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<title>[57563] trunk: Interactivity API: Integrate Server Directive Processing</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta" style="font-size: 105%">
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Revision</dt> <dd><a style="font-weight: bold" href="https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/57563">57563</a><script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"EmailMessage","description":"Review this Commit","action":{"@type":"ViewAction","url":"https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/57563","name":"Review Commit"}}</script></dd>
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Author</dt> <dd>gziolo</dd>
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Date</dt> <dd>2024-02-08 09:11:43 +0000 (Thu, 08 Feb 2024)</dd>
<pre style='padding-left: 1em; margin: 2em 0; border-left: 2px solid #ccc; line-height: 1.25; font-size: 105%; font-family: sans-serif'>Interactivity API: Integrate Server Directive Processing
The Interactivity API enables WordPress developers to create dynamic and interactive web experiences with ease using a set of special HTML attributes called directives. Please refer to the [Interactivity API proposal](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2023/03/30/proposal-the-interactivity-api-a-better-developer-experience-in-building-interactive-blocks/) for further details.
It syncs the changes from the Gutenberg plugin: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/58066.
Fixes <a href="https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/60356">#60356</a>.
Props luisherranz, jonsurrell, swissspidy, westonruter, gziolo.</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkcomposerjson">trunk/composer.json</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiphp">trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunksrcwpsettingsphp">trunk/src/wp-settings.php</a></li>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiclasswpinteractivityapidirectivesprocessorphp">trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api-directives-processor.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiclasswpinteractivityapiphp">trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiinteractivityapiphp">trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiinteractivityapiphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpbindphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-bind.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpclassphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-class.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpcontextphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-context.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpeachphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-each.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpinteractivephp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-interactive.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwprouterregionphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-router-region.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpstylephp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-style.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwptextphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-text.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessorphp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessor.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkcomposerjson"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Modified: trunk/composer.json</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/composer.json 2024-02-08 08:55:18 UTC (rev 57562)
+++ trunk/composer.json 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> "issues": "https://core.trac.wordpress.org/"
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> },
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> "require": {
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+ "ext-json": "*",
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> "php": ">=7.0"
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> },
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> "suggest": {
<a id="trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiclasswpinteractivityapidirectivesprocessorphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api-directives-processor.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api-directives-processor.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api-directives-processor.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Interactivity API: WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ * Class used to iterate over the tags of an HTML string and help process the
+ * directive attributes.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @access private
+ */
+final class WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor extends WP_HTML_Tag_Processor {
+ /**
+ * List of tags whose closer tag is not visited by the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ * @var string[]
+ */
+ 'STYLE',
+ 'TITLE',
+ 'XMP',
+ );
+ /**
+ * Returns the content between two balanced template tags.
+ *
+ * It positions the cursor in the closer tag of the balanced template tag,
+ * if it exists.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @return string|null The content between the current opener template tag and its matching closer tag or null if it
+ * doesn't find the matching closing tag or the current tag is not a template opener tag.
+ */
+ public function get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() {
+ if ( 'TEMPLATE' !== $this->get_tag() ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $positions = $this->get_after_opener_tag_and_before_closer_tag_positions();
+ if ( ! $positions ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ list( $after_opener_tag, $before_closer_tag ) = $positions;
+ return substr( $this->html, $after_opener_tag, $before_closer_tag - $after_opener_tag );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the content between two balanced tags.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @param string $new_content The string to replace the content between the matching tags.
+ * @return bool Whether the content was successfully replaced.
+ */
+ public function set_content_between_balanced_tags( string $new_content ): bool {
+ $positions = $this->get_after_opener_tag_and_before_closer_tag_positions( true );
+ if ( ! $positions ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ list( $after_opener_tag, $before_closer_tag ) = $positions;
+ $this->lexical_updates[] = new WP_HTML_Text_Replacement(
+ $after_opener_tag,
+ $before_closer_tag - $after_opener_tag,
+ esc_html( $new_content )
+ );
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends content after the closing tag of a template tag.
+ *
+ * It positions the cursor in the closer tag of the balanced template tag,
+ * if it exists.
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @param string $new_content The string to append after the closing template tag.
+ * @return bool Whether the content was successfully appended.
+ */
+ public function append_content_after_template_tag_closer( string $new_content ): bool {
+ if ( empty( $new_content ) || 'TEMPLATE' !== $this->get_tag() || ! $this->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Flushes any changes.
+ $this->get_updated_html();
+ $bookmark = 'append_content_after_template_tag_closer';
+ $this->set_bookmark( $bookmark );
+ $after_closing_tag = $this->bookmarks[ $bookmark ]->start + $this->bookmarks[ $bookmark ]->length + 1;
+ $this->release_bookmark( $bookmark );
+ // Appends the new content.
+ $this->lexical_updates[] = new WP_HTML_Text_Replacement( $after_closing_tag, 0, $new_content );
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the positions right after the opener tag and right before the closer
+ * tag in a balanced tag.
+ *
+ * By default, it positions the cursor in the closer tag of the balanced tag.
+ * If $rewind is true, it seeks back to the opener tag.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @param bool $rewind Optional. Whether to seek back to the opener tag after finding the positions. Defaults to false.
+ * @return array|null Start and end byte position, or null when no balanced tag bookmarks.
+ */
+ private function get_after_opener_tag_and_before_closer_tag_positions( bool $rewind = false ) {
+ // Flushes any changes.
+ $this->get_updated_html();
+ $bookmarks = $this->get_balanced_tag_bookmarks();
+ if ( ! $bookmarks ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ list( $opener_tag, $closer_tag ) = $bookmarks;
+ $after_opener_tag = $this->bookmarks[ $opener_tag ]->start + $this->bookmarks[ $opener_tag ]->length + 1;
+ $before_closer_tag = $this->bookmarks[ $closer_tag ]->start;
+ if ( $rewind ) {
+ $this->seek( $opener_tag );
+ }
+ $this->release_bookmark( $opener_tag );
+ $this->release_bookmark( $closer_tag );
+ return array( $after_opener_tag, $before_closer_tag );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a pair of bookmarks for the current opener tag and the matching
+ * closer tag.
+ *
+ * It positions the cursor in the closer tag of the balanced tag, if it
+ * exists.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @return array|null A pair of bookmarks, or null if there's no matching closing tag.
+ */
+ private function get_balanced_tag_bookmarks() {
+ static $i = 0;
+ $opener_tag = 'opener_tag_of_balanced_tag_' . ++$i;
+ $this->set_bookmark( $opener_tag );
+ if ( ! $this->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() ) {
+ $this->release_bookmark( $opener_tag );
+ return null;
+ }
+ $closer_tag = 'closer_tag_of_balanced_tag_' . ++$i;
+ $this->set_bookmark( $closer_tag );
+ return array( $opener_tag, $closer_tag );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the matching closing tag for an opening tag.
+ *
+ * When called while the processor is on an open tag, it traverses the HTML
+ * until it finds the matching closer tag, respecting any in-between content,
+ * including nested tags of the same name. Returns false when called on a
+ * closer tag, a tag that doesn't have a closer tag (void), a tag that
+ * doesn't visit the closer tag, or if no matching closing tag was found.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @return bool Whether a matching closing tag was found.
+ */
+ public function next_balanced_tag_closer_tag(): bool {
+ $depth = 0;
+ $tag_name = $this->get_tag();
+ if ( ! $this->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while ( $this->next_tag(
+ array(
+ 'tag_name' => $tag_name,
+ 'tag_closers' => 'visit',
+ )
+ ) ) {
+ if ( ! $this->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ ++$depth;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( 0 === $depth ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ --$depth;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the current tag has and will visit its matching closer tag.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @return bool Whether the current tag has a closer tag.
+ */
+ public function has_and_visits_its_closer_tag(): bool {
+ $tag_name = $this->get_tag();
+ return null !== $tag_name && (
+ ! WP_HTML_Processor::is_void( $tag_name ) &&
+ ! in_array( $tag_name, self::TAGS_THAT_DONT_VISIT_CLOSER_TAG, true )
+ );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api-directives-processor.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiclasswpinteractivityapiphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Interactivity API: WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ * Class used to process the Interactivity API on the server.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+final class WP_Interactivity_API {
+ /**
+ * Holds the mapping of directive attribute names to their processor methods.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private static $directive_processors = array(
+ 'data-wp-interactive' => 'data_wp_interactive_processor',
+ 'data-wp-router-region' => 'data_wp_router_region_processor',
+ 'data-wp-context' => 'data_wp_context_processor',
+ 'data-wp-bind' => 'data_wp_bind_processor',
+ 'data-wp-class' => 'data_wp_class_processor',
+ 'data-wp-style' => 'data_wp_style_processor',
+ 'data-wp-text' => 'data_wp_text_processor',
+ /*
+ * `data-wp-each` needs to be processed in the last place because it moves
+ * the cursor to the end of the processed items to prevent them to be
+ * processed twice.
+ */
+ 'data-wp-each' => 'data_wp_each_processor',
+ );
+ /**
+ * Holds the initial state of the different Interactivity API stores.
+ *
+ * This state is used during the server directive processing. Then, it is
+ * serialized and sent to the client as part of the interactivity data to be
+ * recovered during the hydration of the client interactivity stores.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $state_data = array();
+ /**
+ * Holds the configuration required by the different Interactivity API stores.
+ *
+ * This configuration is serialized and sent to the client as part of the
+ * interactivity data and can be accessed by the client interactivity stores.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $config_data = array();
+ /**
+ * Flag that indicates whether the `data-wp-router-region` directive has
+ * been found in the HTML and processed.
+ *
+ * The value is saved in a private property of the WP_Interactivity_API
+ * instance instead of using a static variable inside the processor
+ * function, which would hold the same value for all instances
+ * independently of whether they have processed any
+ * `data-wp-router-region` directive or not.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ private $has_processed_router_region = false;
+ /**
+ * Gets and/or sets the initial state of an Interactivity API store for a
+ * given namespace.
+ *
+ * If state for that store namespace already exists, it merges the new
+ * provided state with the existing one.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $store_namespace The unique store namespace identifier.
+ * @param array $state Optional. The array that will be merged with the existing state for the specified
+ * store namespace.
+ * @return array The current state for the specified store namespace. This will be the updated state if a $state
+ * argument was provided.
+ */
+ public function state( string $store_namespace, array $state = array() ): array {
+ if ( ! isset( $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ] ) ) {
+ $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ] = array();
+ }
+ if ( is_array( $state ) ) {
+ $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ] = array_replace_recursive(
+ $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ],
+ $state
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets and/or sets the configuration of the Interactivity API for a given
+ * store namespace.
+ *
+ * If configuration for that store namespace exists, it merges the new
+ * provided configuration with the existing one.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $store_namespace The unique store namespace identifier.
+ * @param array $config Optional. The array that will be merged with the existing configuration for the
+ * specified store namespace.
+ * @return array The configuration for the specified store namespace. This will be the updated configuration if a
+ * $config argument was provided.
+ */
+ public function config( string $store_namespace, array $config = array() ): array {
+ if ( ! isset( $this->config_data[ $store_namespace ] ) ) {
+ $this->config_data[ $store_namespace ] = array();
+ }
+ if ( is_array( $config ) ) {
+ $this->config_data[ $store_namespace ] = array_replace_recursive(
+ $this->config_data[ $store_namespace ],
+ $config
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->config_data[ $store_namespace ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints the serialized client-side interactivity data.
+ *
+ * Encodes the config and initial state into JSON and prints them inside a
+ * script tag of type "application/json". Once in the browser, the state will
+ * be parsed and used to hydrate the client-side interactivity stores and the
+ * configuration will be available using a `getConfig` utility.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ public function print_client_interactivity_data() {
+ $store = array();
+ $has_state = ! empty( $this->state_data );
+ $has_config = ! empty( $this->config_data );
+ if ( $has_state || $has_config ) {
+ if ( $has_config ) {
+ $store['config'] = $this->config_data;
+ }
+ if ( $has_state ) {
+ $store['state'] = $this->state_data;
+ }
+ wp_print_inline_script_tag(
+ wp_json_encode(
+ $store,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'application/json',
+ 'id' => 'wp-interactivity-data',
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Registers the `@wordpress/interactivity` script modules.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ public function register_script_modules() {
+ $suffix = wp_scripts_get_suffix();
+ wp_register_script_module(
+ '@wordpress/interactivity',
+ includes_url( "js/dist/interactivity$suffix.js" )
+ );
+ wp_register_script_module(
+ '@wordpress/interactivity-router',
+ includes_url( "js/dist/interactivity-router$suffix.js" ),
+ array( '@wordpress/interactivity' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the necessary hooks for the Interactivity API.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ public function add_hooks() {
+ add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'register_script_modules' ) );
+ add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'print_client_interactivity_data' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the interactivity directives contained within the HTML content
+ * and updates the markup accordingly.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML content to process.
