[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #9907: Upload directory in miscellaneous settings wrongly defined

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Sat May 8 17:43:42 UTC 2010

#9907: Upload directory in miscellaneous settings wrongly defined
 Reporter:  kreativdienst  |       Owner:             
     Type:  defect (bug)   |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:  3.0        
Component:  Media          |     Version:  2.8        
 Severity:  minor          |    Keywords:  needs-patch

Comment(by gazouteast):

 Looking at Ryan's first reply "The upload path is set to wp-content by
 default when safe mode prevents us from creating the uploads subdir."

 Surely that is the error right there?  Why is the /uploads/ directory not
 part of the distro in order that it uploads automatically at install?

 Doing it that way, you could set a basic hierarchy for the different media
 types from minute one =

 PLace a "sample" file in each upload folder type to prevent the issue that
 some ftp systems will not transfer empty files and folders, and the whole
 issue is solved regarding initial creation and safemode or not.

 Then a tweak to the wp-admin/settings/miscellaneous page layout and php
 file, and the whole issue is wrapped up except for adding the extra paths
 to wp-config.php

 If I knew how to write up the patches and stuff to meet required standards
 and procedures, I'd take the ticket and create the patch, unfortunately I
 don't and so can only pass along my thoughts.


 p.s. You've got this as a minor bug - back when WP 2.5 was released, this
 foxed me for well over a week.  My thinking then was that this was no
 minor bug, it was extremely MAJOR for live-news sites like the one of mine
 that it most affected.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/9907#comment:8>
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