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<title>[56408] trunk: Administration: Add function to standardize admin notices.</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta" style="font-size: 105%">
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Revision</dt> <dd><a style="font-weight: bold" href="https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/56408">56408</a><script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"EmailMessage","description":"Review this Commit","action":{"@type":"ViewAction","url":"https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/56408","name":"Review Commit"}}</script></dd>
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Author</dt> <dd>joedolson</dd>
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Date</dt> <dd>2023-08-17 20:27:35 +0000 (Thu, 17 Aug 2023)</dd>
<pre style='padding-left: 1em; margin: 2em 0; border-left: 2px solid #ccc; line-height: 1.25; font-size: 105%; font-family: sans-serif'>Administration: Add function to standardize admin notices.
Add functions `wp_get_admin_notice()` and `wp_admin_notice()` to create and output admin notices & tests for usage. New functions accept a message and array of optional arguments. This commit does not implement the functions. Include new filters: `wp_admin_notice_args`, `wp_admin_notice_markup` and action: `wp_admin_notice`.
Props joedolson, costdev, sakibmd, dasnitesh780, sabernhardt.
Fixes <a href="https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/57791">#57791</a>.</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunksrcwpadminincludesmiscphp">trunk/src/wp-admin/includes/misc.php</a></li>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsadminwpAdminNoticephp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpAdminNotice.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunktestsphpunittestsadminwpGetAdminNoticephp">trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpGetAdminNotice.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunksrcwpadminincludesmiscphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Modified: trunk/src/wp-admin/includes/misc.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/src/wp-admin/includes/misc.php 2023-08-17 17:56:06 UTC (rev 56407)
+++ trunk/src/wp-admin/includes/misc.php 2023-08-17 20:27:35 UTC (rev 56408)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -1642,3 +1642,131 @@
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px">
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> return $response;
</span><span class="cx" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px"> }
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+
+ * Creates and returns the markup for an admin notice.
+ *
+ * @since 6.4.0
+ *
+ * @param string $message The message.
+ * @param array $args {
+ * Optional. An array of arguments for the admin notice. Default empty array.
+ *
+ * @type string $type Optional. The type of admin notice.
+ * For example, 'error', 'success', 'warning', 'info'.
+ * Default empty string.
+ * @type bool $dismissible Optional. Whether the admin notice is dismissible. Default false.
+ * @type string $id Optional. The value of the admin notice's ID attribute. Default empty string.
+ * @type string[] $additional_classes Optional. A string array of class names. Default empty array.
+ * @type bool $paragraph_wrap Optional. Whether to wrap the message in paragraph tags. Default true.
+ * }
+ * @return string The markup for an admin notice.
+ */
+function wp_get_admin_notice( $message, $args = array() ) {
+ $defaults = array(
+ 'type' => '',
+ 'dismissible' => false,
+ 'id' => '',
+ 'additional_classes' => array(),
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => true,
+ );
+ $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
+ /**
+ * Filters the arguments for an admin notice.
+ *
+ * @since 6.4.0
+ *
+ * @param array $args The arguments for the admin notice.
+ * @param string $message The message for the admin notice.
+ */
+ $args = apply_filters( 'wp_admin_notice_args', $args, $message );
+ $id = '';
+ $classes = 'notice';
+ if ( is_string( $args['id'] ) ) {
+ $trimmed_id = trim( $args['id'] );
+ if ( '' !== $trimmed_id ) {
+ $id = 'id="' . $trimmed_id . '" ';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( is_string( $args['type'] ) ) {
+ $type = trim( $args['type'] );
+ if ( str_contains( $type, ' ' ) ) {
+ _doing_it_wrong(
+ sprintf(
+ /* translators: %s: The "type" key. */
+ __( 'The %s key must be a string without spaces.' ),
+ '<code>type</code>'
+ ),
+ '6.4.0'
+ );
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $type ) {
+ $classes .= ' notice-' . $type;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( true === $args['dismissible'] ) {
+ $classes .= ' is-dismissible';
+ }
+ if ( is_array( $args['additional_classes'] ) && ! empty( $args['additional_classes'] ) ) {
+ $classes .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $args['additional_classes'] );
+ }
+ if ( false !== $args['paragraph_wrap'] ) {
+ $message = "<p>$message</p>";
+ }
+ $markup = sprintf( '<div %1$sclass="%2$s">%3$s</div>', $id, $classes, $message );
+ /**
+ * Filters the markup for an admin notice.
+ *
+ * @since 6.4.0
+ *
+ * @param string $markup The HTML markup for the admin notice.
+ * @param string $message The message for the admin notice.
+ * @param array $args The arguments for the admin notice.
+ */
+ return apply_filters( 'wp_admin_notice_markup', $markup, $message, $args );
+ * Outputs an admin notice.
+ *
+ * @since 6.4.0
+ *
+ * @param string $message The message to output.
+ * @param array $args {
+ * Optional. An array of arguments for the admin notice. Default empty array.