+ * @return string The processed HTML content. It returns the original content when the HTML contains unbalanced tags.
+ */
+ public function process_directives( string $html ): string {
+ $context_stack = array();
+ $namespace_stack = array();
+ $result = $this->process_directives_args( $html, $context_stack, $namespace_stack );
+ return null === $result ? $html : $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the interactivity directives contained within the HTML content
+ * and updates the markup accordingly.
+ *
+ * It needs the context and namespace stacks to be passed by reference, and
+ * it returns null if the HTML contains unbalanced tags.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML content to process.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the array used to keep track of contexts during processing.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the array used to manage namespaces during processing.
+ * @return string|null The processed HTML content. It returns null when the HTML contains unbalanced tags.
+ */
+ private function process_directives_args( string $html, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $html );
+ $tag_stack = array();
+ $unbalanced = false;
+ $directive_processor_prefixes = array_keys( self::$directive_processors );
+ $directive_processor_prefixes_reversed = array_reverse( $directive_processor_prefixes );
+ while ( $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ) ) {
+ $tag_name = $p->get_tag();
+ if ( 'SVG' === $tag_name || 'MATH' === $tag_name ) {
+ $unbalanced = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ list( $opening_tag_name, $directives_prefixes ) = end( $tag_stack );
+ if ( 0 === count( $tag_stack ) || $opening_tag_name !== $tag_name ) {
+ /*
+ * If the tag stack is empty or the matching opening tag is not the
+ * same than the closing tag, it means the HTML is unbalanced and it
+ * stops processing it.
+ */
+ $unbalanced = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // Remove the last tag from the stack.
+ array_pop( $tag_stack );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( 0 !== count( $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-wp-each-child' ) ) ) {
+ /*
+ * If the tag has a `data-wp-each-child` directive, jump to its closer
+ * tag because those tags have already been processed.
+ */
+ $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag();
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ $directives_prefixes = array();
+ // Checks if there is a server directive processor registered for each directive.
+ foreach ( $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-wp-' ) as $attribute_name ) {
+ list( $directive_prefix ) = $this->extract_prefix_and_suffix( $attribute_name );
+ if ( array_key_exists( $directive_prefix, self::$directive_processors ) ) {
+ $directives_prefixes[] = $directive_prefix;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If this tag will visit its closer tag, it adds it to the tag stack
+ * so it can process its closing tag and check for unbalanced tags.
+ */
+ if ( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() ) {
+ $tag_stack[] = array( $tag_name, $directives_prefixes );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the matching opener tag didn't have any directives, it can skip the
+ * processing.
+ */
+ if ( 0 === count( $directives_prefixes ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sorts the attributes by the order of the `directives_processor` array
+ * and checks what directives are present in this element. The processing
+ * order is reversed for tag closers.
+ */
+ $directives_prefixes = array_intersect(
+ $p->is_tag_closer()
+ ? $directive_processor_prefixes_reversed
+ : $directive_processor_prefixes,
+ $directives_prefixes
+ );
+ // Executes the directive processors present in this element.
+ foreach ( $directives_prefixes as $directive_prefix ) {
+ $func = is_array( self::$directive_processors[ $directive_prefix ] )
+ ? self::$directive_processors[ $directive_prefix ]
+ : array( $this, self::$directive_processors[ $directive_prefix ] );
+ call_user_func_array(
+ $func,
+ array( $p, &$context_stack, &$namespace_stack, &$tag_stack )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * It returns null if the HTML is unbalanced because unbalanced HTML is
+ * not safe to process. In that case, the Interactivity API runtime will
+ * update the HTML on the client side during the hydration.
+ */
+ return $unbalanced || 0 < count( $tag_stack ) ? null : $p->get_updated_html();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates the reference path passed to a directive based on the current
+ * store namespace, state and context.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string|true $directive_value The directive attribute value string or `true` when it's a boolean attribute.
+ * @param string $default_namespace The default namespace to use if none is explicitly defined in the directive
+ * value.
+ * @param array|false $context The current context for evaluating the directive or false if there is no
+ * context.
+ * @return mixed|null The result of the evaluation. Null if the reference path doesn't exist.
+ */
+ private function evaluate( $directive_value, string $default_namespace, $context = false ) {
+ list( $ns, $path ) = $this->extract_directive_value( $directive_value, $default_namespace );
+ if ( empty( $path ) ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $store = array(
+ 'state' => $this->state_data[ $ns ] ?? array(),
+ 'context' => $context[ $ns ] ?? array(),
+ );
+ // Checks if the reference path is preceded by a negation operator (!).
+ $should_negate_value = '!' === $path[0];
+ $path = $should_negate_value ? substr( $path, 1 ) : $path;
+ // Extracts the value from the store using the reference path.
+ $path_segments = explode( '.', $path );
+ $current = $store;
+ foreach ( $path_segments as $path_segment ) {
+ if ( isset( $current[ $path_segment ] ) ) {
+ $current = $current[ $path_segment ];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns the opposite if it contains a negation operator (!).
+ return $should_negate_value ? ! $current : $current;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts the directive attribute name to separate and return the directive
+ * prefix and an optional suffix.
+ *
+ * The suffix is the string after the first double hyphen and the prefix is
+ * everything that comes before the suffix.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * extract_prefix_and_suffix( 'data-wp-interactive' ) => array( 'data-wp-interactive', null )
+ * extract_prefix_and_suffix( 'data-wp-bind--src' ) => array( 'data-wp-bind', 'src' )
+ * extract_prefix_and_suffix( 'data-wp-foo--and--bar' ) => array( 'data-wp-foo', 'and--bar' )
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $directive_name The directive attribute name.
+ * @return array An array containing the directive prefix and optional suffix.
+ */
+ private function extract_prefix_and_suffix( string $directive_name ): array {
+ return explode( '--', $directive_name, 2 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses and extracts the namespace and reference path from the given
+ * directive attribute value.
+ *
+ * If the value doesn't contain an explicit namespace, it returns the
+ * default one. If the value contains a JSON object instead of a reference
+ * path, the function tries to parse it and return the resulting array. If
+ * the value contains strings that represent booleans ("true" and "false"),
+ * numbers ("1" and "1.2") or "null", the function also transform them to
+ * regular booleans, numbers and `null`.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * extract_directive_value( 'actions.foo', 'myPlugin' ) => array( 'myPlugin', 'actions.foo' )
+ * extract_directive_value( 'otherPlugin::actions.foo', 'myPlugin' ) => array( 'otherPlugin', 'actions.foo' )
+ * extract_directive_value( '{ "isOpen": false }', 'myPlugin' ) => array( 'myPlugin', array( 'isOpen' => false ) )
+ * extract_directive_value( 'otherPlugin::{ "isOpen": false }', 'myPlugin' ) => array( 'otherPlugin', array( 'isOpen' => false ) )
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string|true $directive_value The directive attribute value. It can be `true` when it's a boolean
+ * attribute.
+ * @param string|null $default_namespace Optional. The default namespace if none is explicitly defined.
+ * @return array An array containing the namespace in the first item and the JSON, the reference path, or null on the
+ * second item.
+ */
+ private function extract_directive_value( $directive_value, $default_namespace = null ): array {
+ if ( empty( $directive_value ) || is_bool( $directive_value ) ) {
+ return array( $default_namespace, null );
+ }
+ // Replaces the value and namespace if there is a namespace in the value.
+ if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^([\w\-_\/]+)::./', $directive_value ) ) {
+ list($default_namespace, $directive_value) = explode( '::', $directive_value, 2 );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Tries to decode the value as a JSON object. If it fails and the value
+ * isn't `null`, it returns the value as it is. Otherwise, it returns the
+ * decoded JSON or null for the string `null`.
+ */
+ $decoded_json = json_decode( $directive_value, true );
+ if ( null !== $decoded_json || 'null' === $directive_value ) {
+ $directive_value = $decoded_json;
+ }
+ return array( $default_namespace, $directive_value );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Transforms a kebab-case string to camelCase.
+ *
+ * @param string $str The kebab-case string to transform to camelCase.
+ * @return string The transformed camelCase string.
+ */
+ private function kebab_to_camel_case( string $str ): string {
+ return lcfirst(
+ preg_replace_callback(
+ '/(-)([a-z])/',
+ function ( $matches ) {
+ return strtoupper( $matches[2] );
+ },
+ strtolower( rtrim( $str, '-' ) )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-interactive` directive.
+ *
+ * It adds the default store namespace defined in the directive value to the
+ * stack so that it's available for the nested interactivity elements.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_interactive_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ // In closing tags, it removes the last namespace from the stack.
+ if ( $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ array_pop( $namespace_stack );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Tries to decode the `data-wp-interactive` attribute value.
+ $attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( 'data-wp-interactive' );
+ /*
+ * Pushes the newly defined namespace or the current one if the
+ * `data-wp-interactive` definition was invalid or does not contain a
+ * namespace. It does so because the function pops out the current namespace
+ * from the stack whenever it finds a `data-wp-interactive`'s closing tag,
+ * independently of whether the previous `data-wp-interactive` definition
+ * contained a valid namespace.
+ */
+ $new_namespace = null;
+ if ( is_string( $attribute_value ) && ! empty( $attribute_value ) ) {
+ $decoded_json = json_decode( $attribute_value, true );
+ if ( is_array( $decoded_json ) ) {
+ $new_namespace = $decoded_json['namespace'] ?? null;
+ } else {
+ $new_namespace = $attribute_value;
+ }
+ }
+ $namespace_stack[] = ( $new_namespace && 1 === preg_match( '/^([\w\-_\/]+)/', $new_namespace ) )
+ ? $new_namespace
+ : end( $namespace_stack );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-context` directive.
+ *
+ * It adds the context defined in the directive value to the stack so that
+ * it's available for the nested interactivity elements.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_context_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ // In closing tags, it removes the last context from the stack.
+ if ( $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ array_pop( $context_stack );
+ return;
+ }
+ $attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( 'data-wp-context' );
+ $namespace_value = end( $namespace_stack );
+ // Separates the namespace from the context JSON object.
+ list( $namespace_value, $decoded_json ) = is_string( $attribute_value ) && ! empty( $attribute_value )
+ ? $this->extract_directive_value( $attribute_value, $namespace_value )
+ : array( $namespace_value, null );
+ /*
+ * If there is a namespace, it adds a new context to the stack merging the
+ * previous context with the new one.
+ */
+ if ( is_string( $namespace_value ) ) {
+ $context_stack[] = array_replace_recursive(
+ end( $context_stack ) !== false ? end( $context_stack ) : array(),
+ array( $namespace_value => is_array( $decoded_json ) ? $decoded_json : array() )
+ );
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * If there is no namespace, it pushes the current context to the stack.
+ * It needs to do so because the function pops out the current context
+ * from the stack whenever it finds a `data-wp-context`'s closing tag.
+ */
+ $context_stack[] = end( $context_stack );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-bind` directive.
+ *
+ * It updates or removes the bound attributes based on the evaluation of its
+ * associated reference.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_bind_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ $all_bind_directives = $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-wp-bind--' );
+ foreach ( $all_bind_directives as $attribute_name ) {
+ list( , $bound_attribute ) = $this->extract_prefix_and_suffix( $attribute_name );
+ if ( empty( $bound_attribute ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( $attribute_name );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( $attribute_value, end( $namespace_stack ), end( $context_stack ) );
+ if ( null !== $result && ( false !== $result || '-' === $bound_attribute[4] ) ) {
+ /*
+ * If the result of the evaluation is a boolean and the attribute is
+ * `aria-` or `data-, convert it to a string "true" or "false". It
+ * follows the exact same logic as Preact because it needs to
+ * replicate what Preact will later do in the client:
+ * https://github.com/preactjs/preact/blob/ea49f7a0f9d1ff2c98c0bdd66aa0cbc583055246/src/diff/props.js#L131C24-L136
+ */
+ if ( is_bool( $result ) && '-' === $bound_attribute[4] ) {
+ $result = $result ? 'true' : 'false';
+ }
+ $p->set_attribute( $bound_attribute, $result );
+ } else {
+ $p->remove_attribute( $bound_attribute );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-class` directive.
