[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #7577: Make sure URLs are all lowercase

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Sat Aug 23 02:39:21 GMT 2008

#7577: Make sure URLs are all lowercase
 Reporter:  Viper007Bond  |       Owner:  anonymous  
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  2.7        
Component:  Optimization  |     Version:  2.6.1      
 Severity:  normal        |    Keywords:  needs-patch
 WordPress' URLs are case insensitive. We should enforce just one case

 For example, both of these URLs work and display the same content even
 though they are different URLs:

 http://www.viper007bond.com/tests/ [[BR]]

Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7577>
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