+ *
+ * @type string $type Optional. The type of admin notice.
+ * For example, 'error', 'success', 'warning', 'info'.
+ * Default empty string.
+ * @type bool $dismissible Optional. Whether the admin notice is dismissible. Default false.
+ * @type string $id Optional. The value of the admin notice's ID attribute. Default empty string.
+ * @type string[] $additional_classes Optional. A string array of class names. Default empty array.
+ * @type bool $paragraph_wrap Optional. Whether to wrap the message in paragraph tags. Default true.
+ * }
+ */
+function wp_admin_notice( $message, $args = array() ) {
+ /**
+ * Fires before an admin notice is output.
+ *
+ * @since 6.4.0
+ *
+ * @param string $message The message for the admin notice.
+ * @param array $args The arguments for the admin notice.
+ */
+ do_action( 'wp_admin_notice', $message, $args );
+ echo wp_kses_post( wp_get_admin_notice( $message, $args ) );
<a id="trunktestsphpunittestsadminwpAdminNoticephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpAdminNotice.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpAdminNotice.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpAdminNotice.php 2023-08-17 20:27:35 UTC (rev 56408)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Tests for `wp_admin_notice()`.
+ *
+ * @group admin
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_admin_notice
+ */
+class Tests_Admin_WpAdminNotice extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Tests that `wp_admin_notice()` outputs the expected admin notice markup.
+ *
+ * @ticket 57791
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_should_output_admin_notice
+ *
+ * @param string $message The message to output.
+ * @param array $args Arguments for the admin notice.
+ * @param string $expected The expected admin notice markup.
+ */
+ public function test_should_output_admin_notice( $message, $args, $expected ) {
+ ob_start();
+ wp_admin_notice( $message, $args );
+ $actual = ob_get_clean();
+ $this->assertSame( $expected, $actual );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data provider.
+ *
+ * @return array[]
+ */
+ public function data_should_output_admin_notice() {
+ return array(
+ 'defaults' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with defaults.',
+ 'args' => array(),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with defaults.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an empty message (used for templates)' => array(
+ 'message' => '',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'inline', 'hidden' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice notice-error is-dismissible inline hidden"><p></p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an empty message (used for templates) without paragraph wrapping' => array(
+ 'message' => '',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'inline', 'hidden' ),
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => false,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice notice-error is-dismissible inline hidden"></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an "error" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'An "error" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-error"><p>An "error" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a "success" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A "success" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'success',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-success"><p>A "success" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a "warning" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A "warning" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-warning"><p>A "warning" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an "info" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'An "info" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'info',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-info"><p>An "info" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type that already starts with "notice-"' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A type that already starts with "notice-".',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'notice-info',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-notice-info"><p>A type that already starts with "notice-".</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a dismissible notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A dismissible notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice is-dismissible"><p>A dismissible notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'no type and an ID' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an ID.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice"><p>A notice with an ID.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type and an ID' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A warning notice with an ID.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice notice-warning"><p>A warning notice with an ID.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'no type and additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'error', 'notice-alt' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice error notice-alt"><p>A notice with additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type and additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A warning notice with additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'error', 'notice-alt' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-warning error notice-alt"><p>A warning notice with additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a dismissible notice with a type and additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A dismissible warning notice with a type and additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'error', 'notice-alt' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-warning is-dismissible error notice-alt"><p>A dismissible warning notice with a type and additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a notice without paragraph wrapping' => array(
+ 'message' => '<span>A notice without paragraph wrapping.</span>',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => false,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><span>A notice without paragraph wrapping.</span></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an unsafe type' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an unsafe type.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => '"><script>alert("Howdy,admin!");</script>',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-">alert("Howdy,admin!");"><p>A notice with an unsafe type.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an unsafe ID' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an unsafe ID.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => '"><script>alert( "Howdy, admin!" );</script> <div class="notice',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="">alert( "Howdy, admin!" ); <div class="notice"><p>A notice with an unsafe ID.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'unsafe additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with unsafe additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'additional_classes' => array( '"><script>alert( "Howdy, admin!" );</script> <div class="notice' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice ">alert( "Howdy, admin!" ); <div class="notice"><p>A notice with unsafe additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type that is not a string' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with a type that is not a string.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => array(),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with a type that is not a string.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type with only empty space' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with a type with only empty space.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => " \t\r\n",
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with a type with only empty space.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an ID that is not a string' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an ID that is not a string.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => array( 'message' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with an ID that is not a string.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an ID with only empty space' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an ID with only empty space.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => " \t\r\n",
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with an ID with only empty space.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'dismissible as a truthy value rather than (bool) true' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with dismissible as a truthy value rather than (bool) true.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'dismissible' => 1,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with dismissible as a truthy value rather than (bool) true.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'additional classes that are not an array' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with additional classes that are not an array.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'additional_classes' => 'class-1 class-2 class-3',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with additional classes that are not an array.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'paragraph wrapping as a falsy value rather than (bool) false' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with paragraph wrapping as a falsy value rather than (bool) false.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => 0,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with paragraph wrapping as a falsy value rather than (bool) false.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `_doing_it_wrong()` is thrown when a 'type' containing spaces is passed.