+ *
+ * It adds or removes CSS classes in the current HTML element based on the
+ * evaluation of its associated references.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_class_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ $all_class_directives = $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-wp-class--' );
+ foreach ( $all_class_directives as $attribute_name ) {
+ list( , $class_name ) = $this->extract_prefix_and_suffix( $attribute_name );
+ if ( empty( $class_name ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( $attribute_name );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( $attribute_value, end( $namespace_stack ), end( $context_stack ) );
+ if ( $result ) {
+ $p->add_class( $class_name );
+ } else {
+ $p->remove_class( $class_name );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-style` directive.
+ *
+ * It updates the style attribute value of the current HTML element based on
+ * the evaluation of its associated references.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_style_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ $all_style_attributes = $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-wp-style--' );
+ foreach ( $all_style_attributes as $attribute_name ) {
+ list( , $style_property ) = $this->extract_prefix_and_suffix( $attribute_name );
+ if ( empty( $style_property ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $directive_attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( $attribute_name );
+ $style_property_value = $this->evaluate( $directive_attribute_value, end( $namespace_stack ), end( $context_stack ) );
+ $style_attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( 'style' );
+ $style_attribute_value = ( $style_attribute_value && ! is_bool( $style_attribute_value ) ) ? $style_attribute_value : '';
+ /*
+ * Checks first if the style property is not falsy and the style
+ * attribute value is not empty because if it is, it doesn't need to
+ * update the attribute value.
+ */
+ if ( $style_property_value || $style_attribute_value ) {
+ $style_attribute_value = $this->merge_style_property( $style_attribute_value, $style_property, $style_property_value );
+ /*
+ * If the style attribute value is not empty, it sets it. Otherwise,
+ * it removes it.
+ */
+ if ( ! empty( $style_attribute_value ) ) {
+ $p->set_attribute( 'style', $style_attribute_value );
+ } else {
+ $p->remove_attribute( 'style' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Merges an individual style property in the `style` attribute of an HTML
+ * element, updating or removing the property when necessary.
+ *
+ * If a property is modified, the old one is removed and the new one is added
+ * at the end of the list.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * merge_style_property( 'color:green;', 'color', 'red' ) => 'color:red;'
+ * merge_style_property( 'background:green;', 'color', 'red' ) => 'background:green;color:red;'
+ * merge_style_property( 'color:green;', 'color', null ) => ''
+ *
+ * @param string $style_attribute_value The current style attribute value.
+ * @param string $style_property_name The style property name to set.
+ * @param string|false|null $style_property_value The value to set for the style property. With false, null or an
+ * empty string, it removes the style property.
+ * @return string The new style attribute value after the specified property has been added, updated or removed.
+ */
+ private function merge_style_property( string $style_attribute_value, string $style_property_name, $style_property_value ): string {
+ $style_assignments = explode( ';', $style_attribute_value );
+ $result = array();
+ $style_property_value = ! empty( $style_property_value ) ? rtrim( trim( $style_property_value ), ';' ) : null;
+ $new_style_property = $style_property_value ? $style_property_name . ':' . $style_property_value . ';' : '';
+ // Generates an array with all the properties but the modified one.
+ foreach ( $style_assignments as $style_assignment ) {
+ if ( empty( trim( $style_assignment ) ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ list( $name, $value ) = explode( ':', $style_assignment );
+ if ( trim( $name ) !== $style_property_name ) {
+ $result[] = trim( $name ) . ':' . trim( $value ) . ';';
+ }
+ }
+ // Adds the new/modified property at the end of the list.
+ $result[] = $new_style_property;
+ return implode( '', $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-text` directive.
+ *
+ * It updates the inner content of the current HTML element based on the
+ * evaluation of its associated reference.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_text_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ $attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( 'data-wp-text' );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( $attribute_value, end( $namespace_stack ), end( $context_stack ) );
+ /*
+ * Follows the same logic as Preact in the client and only changes the
+ * content if the value is a string or a number. Otherwise, it removes the
+ * content.
+ */
+ if ( is_string( $result ) || is_numeric( $result ) ) {
+ $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( esc_html( $result ) );
+ } else {
+ $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( '' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the CSS styles for animating the top loading bar in the router.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @return string The CSS styles for the router's top loading bar animation.
+ */
+ private function get_router_animation_styles(): string {
+ return <<<CSS
+ .wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 100vw;
+ max-width: 100vw !important;
+ height: 4px;
+ background-color: #000;
+ opacity: 0
+ }
+ .wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar.start-animation {
+ animation: wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar-start-animation 30s cubic-bezier(0.03, 0.5, 0, 1) forwards
+ }
+ .wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar.finish-animation {
+ animation: wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar-finish-animation 300ms ease-in
+ }
+ @keyframes wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar-start-animation {
+ 0% { transform: scaleX(0); transform-origin: 0 0; opacity: 1 }
+ 100% { transform: scaleX(1); transform-origin: 0 0; opacity: 1 }
+ }
+ @keyframes wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar-finish-animation {
+ 0% { opacity: 1 }
+ 50% { opacity: 1 }
+ 100% { opacity: 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Outputs the markup for the top loading indicator and the screen reader
+ * notifications during client-side navigations.
+ *
+ * This method prints a div element representing a loading bar visible during
+ * navigation, as well as an aria-live region that can be read by screen
+ * readers to announce navigation status.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ public function print_router_loading_and_screen_reader_markup() {
+ echo <<<HTML
+ <div
+ class="wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar"
+ data-wp-interactive='{"namespace":"core/router"}'
+ data-wp-class--start-animation="state.navigation.hasStarted"
+ data-wp-class--finish-animation="state.navigation.hasFinished"
+ ></div>
+ <div
+ class="screen-reader-text"
+ aria-live="polite"
+ data-wp-interactive='{"namespace":"core/router"}'
+ data-wp-text="state.navigation.message"
+ ></div>
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-router-region` directive.
+ *
+ * It renders in the footer a set of HTML elements to notify users about
+ * client-side navigations. More concretely, the elements added are 1) a
+ * top loading bar to visually inform that a navigation is in progress
+ * and 2) an `aria-live` region for accessible navigation announcements.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_router_region_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() && ! $this->has_processed_router_region ) {
+ $this->has_processed_router_region = true;
+ // Initialize the `core/router` store.
+ $this->state(
+ 'core/router',
+ array(
+ 'navigation' => array(
+ 'texts' => array(
+ 'loading' => __( 'Loading page, please wait.' ),
+ 'loaded' => __( 'Page Loaded.' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ // Enqueues as an inline style.
+ wp_register_style( 'wp-interactivity-router-animations', false );
+ wp_add_inline_style( 'wp-interactivity-router-animations', $this->get_router_animation_styles() );
+ wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-interactivity-router-animations' );
+ // Adds the necessary markup to the footer.
+ add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'print_router_loading_and_screen_reader_markup' ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the `data-wp-each` directive.
+ *
+ * This directive gets an array passed as reference and iterates over it
+ * generating new content for each item based on the inner markup of the
+ * `template` tag.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p The directives processor instance.
+ * @param array $context_stack The reference to the context stack.
+ * @param array $namespace_stack The reference to the store namespace stack.
+ * @param array $tag_stack The reference to the tag stack.
+ */
+ private function data_wp_each_processor( WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor $p, array &$context_stack, array &$namespace_stack, array &$tag_stack ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() && 'TEMPLATE' === $p->get_tag() ) {
+ $attribute_name = $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-wp-each' )[0];
+ $extracted_suffix = $this->extract_prefix_and_suffix( $attribute_name );
+ $item_name = isset( $extracted_suffix[1] ) ? $this->kebab_to_camel_case( $extracted_suffix[1] ) : 'item';
+ $attribute_value = $p->get_attribute( $attribute_name );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( $attribute_value, end( $namespace_stack ), end( $context_stack ) );
+ // Gets the content between the template tags and leaves the cursor in the closer tag.
+ $inner_content = $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags();
+ // Checks if there is a manual server-side directive processing.
+ $template_end = 'data-wp-each: template end';
+ $p->set_bookmark( $template_end );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $manual_sdp = $p->get_attribute( 'data-wp-each-child' );
+ $p->seek( $template_end ); // Rewinds to the template closer tag.
+ $p->release_bookmark( $template_end );
+ /*
+ * It doesn't process in these situations:
+ * - Manual server-side directive processing.
+ * - Empty or non-array values.
+ * - Associative arrays because those are deserialized as objects in JS.
+ * - Templates that contain top-level texts because those texts can't be
+ * identified and removed in the client.
+ */
+ if (
+ $manual_sdp ||
+ empty( $result ) ||
+ ! is_array( $result ) ||
+ ! array_is_list( $result ) ||
+ ! str_starts_with( trim( $inner_content ), '<' ) ||
+ ! str_ends_with( trim( $inner_content ), '>' )
+ ) {
+ array_pop( $tag_stack );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Extracts the namespace from the directive attribute value.
+ $namespace_value = end( $namespace_stack );
+ list( $namespace_value ) = is_string( $attribute_value ) && ! empty( $attribute_value )
+ ? $this->extract_directive_value( $attribute_value, $namespace_value )
+ : array( $namespace_value, null );
+ // Processes the inner content for each item of the array.
+ $processed_content = '';
+ foreach ( $result as $item ) {
+ // Creates a new context that includes the current item of the array.
+ $context_stack[] = array_replace_recursive(
+ end( $context_stack ) !== false ? end( $context_stack ) : array(),
+ array( $namespace_value => array( $item_name => $item ) )
+ );
+ // Processes the inner content with the new context.
+ $processed_item = $this->process_directives_args( $inner_content, $context_stack, $namespace_stack );
+ if ( null === $processed_item ) {
+ // If the HTML is unbalanced, stop processing it.
+ array_pop( $context_stack );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Adds the `data-wp-each-child` to each top-level tag.
+ $i = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $processed_item );
+ while ( $i->next_tag() ) {
+ $i->set_attribute( 'data-wp-each-child', true );
+ $i->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag();
+ }
+ $processed_content .= $i->get_updated_html();
+ // Removes the current context from the stack.
+ array_pop( $context_stack );
+ }
+ // Appends the processed content after the tag closer of the template.
+ $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $processed_content );
+ // Pops the last tag because it skipped the closing tag of the template tag.
+ array_pop( $tag_stack );
+ }
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiinteractivityapiphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Interactivity API: Functions and hooks
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ */
+ * Processes the directives on the rendered HTML of the interactive blocks.
+ *
+ * This processes only one root interactive block at a time because the
+ * rendered HTML of that block contains the rendered HTML of all its inner
+ * blocks, including any interactive block. It does so by ignoring all the
+ * interactive inner blocks until the root interactive block is processed.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param array $parsed_block The parsed block.
+ * @return array The same parsed block.
+ */
+function wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks( array $parsed_block ): array {
+ static $root_interactive_block = null;
+ /*
+ * Checks whether a root interactive block is already annotated for
+ * processing, and if it is, it ignores the subsequent ones.
+ */
+ if ( null === $root_interactive_block ) {
+ $block_name = $parsed_block['blockName'];
+ $block_type = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered( $block_name );
+ if (
+ isset( $block_name ) &&
+ ( ( isset( $block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) && true === $block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) ||
+ ( isset( $block_type->supports['interactivity']['interactive'] ) && true === $block_type->supports['interactivity']['interactive'] ) )
+ ) {
+ // Annotates the root interactive block for processing.
+ $root_interactive_block = array( $block_name, $parsed_block );
+ /*
+ * Adds a filter to process the root interactive block once it has
+ * finished rendering.
+ */
+ $process_interactive_blocks = static function ( string $content, array $parsed_block ) use ( &$root_interactive_block, &$process_interactive_blocks ): string {
+ // Checks whether the current block is the root interactive block.
+ list($root_block_name, $root_parsed_block) = $root_interactive_block;
+ if ( $root_block_name === $parsed_block['blockName'] && $parsed_block === $root_parsed_block ) {
+ // The root interactive blocks has finished rendering, process it.
+ $content = wp_interactivity_process_directives( $content );
+ // Removes the filter and reset the root interactive block.
+ remove_filter( 'render_block_' . $parsed_block['blockName'], $process_interactive_blocks );
+ $root_interactive_block = null;
+ }
+ return $content;
+ };
+ /*
+ * Uses a priority of 20 to ensure that other filters can add additional
+ * directives before the processing starts.
+ */
+ add_filter( 'render_block_' . $block_name, $process_interactive_blocks, 20, 2 );
+ }
+ }
+ return $parsed_block;
+add_filter( 'render_block_data', 'wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks' );
+ * Retrieves the main WP_Interactivity_API instance.
