review  |  Component:  Network Admin
  Version:  3.0              |   Severity:  normal
 Keywords:                   |
 1. have some plugins active on a stand alone WP
 2. add define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); to wp-config.php
 3. go to "tools" >> "Network Setup" and you get a "Warning: Please
 deactivate your plugins before enabling the Network feature."
 4. you have to disable the plugins in order to continue the process

 And I have to ask why? This doesn't make sense for the following reasons
 1. Why plugins and not themes? any "bad" code that can be in a plugin can
 also be in a theme.

 2. If the plugins provide essential functionality, then my site will stop
 behaving as expected. This basically will put the site in maintenance
 mode, so why not to do it automatically in the code to be able to get
 faster in and out of this mode?

 3. Did it ever happened that a plugin ruined a network install?

 At the least this should be treated as a warning and not as an error, i.e.
 the text get displayed but the user can continue with the process if he
 decides to ignore the warning.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23825>
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