+ *
+ * It provides access to the WP_Interactivity_API instance, creating one if it
+ * doesn't exist yet.
+ *
+ * @global WP_Interactivity_API $wp_interactivity
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @return WP_Interactivity_API The main WP_Interactivity_API instance.
+ */
+function wp_interactivity(): WP_Interactivity_API {
+ global $wp_interactivity;
+ if ( ! ( $wp_interactivity instanceof WP_Interactivity_API ) ) {
+ $wp_interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ }
+ return $wp_interactivity;
+ * Processes the interactivity directives contained within the HTML content
+ * and updates the markup accordingly.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML content to process.
+ * @return string The processed HTML content. It returns the original content when the HTML contains unbalanced tags.
+ */
+function wp_interactivity_process_directives( string $html ): string {
+ return wp_interactivity()->process_directives( $html );
+ * Gets and/or sets the initial state of an Interactivity API store for a
+ * given namespace.
+ *
+ * If state for that store namespace already exists, it merges the new
+ * provided state with the existing one.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $store_namespace The unique store namespace identifier.
+ * @param array $state Optional. The array that will be merged with the existing state for the specified
+ * store namespace.
+ * @return array The state for the specified store namespace. This will be the updated state if a $state argument was
+ * provided.
+ */
+function wp_interactivity_state( string $store_namespace, array $state = array() ): array {
+ return wp_interactivity()->state( $store_namespace, $state );
+ * Gets and/or sets the configuration of the Interactivity API for a given
+ * store namespace.
+ *
+ * If configuration for that store namespace exists, it merges the new
+ * provided configuration with the existing one.
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param string $store_namespace The unique store namespace identifier.
+ * @param array $config Optional. The array that will be merged with the existing configuration for the
+ * specified store namespace.
+ * @return array The configuration for the specified store namespace. This will be the updated configuration if a
+ * $config argument was provided.
+ */
+function wp_interactivity_config( string $store_namespace, array $config = array() ): array {
+ return wp_interactivity()->config( $store_namespace, $config );
+ * Generates a `data-wp-context` directive attribute by encoding a context
+ * array.
+ *
+ * This helper function simplifies the creation of `data-wp-context` directives
+ * by providing a way to pass an array of data, which encodes into a JSON string
+ * safe for direct use as a HTML attribute value.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * <div <?php echo data_wp_context( array( 'isOpen' => true, 'count' => 0 ) ); ?>>
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @param array $context The array of context data to encode.
+ * @param string $store_namespace Optional. The unique store namespace identifier.
+ * @return string A complete `data-wp-context` directive with a JSON encoded value representing the context array and
+ * the store namespace if specified.
+ */
+function data_wp_context( array $context, string $store_namespace = '' ): string {
+ return 'data-wp-context=\'' .
+ ( $store_namespace ? $store_namespace . '::' : '' ) .
+ ( empty( $context ) ? '{}' : wp_json_encode( $context, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ) ) .
+ '\'';
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunksrcwpincludesinteractivityapiphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Modified: trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api.php 2024-02-08 08:55:18 UTC (rev 57562)
+++ trunk/src/wp-includes/interactivity-api.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
</span><del style="background-color: #fdd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">-<?php
- * Interactivity API: Functions and hooks
- *
- * @package WordPress
- * @subpackage Interactivity API
- */
- * Registers the interactivity modules.
- */
-function wp_interactivity_register_script_modules() {
- wp_register_script_module(
- '@wordpress/interactivity',
- includes_url( '/js/dist/interactivity.min.js' ),
- array()
- );
- wp_register_script_module(
- '@wordpress/interactivity-router',
- includes_url( '/js/dist/interactivity-router.min.js' ),
- array( '@wordpress/interactivity' )
- );
-add_action( 'init', 'wp_interactivity_register_script_modules' );
<a id="trunksrcwpsettingsphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Modified: trunk/src/wp-settings.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/src/wp-settings.php 2024-02-08 08:55:18 UTC (rev 57562)
+++ trunk/src/wp-settings.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -385,9 +385,12 @@
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/fonts.php';
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-script-modules.php';
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/script-modules.php';
</span><del style="background-color: #fdd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">-require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/interactivity-api.php';
</del><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api.php';
+require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/interactivity-api/class-wp-interactivity-api-directives-processor.php';
+require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php';
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> wp_script_modules()->add_hooks();
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+wp_interactivity()->add_hooks();
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> $GLOBALS['wp_embed'] = new WP_Embed();
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">
<a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiinteractivityapiphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the functionality of the public functions of the
+ * Interactivity API.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_Interactivity_API_Functions extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $interactive_block = array(
+ 'render_callback' => function ( $attributes, $content ) {
+ return '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "block": ' . $attributes['block'] . ' }\'
+ >
+ <input
+ class="interactive/block-' . $attributes['block'] . '"
+ data-wp-bind--value="context.block"
+ >' .
+ $content .
+ '</div>';
+ },
+ 'supports' => array(
+ 'interactivity' => true,
+ ),
+ );
+ register_block_type( 'test/interactive-block', $interactive_block );
+ register_block_type( 'test/interactive-block-2', $interactive_block );
+ register_block_type(
+ 'test/non-interactive-block',
+ array(
+ 'render_callback' => function ( $attributes, $content ) {
+ $directive = isset( $attributes['hasDirective'] ) ? ' data-wp-bind--value="context.block"' : '';
+ return '
+ <div>
+ <input class="non-interactive/block-' . $attributes['block'] . '"' . $directive . '>' .
+ $content .
+ '</div>';
+ },
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tear down.
+ */
+ public function tear_down() {
+ unregister_block_type( 'test/interactive-block' );
+ unregister_block_type( 'test/interactive-block-2' );
+ unregister_block_type( 'test/non-interactive-block' );
+ parent::tear_down();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of a single interactive block.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_single_interactive_block() {
+ $post_content = '<!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 1 } /-->';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-1' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of multiple interactive blocks in parallel along with a
+ * non-interactive block.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_multiple_interactive_blocks_in_paralell() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 1 } /-->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block-2 { "block": 2 } /-->
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 3, "hasDirective": true } /-->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 4 } /-->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-1' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'non-interactive/block-3' ) );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-4' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '4', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of an interactive block inside a non-interactive block.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_interactive_block_inside_non_interactive_block() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 1 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 2 } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/non-interactive-block -->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of multiple interactive blocks nested inside a
+ * non-interactive block.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_multple_interactive_blocks_inside_non_interactive_block() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 1 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 2 } /-->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 3 } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/non-interactive-block -->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-3' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '3', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of a single interactive block directive nested inside
+ * multiple non-interactive blocks.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_interactive_block_inside_multple_non_interactive_block() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 1 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 2 } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/non-interactive-block -->
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 3 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block-2 { "block": 4 } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/non-interactive-block -->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-4' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '4', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of directives for an interactive block containing a
+ * non-interactive block without directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_interactive_block_containing_non_interactive_block_without_directives() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 1 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 2 } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/interactive-block -->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-1' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'non-interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of directives for an interactive block containing a
+ * non-interactive block with directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_interactive_block_containing_non_interactive_block_with_directives() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 1 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 2, "hasDirective": true } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/interactive-block -->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-1' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'non-interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests processing of directives for an interactive block containing nested
+ * interactive and non-interactive blocks, checking proper propagation of
+ * context.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_processs_directives_of_interactive_block_containing_nested_interactive_and_non_interactive_blocks() {
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block { "block": 1 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/interactive-block-2 { "block": 2 } -->
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 3, "hasDirective": true } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/interactive-block-2 -->
+ <!-- wp:test/non-interactive-block { "block": 4, "hasDirective": true } /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/interactive-block -->
+ ';
+ $rendered_blocks = do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $rendered_blocks );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-1' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'interactive/block-2' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'non-interactive/block-3' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'non-interactive/block-4' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'value' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Counter for the number of times the test directive processor is called.
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ private $data_wp_test_processor_count = 0;
+ /**
+ * Test directive processor callback.
+ *
+ * Increments the $data_wp_test_processor_count every time a tag that is not a
+ * tag closer is processed.
+ *
+ * @param WP_HTML_Tag_Processor $p Instance of the processor handling the current HTML tag.
+ */
+ public function data_wp_test_processor( $p ) {
+ if ( ! $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
+ $this->data_wp_test_processor_count = $this->data_wp_test_processor_count + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that directives are only processed once for the root interactive
+ * blocks.
+ *
+ * This ensures that nested blocks do not trigger additional processing of the
+ * same directives, leading to incorrect behavior or performance issues.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_only_process_the_root_interactive_blocks() {
+ $class = new ReflectionClass( 'WP_Interactivity_API' );
+ $directive_processors = $class->getProperty( 'directive_processors' );
+ $directive_processors->setAccessible( true );
+ $old_directive_processors = $directive_processors->getValue();
+ $directive_processors->setValue( null, array( 'data-wp-test' => array( $this, 'data_wp_test_processor' ) ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-test></div>';
+ $this->data_wp_test_processor_count = 0;
+ wp_interactivity_process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 1, $this->data_wp_test_processor_count );
+ register_block_type(
+ 'test/custom-directive-block',
+ array(
+ 'render_callback' => function ( $attributes, $content ) {
+ return '<div class="test" data-wp-test>' . $content . '</div>';
+ },
+ 'supports' => array(
+ 'interactivity' => true,
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ $post_content = '
+ <!-- wp:test/custom-directive-block -->
+ <!-- wp:test/custom-directive-block /-->
+ <!-- /wp:test/custom-directive-block -->
+ ';
+ $this->data_wp_test_processor_count = 0;
+ do_blocks( $post_content );
+ $this->assertEquals( 2, $this->data_wp_test_processor_count );
+ unregister_block_type( 'test/custom-directive-block' );
+ $directive_processors->setValue( null, $old_directive_processors );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that data_wp_context function correctly converts different array
+ * structures to a JSON string.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::data_wp_context
+ */
+ public function test_data_wp_context_with_different_arrays() {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'data-wp-context=\'{}\'', data_wp_context( array() ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'data-wp-context=\'{"a":1,"b":"2","c":true}\'',
+ data_wp_context(
+ array(
+ 'a' => 1,
+ 'b' => '2',
+ 'c' => true,
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'data-wp-context=\'{"a":[1,2]}\'',
+ data_wp_context( array( 'a' => array( 1, 2 ) ) )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'data-wp-context=\'[1,2]\'',
+ data_wp_context( array( 1, 2 ) )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that data_wp_context function correctly converts different array
+ * structures to a JSON string and adds a namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::data_wp_context
+ */
+ public function test_data_wp_context_with_different_arrays_and_a_namespace() {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{}\'', data_wp_context( array(), 'myPlugin' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{"a":1,"b":"2","c":true}\'',
+ data_wp_context(
+ array(
+ 'a' => 1,
+ 'b' => '2',
+ 'c' => true,
+ ),
+ 'myPlugin'
+ )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{"a":[1,2]}\'',
+ data_wp_context( array( 'a' => array( 1, 2 ) ), 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::[1,2]\'',
+ data_wp_context( array( 1, 2 ), 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that data_wp_context function correctly applies the JSON encoding
+ * flags. This ensures that characters like `<`, `>`, `'`, or `&` are
+ * properly escaped in the JSON-encoded string to prevent potential XSS
+ * attacks.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::data_wp_context
+ */
+ public function test_data_wp_context_with_json_flags() {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'data-wp-context=\'{"tag":"\u003Cfoo\u003E"}\'', data_wp_context( array( 'tag' => '<foo>' ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'data-wp-context=\'{"apos":"\u0027bar\u0027"}\'', data_wp_context( array( 'apos' => "'bar'" ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'data-wp-context=\'{"quot":"\u0022baz\u0022"}\'', data_wp_context( array( 'quot' => '"baz"' ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'data-wp-context=\'{"amp":"T\u0026T"}\'', data_wp_context( array( 'amp' => 'T&T' ) ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/interactivity-api.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpbindphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-bind.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-bind.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-bind.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_bind_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Bind extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ $this->interactivity->state(
+ 'myPlugin',
+ array(
+ 'id' => 'some-id',
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'isOpen' => false,
+ 'null' => null,
+ 'trueString' => 'true',
+ 'falseString' => 'false',
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the `process_directives` method of WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML that needs to be processed.
+ * @return array An array containing an instance of the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor and the processed HTML.
+ */
+ private function process_directives( $html ) {
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ return array( $p, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests setting an attribute via `data-wp-bind`.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_sets_attribute() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests replacing an existing attribute via `data-wp-bind`.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_replaces_attribute() {
+ $html = '<div id="other-id" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests setting a numerical value as an attribute via `data-wp-bind`.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_sets_number_value() {
+ $html = '<img data-wp-bind--width="myPlugin::state.width">';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '100', $p->get_attribute( 'width' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that true strings are set properly as attribute values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_sets_true_string() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.trueString">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'true', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div id="true" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.trueString">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that false strings are set properly as attribute values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_sets_false_string() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.falseString">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'false', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div id="false" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.falseString">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-bind` ignores directives with no suffix.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_ignores_empty_bound_attribute() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind="myPlugin::state.id">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-bind` does nothing when referencing non-existent
+ * references.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_doesnt_do_anything_on_non_existent_references() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.nonExistengKey">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-bind` ignores directives with empty values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_ignores_empty_value() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-bind` ignores directives without values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_ignores_without_value() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id>Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-bind` works with multiple instances of the same
+ * directive on a tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_works_with_multiple_same_directives() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-bind` works with multiple instances of different
+ * directives on a tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_works_with_multiple_different_directives() {
+ $html = '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id" data-wp-bind--width="myPlugin::state.width">';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '100', $p->get_attribute( 'width' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests adding boolean attributes to a tag using `data-wp-bind`.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_adds_boolean_attribute_if_true() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->get_attribute( 'hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div hidden data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests replacing a pre-existing boolean attribute on a tag using
+ * `data-wp-bind`.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_replaces_existing_attribute_if_true() {
+ $html = '<div hidden="true" data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->get_attribute( 'hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div hidden data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that boolean attributes are not added when bound to false or null
+ * values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_doesnt_add_boolean_attribute_if_false_or_null() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests removing boolean attributes from a tag using `data-wp-bind` and a
+ * false or null value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_removes_boolean_attribute_if_false_or_null() {
+ $html = '<div hidden data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'hidden' ) );
+ $html = '<div hidden data-wp-bind--hidden="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'hidden' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests adding values to aria or data attributes when the condition evaluates
+ * to true.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_adds_value_if_true_in_aria_or_data_attributes() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'true', $p->get_attribute( 'aria-hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div aria-hidden="true" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'true', $p->get_attribute( 'data-is-closed' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-is-closed="true" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests replacing values in aria or data attributes when the condition
+ * evaluates to true.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_replaces_value_if_true_in_aria_or_data_attributes() {
+ $html = '<div aria-hidden="false" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'true', $p->get_attribute( 'aria-hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div aria-hidden="true" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-is-closed="false" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'true', $p->get_attribute( 'data-is-closed' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-is-closed="true" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::!state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests adding the value 'false' to aria or data attributes when the
+ * condition evaluates to false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_adds_value_if_false_in_aria_or_data_attributes() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'false', $p->get_attribute( 'aria-hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div aria-hidden="false" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'false', $p->get_attribute( 'data-is-closed' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-is-closed="false" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests replacing values in aria or data attributes when the condition
+ * evaluates to false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_replaces_value_if_false_in_aria_or_data_attributes() {
+ $html = '<div aria-hidden="true" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'false', $p->get_attribute( 'aria-hidden' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div aria-hidden="false" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-is-closed="true" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>';
+ list($p, $new_html) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'false', $p->get_attribute( 'data-is-closed' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-is-closed="false" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::state.isOpen">Text</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests removing values from aria or data attributes when the value is null.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_removes_value_if_null_in_aria_or_data_attributes() {
+ $html = '<div aria-hidden="true" data-wp-bind--aria-hidden="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'aria-hidden' ) );
+ $html = '<div data-is-closed="true" data-wp-bind--data-is-closed="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'data-is-closed' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests handling of bindings within nested tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_bind_handles_nested_bindings() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id"><img data-wp-bind--width="myPlugin::state.width"></div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( '100', $p->get_attribute( 'width' ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-bind.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpclassphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-class.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-class.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-class.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_class_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Class extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ $this->interactivity->state(
+ 'myPlugin',
+ array(
+ 'true' => true,
+ 'false' => false,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the `process_directives` method of WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML that needs to be processed.
+ * @return array An array containing an instance of the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor and the processed HTML.
+ */
+ private function process_directives( $html ) {
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ return array( $p, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-class` adds a class when the condition is true.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_sets_class_name() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-class` can add multiple classes based on true
+ * conditions.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_sets_multiple_class_names() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true"
+ data-wp-class--other-class="myPlugin::state.true"
+ >Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class other-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests handling of adding one and not adding another class based on
+ * different boolean values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_handles_multiple_class_names_with_different_values() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true"
+ data-wp-class--other-class="myPlugin::state.false"
+ >Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ class="other-class"
+ data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true"
+ data-wp-class--other-class="myPlugin::state.false"
+ >Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `data-wp-class` adds new classes alongside existing ones.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_sets_class_name_when_class_attribute_exists() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that no class is added when the associated state is false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_doesnt_add_class_attribute_on_false() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that existing class names are preserved when the directive condition
+ * is false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_doesnt_add_class_name_on_false() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that existing class names remain intact when they should be re-added
+ * as per their directive.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_keeps_class_name_when_class_name_exists() {
+ $html = '<div class="some-class" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests preservation of existing class names, even when one is repeated in a
+ * directive that evaluates to true.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_keeps_class_name_when_class_name_exists_and_is_not_the_only_one() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class some-class" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that a class attribute with only one class name is removed when the
+ * directive evaluates to false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_removes_class_attribute_when_class_name_exists_and_is_the_only_one() {
+ $html = '<div class="some-class" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that one of several class names is removed when its directive
+ * evaluates to false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_removes_class_name_when_class_name_exists_and_is_not_the_only_one() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class some-class" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that an empty class attribute is not removed even if a directive
+ * evaluates to false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_doesnt_remove_empty_class_attribute() {
+ $html = '<div class data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the class attribute remains unchanged if the data-wp-class
+ * suffix is empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_doesnt_change_class_attribute_with_empty_directive_suffix() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class" data-wp-class="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the class attribute is not altered if the value of the
+ * `data-wp-class` directive is empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_doesnt_change_class_attribute_with_empty_value() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class" data-wp-class--some-class="">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that an existing class attribute is not affected by a `data-wp-class`
+ * directive without a value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_doesnt_change_class_attribute_without_value() {
+ $html = '<div class="other-class" data-wp-class--some-class>Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that multiple directives for the same class yield the correct result
+ * when the condition is true.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_works_with_multiple_directives() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true" data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests setting class names based on truthy values other than just true
+ * booleans.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_sets_class_name_on_truthy_values() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'text' => 'some text' ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.text">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'array' => array( 1, 2 ) ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.array">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'number' => 1 ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.number">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that class attributes aren't set for falsy values other than just
+ * false booleans.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_class_sets_class_name_on_falsy_values() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'text' => '' ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.text">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'array' => array() ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.array">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'number' => 0 ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.number">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'null' => null ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-class--some-class="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-class.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpcontextphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-context.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-context.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-context.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_context_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Context extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the `process_directives` method of WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML that needs to be processed.
+ * @return array An array containing an instance of the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor and the processed HTML.
+ */
+ private function process_directives( $html ) {
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new_html );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ return array( $p, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive can set a context in a custom
+ * namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_sets_a_context_in_a_custom_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive can set a context in the same
+ * tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_can_set_a_context_in_the_same_tag() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ class="test"
+ data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id" }\'
+ data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id"
+ >
+ Text
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive merges context in the same
+ * custom namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_merges_context_in_the_same_custom_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id1": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id2": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id1">Text</div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id2">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive overwrites context in the same
+ * custom namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_overwrites_context_in_the_same_custom_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive replaces the old context after a
+ * closing tag in the same custom namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_replaces_old_context_after_closing_tag_in_the_same_custom_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive merges context in different
+ * custom namespaces.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_merges_context_in_different_custom_namespaces() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'otherPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="otherPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't throw on malformed
+ * context objects.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_throw_on_malformed_context_objects() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ id: "some-id" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't overwrite context on
+ * malformed context objects.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_overwrite_context_on_malformed_context_objects() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ id: "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't throw on an empty
+ * context object.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_throw_on_empty_context() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context="">
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't overwrite the context on
+ * empty context directive.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_overwrite_context_on_empty_context() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context="">
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't throw on context without
+ * value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_throw_on_context_without_value() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't overwrite context on
+ * context without value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_overwrite_context_on_context_without_value() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive works with multiple directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_works_with_multiple_directives() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id" }\' data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive doesn't work without any
+ * namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_doesnt_work_without_any_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive works with a default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_works_with_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id" }\'
+ >
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive overrides a default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_overrides_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'otherPlugin::{ "id": "some-id" }\'
+ >
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "otherPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive overrides the default namespace
+ * with the same namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_overrides_default_namespace_with_same_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "id": "some-id" }\'
+ >
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive works with nested default
+ * namespaces.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_works_with_nested_default_namespaces() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "otherPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "other-id" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive works with a default namespace
+ * in the same tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_works_with_default_namespace_in_the_same_tag() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ class="test"
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id" }\'
+ data-wp-bind--id="context.id"
+ >
+ Text
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive merges the context in the same
+ * default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_merges_context_in_the_same_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "id1": "some-id-1" }\'
+ >
+ <div data-wp-context=\'{ "id2": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id1">Text</div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id2">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive overwrites context in the same
+ * default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_overwrites_context_in_the_same_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'
+ >
+ <div data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-context` directive replaces the old context after
+ * the closing tag in the same default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_context_directive_replaces_old_context_after_closing_tag_in_the_same_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id-1" }\'
+ >
+ <div data-wp-context=\'{ "id": "some-id-2" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="context.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id-1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-context.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpeachphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-each.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-each.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-each.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_each_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Each extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list' => array( 1, 2 ) ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'after' => 'after-wp-each' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't do anything if it's not on
+ * a template tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_doesnt_do_anything_on_non_template_tags() {
+ $original = '
+ <div data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">
+ <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>
+ </div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $original, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't do anything if the array
+ * is associative instead of indexed.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_doesnt_do_anything_on_associative_arrays() {
+ $this->interactivity->state(
+ 'myPlugin',
+ array(
+ 'assoc' => array(
+ 'one' => 1,
+ 'two' => 2,
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ $original = '
+ <template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.assoc">
+ <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>
+ </template>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $original, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with simple tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_simple_tags() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't do anything if the array is
+ * empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_empty_array() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'empty' => array() ) );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.empty">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.empty">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive merges the item with the previous
+ * context correctly.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_merges_context_correctly() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "item": "New text", "id": "some-id", "after": "after-wp-each" }\'>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id" data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.after" data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">Text</div>' .
+ '</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "item": "New text", "id": "some-id", "after": "after-wp-each" }\'>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id" data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child id="some-id" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id" data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child id="some-id" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.id" data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.after" data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">New text</div>' .
+ '</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with arrays from the context.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_gets_arrays_from_context() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "list": [ 1, 2 ] }\'>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::context.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>' .
+ '</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<div data-wp-context=\'myPlugin::{ "list": [ 1, 2 ] }\'>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::context.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>' .
+ '</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with the default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_default_namespace() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="state.after">Text</div>' .
+ '</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="state.after">Text</div>' .
+ '</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with multiple tags per item.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_multiple_tags_per_item() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with void tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_void_tags() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<img data-wp-each-child id="1" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<img data-wp-each-child id="1" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<img data-wp-each-child id="2" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<img data-wp-each-child id="2" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with combinations of void and
+ * non-void tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_void_and_non_void_tags() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<img data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<img data-wp-each-child id="1" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<img data-wp-each-child id="2" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with nested tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_nested_tags() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ 'id: <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</div>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ 'id: <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</div>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-each-child id="1" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ 'id: <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '</div>' .
+ '<div data-wp-each-child id="2" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ 'id: <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '</div>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with nested item properties.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_nested_item_properties() {
+ $this->interactivity->state(
+ 'myPlugin',
+ array(
+ 'list' => array(
+ array(
+ 'id' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'one',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'id' => 2,
+ 'name' => 'two',
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.id"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.name"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.id"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.name"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.id">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.name">one</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.id">2</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item.name">two</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with different item names.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_different_item_names() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--myitem="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myitem"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--myitem="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myitem"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myitem">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myitem">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive transforms kebab-case into
+ * camelCase.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_different_item_names_transforms_camelcase() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--my-item="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myItem"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--my-item="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myItem"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myItem">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.myItem">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't work with top-level texts.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_doesnt_work_with_top_level_text() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ 'id: <span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $original, $new );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>!' .
+ '</template>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $original, $new );
+ // But it should work fine with spaces and linebreaks.
+ $original = '
+ <template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">
+ <span class="test" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::context.item"></span>
+ </template>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '1', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( '2', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with nested template tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_nested_template_tags() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list2' => array( 3, 4 ) ) );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item1="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item1="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1">1</span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each-child data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">3</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">4</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1">2</span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each-child data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">3</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">4</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with directly nested template
+ * tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_directly_nested_template_tags() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list2' => array( 3, 4 ) ) );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item1="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item1="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each-child data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">3</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">4</span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each-child data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1">2</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">3</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1">2</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">4</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive works with nestded template tags
+ * that use a previous item as a list.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_nested_template_tags_using_previous_item_as_list() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list2' => array( array( 1, 2 ), array( 3, 4 ) ) ) );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--list="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--number="myPlugin::context.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--list="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--number="myPlugin::context.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each-child data-wp-each--number="myPlugin::context.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number">2</span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each-child data-wp-each--number="myPlugin::context.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number">3</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.number">4</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't process unbalanced tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_unbalanced_tags() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $original, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't process unbalanced tags in
+ * nested templates.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_unbalanced_tags_in_nested_template_tags() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list2' => array( 3, 4 ) ) );
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item1="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item1"></span>' .
+ '<template data-wp-each--item2="myPlugin::state.list2">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item2">' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $original, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't process if it doesn't get
+ * an array.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_doesnt_process_if_not_array() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list' => null ) );
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list' => 'Text' ) );
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list' => 100 ) );
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list' => false ) );
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'list' => true ) );
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-each` directive doesn't process anything if it
+ * detects manual server-side processing.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_each_doesnt_process_with_manual_server_directive_processing() {
+ $original = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $expected = '' .
+ '<template data-wp-each="myPlugin::state.list">' .
+ '<span data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item"></span>' .
+ '</template>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">1</span>' .
+ '<span data-wp-each-child data-wp-text="myPlugin::context.item">2</span>' .
+ '<div id="after-wp-each" data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.after">Text</div>';
+ $new = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $original );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $new );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-each.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpinteractivephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-interactive.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-interactive.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-interactive.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_interactive_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Interactive extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'id' => 'some-id' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'otherPlugin', array( 'id' => 'other-id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the `process_directives` method of WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML that needs to be processed.
+ * @return array An array containing an instance of the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor and the processed HTML.
+ */
+ private function process_directives( $html ) {
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new_html );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ return array( $p, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that a default namespace is applied when using the
+ * `data-wp-interactive` directive with a json object.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_sets_a_default_namespace_with_object() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that a default namespace is applied when using the
+ * `data-wp-interactive` directive with a string.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_sets_a_default_namespace_with_string() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive="myPlugin">
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the most recent `data-wp-interactive` directive replaces the
+ * previous default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_replaces_the_previous_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "otherPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that a `data-wp-interactive` directive with a json object that
+ * doesn't have a namespace property does not replace the previously
+ * established default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_json_without_namespace_doesnt_replace_the_previous_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{}\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that an empty value for `data-wp-interactive` does not replace the
+ * previously established default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_with_empty_value_doesnt_replace_the_previous_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive="">
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that an invalid value for `data-wp-interactive` does not replace the
+ * previously established default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_with_invalid_value_doesnt_replace_the_previous_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive="$myPlugin">
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that a `data-wp-interactive` directive with no assigned value does
+ * not replace the previously established default namespace.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_without_value_doesnt_replace_the_previous_default_namespace() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that multiple `data-wp-interactive` directives work correctly.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_works_with_multiple_directives() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\' data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that a custom namespace can override the default one provided by a
+ * `data-wp-interactive` directive.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_namespace_can_be_override_by_custom_one() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="otherPlugin::state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-interactive` setting is reset appropriately after a
+ * closing HTML tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_interactive_set_is_unset_on_closing_tag() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "otherPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "myPlugin" }\'>
+ <div data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "otherPlugin" }\'>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="test" data-wp-bind--id="state.id">Text</div>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'other-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-interactive.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwprouterregionphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-router-region.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-router-region.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-router-region.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the `data_wp_router_region` processor functionality of
+ * the WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Router_Region extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Original WP_Hook instance associated to `wp_footer`.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Hook
+ */
+ protected $original_wp_footer;
+ /**
+ * Original instance associated to `wp_footer`.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Styles
+ */
+ protected $original_wp_styles;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ // Removes all hooks set for `wp_footer`.
+ global $wp_filter;
+ $this->original_wp_footer = $wp_filter['wp_footer'];
+ $wp_filter['wp_footer'] = new WP_Hook();
+ // Removes all registered styles.
+ $this->original_wp_styles = isset( $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] ) ? $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] : null;
+ $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] = new WP_Styles();
+ remove_action( 'wp_default_styles', 'wp_default_styles' );
+ remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tear down.
+ */
+ public function tear_down() {
+ // Restores all previous hooks set for `wp_footer`.
+ global $wp_filter;
+ $wp_filter['wp_footer'] = $this->original_wp_footer;
+ // Restores all previous registered styles.
+ $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] = $this->original_wp_styles;
+ add_action( 'wp_default_styles', 'wp_default_styles' );
+ add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
+ parent::tear_down();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes the hooks associated to `wp_footer`.
+ */
+ protected function render_wp_footer() {
+ ob_start();
+ do_action( 'wp_footer' );
+ return ob_get_clean();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that no elements are added if the `data-wp-router-region` is
+ * missing.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_router_region_missing() {
+ $html = '<div>Nothing here</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $footer = $this->render_wp_footer();
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '', $footer );
+ $this->assertEquals( '', get_echo( 'wp_print_styles' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-router-region` directive adds a loading bar and a
+ * region for screen reader announcements in the footer, and styles for the
+ * loading bar. Also checks that the markup and styles are only added once.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_router_region_adds_loading_bar_aria_live_region_only_once() {
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-router-region="region A">Interactive region</div>
+ <div data-wp-router-region="region B">Another interactive region</div>
+ ';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $new_html );
+ // Check that the style is loaded, but only once.
+ $styles = get_echo( 'wp_print_styles' );
+ $query = array( 'tag_name' => 'style' );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $styles );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->next_tag( $query ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'wp-interactivity-router-animations-inline-css', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $this->assertStringContainsString( '.wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar', $styles );
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_tag( $query ) );
+ // Check that the markup is loaded, but only once.
+ $footer = $this->render_wp_footer();
+ $query = array( 'class_name' => 'wp-interactivity-router-loading-bar' );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $footer );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->next_tag( $query ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_tag( $query ) );
+ $query = array( 'class_name' => 'screen-reader-text' );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $footer );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->next_tag( $query ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_tag( $query ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-router-region.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwpstylephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-style.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-style.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-style.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_style_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Style extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ $this->interactivity->state(
+ 'myPlugin',
+ array(
+ 'green' => 'green',
+ 'false' => false,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the private `merge_style_property` method of WP_Interactivity_API
+ * class.
+ *
+ * @param string $style_attribute_value The current style attribute value.
+ * @param string $style_property_name The style property name to set.
+ * @param string|false|null $style_property_value The value to set for the style property. With false, null or an
+ * empty string, it removes the style property.
+ * @return string The new style attribute value after the specified property has been added, updated or removed.
+ */
+ private function merge_style_property( $style_attribute_value, $style_property_name, $style_property_value ) {
+ $evaluate = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'merge_style_property' );
+ $evaluate->setAccessible( true );
+ return $evaluate->invokeArgs( $this->interactivity, array( $style_attribute_value, $style_property_name, $style_property_value ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `merge_style_property` correctly sets style properties.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::merge_style_property
+ */
+ public function test_merge_style_property_sets_properties() {
+ // Adds property on empty style attribute.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( '', 'color', 'green' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $result );
+ // Changes style property when there is an existing property.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;', 'color', 'green' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $result );
+ // Adds a new property when the existing one does not match.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;', 'background', 'blue' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;background:blue;', $result );
+ // Handles multiple existing properties.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'color', 'green' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'margin:5px;color:green;', $result );
+ // Adds a new property when multiple existing properties do not match.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'padding', '10px' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;margin:5px;padding:10px;', $result );
+ // Removes whitespaces in all properties.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( ' color : red; margin : 5px; ', 'padding', ' 10px ' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;margin:5px;padding:10px;', $result );
+ // Updates a property when it's not the first one in the value.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'margin', '15px' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;margin:15px;', $result );
+ // Adds missing trailing semicolon.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px', 'padding', '10px' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;margin:5px;padding:10px;', $result );
+ // Doesn't add double semicolons.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'padding', '10px;' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;margin:5px;padding:10px;', $result );
+ // Handles empty properties in the input.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;;margin:5px;;', 'padding', '10px' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;margin:5px;padding:10px;', $result );
+ // Moves the modified property to the end.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'border-style: dashed; border: 3px solid red;', 'border-style', 'inset' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'border:3px solid red;border-style:inset;', $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `merge_style_property` works correctly with falsy values,
+ * removing or ignoring them as appropriate.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::merge_style_property
+ */
+ public function test_merge_style_property_with_falsy_values() {
+ // Removes a property with an empty string.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'color', '' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'margin:5px;', $result );
+ // Removes a property with null.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'color', null );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'margin:5px;', $result );
+ // Removes a property with false.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'color', false );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'margin:5px;', $result );
+ // Removes a property with 0.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;margin:5px;', 'color', 0 );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'margin:5px;', $result );
+ // It doesn't add a new property with an empty string.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;', 'padding', '' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;', $result );
+ // It doesn't add a new property with null.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;', 'padding', null );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;', $result );
+ // It doesn't add a new property with false.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;', 'padding', false );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;', $result );
+ // It doesn't add a new property with 0.
+ $result = $this->merge_style_property( 'color:red;', 'padding', 0 );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:red;', $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the `process_directives` method of WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @param string $html The HTML that needs to be processed.
+ * @return array An array containing an instance of the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor and the processed HTML.
+ */
+ private function process_directives( $html ) {
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $new_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ return array( $p, $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive sets a style attribute with
+ * correct property and value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_sets_style_attribute() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive applies multiple style properties
+ * correctly.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_sets_multiple_style_properties() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green"
+ data-wp-style--background="myPlugin::state.green"
+ >Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;background:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive correctly handles different style
+ * property values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_sets_multiple_style_properties_with_different_values() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green"
+ data-wp-style--background="myPlugin::state.false"
+ >Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ style="background:red;"
+ data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green"
+ data-wp-style--background="myPlugin::state.false"
+ >Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive sets a new style property when
+ * another already exists.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_sets_style_property_when_style_attribute_exists() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding:10px;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive overwrites an existing style
+ * property with a new value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_overwrites_style_property_when_style_property_exists() {
+ $html = '<div style="color:red;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive doesn't add a style property when
+ * the directive value is false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_add_style_attribute_on_false() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive doesn't modify existing style
+ * properties when directive value is false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_add_style_property_on_false() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding:10px;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive keeps an existing style property
+ * with a matching value.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_keeps_style_property_when_style_property_exists() {
+ $html = '<div style="color:green;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive maintains style properties even
+ * when they aren't the only ones present.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_keeps_style_property_when_style_property_exists_and_is_not_the_only_one() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding:10px;color:green;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive removes the style attribute when
+ * it contains only one property which is being removed.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_removes_style_attribute_when_style_property_exists_and_is_the_only_one() {
+ $html = '<div style="color:green;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive removes a style property when it's
+ * not the only one present and the directive value is false.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_removes_style_property_when_style_property_exists_and_is_not_the_only_one() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding:10px;color:green;" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive does not remove an empty style
+ * attribute.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_remove_empty_style_attribute() {
+ $html = '<div style data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive does not change the style
+ * attribute when the directive suffix is empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_change_style_attribute_with_empty_directive_suffix() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding:10px;" data-wp-style="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive does not change the style
+ * attribute when the value of the directive is empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_change_style_attribute_with_empty_value() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding:10px" data-wp-style--color="">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive doesn't apply changes if no value
+ * is provided for the style property.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_change_style_attribute_without_value() {
+ $html = '<div style="padding: 10px;" data-wp-style--color>Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'padding:10px;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive functions correctly with multiple
+ * identical directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_works_with_multiple_directives() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green" data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.green">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'color:green;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive doesn't apply any changes when the
+ * state value is true.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_do_anything_on_true_values() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'true' => true ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.text">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-style` directive doesn't add a style property for
+ * various falsy values in the state.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_style_doesnt_add_style_property_on_falsy_values() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'text' => '' ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.text">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'array' => array() ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.array">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'number' => 0 ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.number">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'null' => null ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-style--color="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ list($p) = $this->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-style.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIwptextphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-text.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-text.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-text.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering the data_wp_text_processor functionality of the
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_WP_Text extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'text' => 'Updated' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` directive sets inner text content.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_sets_inner_content() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Updated</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` directive works with numerical values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_sets_inner_content_numbers() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'number' => 100 ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.number">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.number">100</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` directive removes inner text content when the
+ * state is not a string or number.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_removes_inner_content_on_types_that_are_not_strings_or_numbers() {
+ $this->interactivity->state(
+ 'myPlugin',
+ array(
+ 'true' => true,
+ 'false' => false,
+ 'null' => null,
+ 'array' => array(),
+ 'func' => function () {},
+ )
+ );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.true">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.true"></div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.false">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.false"></div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.null">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.null"></div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.array">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.array"></div>', $new_html );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.func">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.func"></div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` directive overwrites entire inner content,
+ * including nested tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_sets_inner_content_with_nested_tags() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text"><div><div>Text</div><div>Another text</div></div></div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Updated</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` directive works even with unbalanced tags
+ * when they are different tags (div -> unbalanced span).
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_sets_inner_content_even_with_unbalanced_but_different_tags_inside_content() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text"><span>Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Updated</div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` fails to overwrite inner content if there are
+ * unbalanced when they are the same tags (div -> unbalanced div).
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_fails_with_unbalanced_and_same_tags_inside_content() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Text<div></div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Text<div></div>', $new_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `data-wp-text` directive cannot set inner HTML content and
+ * it will be encoded as text.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_wp_text_cant_set_inner_html_in_the_content() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'text' => '<span>Updated</span>' ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text">Text</div>';
+ $new_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div data-wp-text="myPlugin::state.text"><span>Updated</span></div>', $new_html );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI-wp-text.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering WP_Interactivity_API functionality.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ *
+ * @coversDefaultClass WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Instance of WP_Interactivity_API.
+ *
+ * @var WP_Interactivity_API
+ */
+ protected $interactivity;
+ /**
+ * Set up.
+ */
+ public function set_up() {
+ parent::set_up();
+ $this->interactivity = new WP_Interactivity_API();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the state and config methods return an empty array at the
+ * beginning.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_should_be_empty() {
+ $this->assertEquals( array(), $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( array(), $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the state and config methods can change the state and
+ * configuration.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_can_be_changed() {
+ $state = array(
+ 'a' => 1,
+ 'b' => 2,
+ 'nested' => array( 'c' => 3 ),
+ );
+ $result = $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', $state );
+ $this->assertEquals( $state, $result );
+ $result = $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', $state );
+ $this->assertEquals( $state, $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that different initial states and configurations can be merged.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_can_be_merged() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'b' => 2 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'otherPlugin', array( 'c' => 3 ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ 'a' => 1,
+ 'b' => 2,
+ ),
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array( 'c' => 3 ),
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'otherPlugin' )
+ );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'b' => 2 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'otherPlugin', array( 'c' => 3 ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ 'a' => 1,
+ 'b' => 2,
+ ),
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array( 'c' => 3 ),
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'otherPlugin' )
+ ); }
+ /**
+ * Tests that existing keys in the initial state and configuration can be
+ * overwritten.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_existing_props_can_be_overwritten() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 2 ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array( 'a' => 2 ),
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 2 ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array( 'a' => 2 ),
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that existing indexed arrays in the initial state and configuration
+ * are replaced, not merged.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_existing_indexed_arrays_are_replaced() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => array( 1, 2 ) ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => array( 3, 4 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array( 'a' => array( 3, 4 ) ),
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => array( 1, 2 ) ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => array( 3, 4 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array( 'a' => array( 3, 4 ) ),
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the private `print_client_interactivity` method of
+ * WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @return array|null The content of the JSON object printed on the client-side or null if nothings was printed.
+ */
+ private function print_client_interactivity_data() {
+ $interactivity_data_markup = get_echo( array( $this->interactivity, 'print_client_interactivity_data' ) );
+ preg_match( '/<script type="application\/json" id="wp-interactivity-data">.*?(\{.*\}).*?<\/script>/s', $interactivity_data_markup, $interactivity_data_string );
+ return isset( $interactivity_data_string[1] ) ? json_decode( $interactivity_data_string[1], true ) : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the initial state and config are correctly printed on the
+ * client-side.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ * @covers ::print_client_interactivity_data
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_is_correctly_printed() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'otherPlugin', array( 'b' => 2 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'otherPlugin', array( 'b' => 2 ) );
+ $result = $this->print_client_interactivity_data();
+ $data = array(
+ 'myPlugin' => array( 'a' => 1 ),
+ 'otherPlugin' => array( 'b' => 2 ),
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ 'state' => $data,
+ 'config' => $data,
+ ),
+ $result
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the wp-interactivity-data script is not printed if both state
+ * and config are empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::print_client_interactivity_data
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_dont_print_when_empty() {
+ $result = $this->print_client_interactivity_data();
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the config is not printed if it's empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::print_client_interactivity_data
+ */
+ public function test_config_not_printed_when_empty() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $result = $this->print_client_interactivity_data();
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'state' => array( 'myPlugin' => array( 'a' => 1 ) ) ), $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the state is not printed if it's empty.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::config
+ * @covers ::print_client_interactivity_data
+ */
+ public function test_state_not_printed_when_empty() {
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'a' => 1 ) );
+ $result = $this->print_client_interactivity_data();
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'config' => array( 'myPlugin' => array( 'a' => 1 ) ) ), $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that special characters in the initial state and configuration are
+ * properly escaped.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::state
+ * @covers ::config
+ * @covers ::print_client_interactivity_data
+ */
+ public function test_state_and_config_escape_special_characters() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'amps' => 'http://site.test/?foo=1&baz=2' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->config( 'myPlugin', array( 'tags' => 'Tags: <!-- <script>' ) );
+ $interactivity_data_markup = get_echo( array( $this->interactivity, 'print_client_interactivity_data' ) );
+ preg_match( '/<script type="application\/json" id="wp-interactivity-data">.*?(\{.*\}).*?<\/script>/s', $interactivity_data_markup, $interactivity_data_string );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '{"config":{"myPlugin":{"tags":"Tags: \u003C!-- \u003Cscript\u003E"}},"state":{"myPlugin":{"amps":"http:\/\/site.test\/?foo=1\u0026baz=2"}}}',
+ $interactivity_data_string[1]
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests extracting directive values from different string formats.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::extract_directive_value
+ */
+ public function test_extract_directive_value() {
+ $extract_directive_value = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'extract_directive_value' );
+ $extract_directive_value->setAccessible( true );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'state.foo', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', 'state.foo' ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::state.foo', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', 'state.foo' ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '{ "isOpen": false }', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', array( 'isOpen' => false ) ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::{ "isOpen": false }', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', array( 'isOpen' => false ) ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'true', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', true ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'false', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', false ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'null', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', null ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '100', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', 100 ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '1.2', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', 1.2 ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '1.2.3', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', '1.2.3' ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::true', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', true ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::false', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', false ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::null', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', null ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::100', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', 100 ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::1.2', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', 1.2 ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::1.2.3', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', '1.2.3' ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'otherPlugin::[{"o":4}, null, 3e6]', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'otherPlugin', array( array( 'o' => 4 ), null, 3000000.0 ) ), $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests extracting directive values with empty or invalid input.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::extract_directive_value
+ */
+ public function test_extract_directive_value_empty_values() {
+ $extract_directive_value = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'extract_directive_value' );
+ $extract_directive_value->setAccessible( true );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', null ), $result );
+ // This is a boolean attribute.
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, true, 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', null ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, false, 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', null ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, null, 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', null ), $result );
+ // A string ending in `::` without any extra characters is not considered a
+ // namespace.
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'myPlugin::', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', 'myPlugin::' ), $result );
+ // A namespace with invalid characters is not considered a valid namespace.
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '$myPlugin::state.foo', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', '$myPlugin::state.foo' ), $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests extracting directive values from invalid JSON strings.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::extract_directive_value
+ */
+ public function test_extract_directive_value_invalid_json() {
+ $extract_directive_value = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'extract_directive_value' );
+ $extract_directive_value->setAccessible( true );
+ // Invalid JSON due to missing quotes. Returns the original value.
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, '{ isOpen: false }', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', '{ isOpen: false }' ), $result );
+ // Null string. Returns null.
+ $result = $extract_directive_value->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'null', 'myPlugin' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myPlugin', null ), $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the ability to extract prefix and suffix from a directive attribute
+ * name.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::extract_prefix_and_suffix
+ */
+ public function test_extract_prefix_and_suffix() {
+ $extract_prefix_and_suffix = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'extract_prefix_and_suffix' );
+ $extract_prefix_and_suffix->setAccessible( true );
+ $result = $extract_prefix_and_suffix->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'data-wp-interactive' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'data-wp-interactive' ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_prefix_and_suffix->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'data-wp-bind--src' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'data-wp-bind', 'src' ), $result );
+ $result = $extract_prefix_and_suffix->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'data-wp-foo--and--bar' );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'data-wp-foo', 'and--bar' ), $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `process_directives` method doesn't change the HTML if it
+ * doesn't contain directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_do_nothing_without_directives() {
+ $html = '<div>Inner content here</div>';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $processed_html );
+ $html = '<div><span>Content</span><strong>More Content</strong></div>';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $processed_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `process_directives` method changes the HTML if it contains
+ * directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_changes_html_with_balanced_tags() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'id' => 'some-id' ) );
+ $html = '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner content</div>';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $processed_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests how `process_directives` handles HTML with unknown directives.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_doesnt_fail_with_unknown_directives() {
+ $html = '<div data-wp-uknown="">Text</div>';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $this->assertEquals( $html, $processed_html );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that directives are processed in the correct order.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_process_the_directives_in_the_correct_order() {
+ $html = '
+ <div
+ data-wp-interactive=\'{ "namespace": "test" }\'
+ data-wp-context=\'{ "isClass": true, "id": "some-id", "text": "Updated", "display": "none" }\'
+ data-wp-bind--id="context.id"
+ data-wp-class--some-class="context.isClass"
+ data-wp-style--display="context.display"
+ data-wp-text="context.text"
+ >Text</div>';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $processed_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-id', $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'some-class', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'display:none;', $p->get_attribute( 'style' ) );
+ $this->assertStringContainsString( 'Updated', $p->get_updated_html() );
+ $this->assertStringNotContainsString( 'Text', $p->get_updated_html() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `process_directives` returns the same HTML if it contains
+ * unbalanced tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_doesnt_change_html_if_contains_unbalanced_tags() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'id' => 'some-id' ) );
+ $html_samples = array(
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner content</div></div>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner content</div><div>',
+ '<div><div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner content</div>',
+ '</div><div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner content</div>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner<div>content</div>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner</div>content</div>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id"><span>Inner content</div>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner content</div></span>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id"><span>Inner content</div></span>',
+ '<div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">Inner conntent</ ></div>',
+ );
+ foreach ( $html_samples as $html ) {
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $processed_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `process_directives` returns the same HTML if it finds an
+ * SVG tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_doesnt_change_html_if_contains_svgs() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'id' => 'some-id' ) );
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">
+ <svg height="100" width="100">
+ <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" />
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $processed_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `process_directives` returns the same HTML if it finds an
+ * MathML tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::process_directives
+ */
+ public function test_process_directives_doesnt_change_html_if_contains_math() {
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', array( 'id' => 'some-id' ) );
+ $html = '
+ <div data-wp-bind--id="myPlugin::state.id">
+ <math>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mo>=</mo>
+ <mi>1</mi>
+ </math>
+ </div>
+ ';
+ $processed_html = $this->interactivity->process_directives( $html );
+ $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $processed_html );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_attribute( 'id' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invokes the private `evaluate` method of WP_Interactivity_API class.
+ *
+ * @param string $directive_value The directive attribute value to evaluate.
+ * @return mixed The result of the evaluate method.
+ */
+ private function evaluate( $directive_value ) {
+ $generate_state = function ( $name ) {
+ return array(
+ 'key' => $name,
+ 'nested' => array( 'key' => $name . '-nested' ),
+ );
+ };
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'myPlugin', $generate_state( 'myPlugin-state' ) );
+ $this->interactivity->state( 'otherPlugin', $generate_state( 'otherPlugin-state' ) );
+ $context = array(
+ 'myPlugin' => $generate_state( 'myPlugin-context' ),
+ 'otherPlugin' => $generate_state( 'otherPlugin-context' ),
+ );
+ $evaluate = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'evaluate' );
+ $evaluate->setAccessible( true );
+ return $evaluate->invokeArgs( $this->interactivity, array( $directive_value, 'myPlugin', $context ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `evaluate` method operates correctly for valid expressions.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::evaluate
+ */
+ public function test_evaluate_value() {
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'state.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'myPlugin-state', $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'context.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'myPlugin-context', $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::state.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'otherPlugin-state', $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::context.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'otherPlugin-context', $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `evaluate` method operates correctly when used with the
+ * negation operator (!).
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::evaluate
+ */
+ public function test_evaluate_value_negation() {
+ $result = $this->evaluate( '!state.key' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( '!context.key' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::!state.key' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::!context.key' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `evaluate` method with non-existent paths.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::evaluate
+ */
+ public function test_evaluate_non_existent_path() {
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'state.nonExistentKey' );
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'context.nonExistentKey' );
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::state.nonExistentKey' );
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::context.nonExistentKey' );
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( ' state.key' ); // Extra space.
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin:: state.key' ); // Extra space.
+ $this->assertNull( $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `evaluate` method for retrieving nested values.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::evaluate
+ */
+ public function test_evaluate_nested_value() {
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'state.nested.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'myPlugin-state-nested', $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'context.nested.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'myPlugin-context-nested', $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::state.nested.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'otherPlugin-state-nested', $result );
+ $result = $this->evaluate( 'otherPlugin::context.nested.key' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'otherPlugin-context-nested', $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `kebab_to_camel_case` method.
+ *
+ * @covers ::kebab_to_camel_case
+ */
+ public function test_kebab_to_camel_case() {
+ $method = new ReflectionMethod( $this->interactivity, 'kebab_to_camel_case' );
+ $method->setAccessible( true );
+ $this->assertSame( '', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, '' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'item', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'item' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItem', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'my-item' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'my_item', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'my_item' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItem', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'My-iTem' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItemWithMultipleHyphens', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'my-item-with-multiple-hyphens' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItemWith-DoubleHyphens', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'my-item-with--double-hyphens' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItemWith_underScore', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'my-item-with_under-score' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItem', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, '-my-item' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItem', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, 'my-item-' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'myItem', $method->invoke( $this->interactivity, '-my-item-' ) );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPI.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property
</span><a id="trunktestsphpunittestsinteractivityapiwpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessorphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessor.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessor.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessor.php 2024-02-08 09:11:43 UTC (rev 57563)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Unit tests covering WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor functionality.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Interactivity API
+ *
+ * @since 6.5.0
+ *
+ * @group interactivity-api
+ *
+ * @coversDefaultClass WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor
+ */
+class Tests_WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method on template
+ * tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_standard_tags() {
+ $content = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'Text', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ $content = '<template>Text</template><template>More text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'Text', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'More text', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method on an empty
+ * tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_empty_tag() {
+ $content = '<template></template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( '', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method with
+ * non-template tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_self_closing_tag() {
+ $content = '<img src="example.jpg">';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method with nested
+ * template tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_nested_tags() {
+ $content = '<template><span>Content</span><strong>More Content</strong></template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( '<span>Content</span><strong>More Content</strong>', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ $content = '<template><template>Content</template><img src="example.jpg"></template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( '<template>Content</template><img src="example.jpg">', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method when no tags
+ * are present.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_no_tags() {
+ $content = 'Just a string with no tags.';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method with unbalanced tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_with_unbalanced_tags() {
+ $content = '<template>Missing closing template';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ $content = '<template><template>Missing closing template</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ $content = '<template>Missing closing template</span>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ // It supports unbalanced tags inside the content.
+ $content = '<template>Missing opening span</span></template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'Missing opening span</span>', $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method when called
+ * on a closer tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_on_closing_tag() {
+ $content = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertNull( $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `get_content_between_balanced_template_tags` method positions the
+ * cursor on the closer tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::get_content_between_balanced_template_tags
+ */
+ public function test_get_content_between_balanced_template_tags_positions_cursor_on_closer_tag() {
+ $content = '<template>Text</template><div>More text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $p->get_content_between_balanced_template_tags();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'TEMPLATE', $p->get_tag() );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer() );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'DIV', $p->get_tag() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method on standard tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_standard_tags() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>New text</div>', $p );
+ $content = '<div>Text</div><div>More text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>New text</div><div>More text</div>', $p );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'More new text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>New text</div><div>More new text</div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method when called on a
+ * closing tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_on_closing_tag() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>Text</div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method on multiple calls to
+ * the same tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_multiple_calls_in_same_tag() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>New text</div>', $p );
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'More text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>More text</div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method on combinations with
+ * set_attribute calls.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_with_set_attribute() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $p->set_attribute( 'class', 'test' );
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div class="test">New text</div>', $p );
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $p->set_attribute( 'class', 'test' );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div class="test">New text</div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method where the existing
+ * content includes tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_with_existing_tags() {
+ $content = '<div><span>Text</span></div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>New text</div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method where the new content
+ * includes tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_with_new_tags() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $new_content = '<span>New text</span><a href="#">Link</a>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( $new_content );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div><span>New text</span><a href="#">Link</a></div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method with an empty string.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_empty() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( '' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div></div>', $p );
+ $content = '<div><div>Text</div></div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( '' );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div></div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method on self-closing tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_self_closing_tag() {
+ $content = '<img src="example.jpg">';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method on a non-existent tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_non_existent_tag() {
+ $content = 'Just a string with no tags.';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `set_content_between_balanced_tags` method with unbalanced tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::set_content_between_balanced_tags
+ */
+ public function test_set_content_between_balanced_tags_with_unbalanced_tags() {
+ $new_content = 'New text';
+ $content = '<div>Missing closing div';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( $new_content );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ $content = '<div><div>Missing closing div</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( $new_content );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ $content = '<div>Missing closing div</span>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( $new_content );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ // It supports unbalanced tags inside the content.
+ $content = '<div>Missing opening span</span></div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->set_content_between_balanced_tags( $new_content );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<div>New text</div>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `has_and_visits_its_closer_tag` method.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::has_and_visits_its_closer_tag
+ */
+ public function test_has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() {
+ $void_tags = array( 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'source', 'track', 'wbr' );
+ foreach ( $void_tags as $tag_name ) {
+ $content = "<{$tag_name} id={$tag_name}>";
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() );
+ }
+ $tags_that_dont_visit_closing_tag = array( 'script', 'iframe', 'textarea', 'iframe', 'style' );
+ foreach ( $tags_that_dont_visit_closing_tag as $tag_name ) {
+ $content = "<{$tag_name} id={$tag_name}>Some content</{$tag_name}>";
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() );
+ }
+ $tags_that_visit_closing_tag = array( 'div', 'span', 'p', 'h1', 'main' );
+ foreach ( $tags_that_visit_closing_tag as $tag_name ) {
+ $content = "<{$tag_name} id={$tag_name}>Some content</{$tag_name}>";
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() );
+ }
+ // Test an upercase tag.
+ $content = '<IMG src="example.jpg">';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() );
+ // Test an empty string.
+ $content = '';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() );
+ // Test on text nodes.
+ $content = 'This is just some text';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->has_and_visits_its_closer_tag() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method with a simple
+ * text.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_simple_text() {
+ $content_1 = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $content_2 = 'New text';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_2, $p );
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_tag() ); // There are no more tags.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method with simple
+ * tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_simple_tags() {
+ $content_1 = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $content_2 = '<template class="content-2">New text</template>';
+ $content_3 = '<template class="content-3">More new text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_2, $p );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-2', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_3 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_2 . $content_3, $p );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-3', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method in the middle
+ * of two tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_in_the_middle_of_tags() {
+ $content_1 = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $content_2 = 'New text';
+ $content_3 = '<template class="content-3">More new text</template>';
+ $content_4 = '<template class="content-4">Even more new text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 . $content_3 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_2 . $content_3, $p );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-3', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 . $content_3 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_4 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_4 . $content_3, $p );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-4', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method doesn't modify
+ * the content when called on an opener tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_on_opener_tag() {
+ $content = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( 'New text' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method on multiple
+ * calls to the same tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_multiple_calls_in_same_tag() {
+ $content_1 = '<template class="content-1">Text</template>';
+ $content_2 = '<template class="content-2">New text</template>';
+ $content_3 = '<template class="content-3">More new text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->set_bookmark( 'first template' );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_2, $p );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-2', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ // Rewinds to the first template.
+ $p->seek( 'first template' );
+ $p->release_bookmark( 'first template' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-1', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_3 );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_3 . $content_2, $p );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-3', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method on
+ * set_attribute calls.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_with_set_attribute() {
+ $content_1 = '<template>Text</template>';
+ $content_2 = '<template>New text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->set_attribute( 'class', 'test' );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( '<template class="test">Text</template>' . $content_2, $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method where the
+ * existing content includes tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_with_existing_tags() {
+ $content_1 = '<template><span>Text</span></template>';
+ $content_2 = '<template class="content-2-template-1"><template class="content-2-template-2">New text</template></template>';
+ $content_3 = '<template><span>More new text</span></template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $p->next_tag(
+ array(
+ 'tag_name' => 'template',
+ 'tag_closers' => 'visit',
+ )
+ );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . $content_2, $p );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-2-template-1', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'content-2-template-2', $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_3 );
+ $this->assertTrue( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1 . '<template class="content-2-template-1"><template class="content-2-template-2">New text</template>' . $content_3 . '</template>', $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method fails with an
+ * empty string.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_empty() {
+ $content = '<template class="content">Text</template>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( '' );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content, $p );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'TEMPLATE', $p->get_tag() ); // It didn't move.
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer() ); // It didn't move.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method on a
+ * non-existent tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_non_existent_tag() {
+ $content_1 = 'Just a string with no tags.';
+ $content_2 = '<div>New text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1, $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the `append_content_after_template_tag_closer` method on non-template
+ * tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::append_content_after_template_tag_closer
+ */
+ public function test_append_content_after_template_tag_closer_non_template_tags() {
+ $content_1 = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $content_2 = '<div>New text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content_1 );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $result = $p->append_content_after_template_tag_closer( $content_2 );
+ $this->assertFalse( $result );
+ $this->assertEquals( $content_1, $p );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `next_balanced_tag_closer_tag` method finds a closing tag
+ * for a standard tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::next_balanced_tag_closer_tag
+ */
+ public function test_next_balanced_tag_closer_tag_standard_tags() {
+ $content = '<div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'DIV', $p->get_tag() );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `next_balanced_tag_closer_tag` method returns false for a
+ * self-closing tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::next_balanced_tag_closer_tag
+ */
+ public function test_next_balanced_tag_closer_tag_void_tag() {
+ $content = '<img src="image.jpg" />';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ $content = '<img src="image.jpg" /><div>Text</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `next_balanced_tag_closer_tag` method correctly handles
+ * nested tags.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::next_balanced_tag_closer_tag
+ */
+ public function test_next_balanced_tag_closer_tag_nested_tags() {
+ $content = '<div><span>Nested content</span></div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'DIV', $p->get_tag() );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer() );
+ $content = '<div><div>Nested content</div></div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'DIV', $p->get_tag() );
+ $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer() );
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_tag() ); // No more content.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that the `next_balanced_tag_closer_tag` method returns false when no
+ * matching closing tag is found.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::next_balanced_tag_closer_tag
+ */
+ public function test_next_balanced_tag_closer_tag_no_matching_closing_tag() {
+ $content = '<div>No closing tag here';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $content = '<div><div>No closing tag here</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the `next_balanced_tag_closer_tag` method returns false when
+ * returned on a closing tag.
+ *
+ * @ticket 60356
+ *
+ * @covers ::next_balanced_tag_closer_tag
+ */
+ public function test_next_balanced_tag_closer_tag_on_closing_tag() {
+ $content = '<div>Closing tag after this</div>';
+ $p = new WP_Interactivity_API_Directives_Processor( $content );
+ // Visit opening tag first and then closing tag.
+ $p->next_tag();
+ $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( $p->next_balanced_tag_closer_tag() );
+ }
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">Property changes on: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/interactivity-api/wpInteractivityAPIDirectivesProcessor.php
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+native
</ins><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">\ No newline at end of property