+ *
+ * @ticket 57791
+ *
+ * @expectedIncorrectUsage wp_get_admin_notice
+ */
+ public function test_should_throw_doing_it_wrong_with_a_type_containing_spaces() {
+ ob_start();
+ wp_admin_notice(
+ 'A type containing spaces.',
+ array( 'type' => 'first second third fourth' )
+ );
+ $actual = ob_get_clean();
+ $this->assertSame(
+ '<div class="notice notice-first second third fourth"><p>A type containing spaces.</p></div>',
+ $actual
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `wp_admin_notice()` fires the 'wp_admin_notice' action.
+ *
+ * @ticket 57791
+ */
+ public function test_should_fire_wp_admin_notice_action() {
+ $action = new MockAction();
+ add_action( 'wp_admin_notice', array( $action, 'action' ) );
+ ob_start();
+ wp_admin_notice( 'A notice.', array( 'type' => 'success' ) );
+ ob_end_clean();
+ $this->assertSame( 1, $action->get_call_count() );
+ }
<a id="trunktestsphpunittestsadminwpGetAdminNoticephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Added: trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpGetAdminNotice.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpGetAdminNotice.php (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/admin/wpGetAdminNotice.php 2023-08-17 20:27:35 UTC (rev 56408)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+ * Tests for `wp_get_admin_notice()`.
+ *
+ * @group admin
+ *
+ * @covers ::wp_get_admin_notice
+ */
+class Tests_Admin_WpGetAdminNotice extends WP_UnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Tests that `wp_get_admin_notice()` returns the expected admin notice markup.
+ *
+ * @ticket 57791
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_should_return_admin_notice
+ *
+ * @param string $message The message.
+ * @param array $args Arguments for the admin notice.
+ * @param string $expected The expected admin notice markup.
+ */
+ public function test_should_return_admin_notice( $message, $args, $expected ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $expected, wp_get_admin_notice( $message, $args ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data provider.
+ *
+ * @return array[]
+ */
+ public function data_should_return_admin_notice() {
+ return array(
+ 'defaults' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with defaults.',
+ 'args' => array(),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with defaults.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an empty message (used for templates)' => array(
+ 'message' => '',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'inline', 'hidden' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice notice-error is-dismissible inline hidden"><p></p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an empty message (used for templates) without paragraph wrapping' => array(
+ 'message' => '',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'inline', 'hidden' ),
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => false,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice notice-error is-dismissible inline hidden"></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an "error" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'An "error" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-error"><p>An "error" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a "success" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A "success" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'success',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-success"><p>A "success" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a "warning" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A "warning" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-warning"><p>A "warning" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an "info" notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'An "info" notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'info',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-info"><p>An "info" notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type that already starts with "notice-"' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A type that already starts with "notice-".',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'notice-info',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-notice-info"><p>A type that already starts with "notice-".</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a dismissible notice' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A dismissible notice.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice is-dismissible"><p>A dismissible notice.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'no type and an ID' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an ID.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice"><p>A notice with an ID.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type and an ID' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A warning notice with an ID.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ 'id' => 'message',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id="message" class="notice notice-warning"><p>A warning notice with an ID.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'no type and additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'error', 'notice-alt' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice error notice-alt"><p>A notice with additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type and additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A warning notice with additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'error', 'notice-alt' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-warning error notice-alt"><p>A warning notice with additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a dismissible notice with a type and additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A dismissible warning notice with a type and additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => 'warning',
+ 'dismissible' => true,
+ 'additional_classes' => array( 'error', 'notice-alt' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-warning is-dismissible error notice-alt"><p>A dismissible warning notice with a type and additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a notice without paragraph wrapping' => array(
+ 'message' => '<span>A notice without paragraph wrapping.</span>',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => false,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><span>A notice without paragraph wrapping.</span></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an unsafe type' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an unsafe type.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => '"><script>alert("Howdy,admin!");</script>',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice notice-"><script>alert("Howdy,admin!");</script>"><p>A notice with an unsafe type.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an unsafe ID' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an unsafe ID.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => '"><script>alert( "Howdy, admin!" );</script> <div class="notice',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div id=""><script>alert( "Howdy, admin!" );</script> <div class="notice" class="notice"><p>A notice with an unsafe ID.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'unsafe additional classes' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with unsafe additional classes.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'additional_classes' => array( '"><script>alert( "Howdy, admin!" );</script> <div class="notice' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice "><script>alert( "Howdy, admin!" );</script> <div class="notice"><p>A notice with unsafe additional classes.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type that is not a string' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with a type that is not a string.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => array(),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with a type that is not a string.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'a type with only empty space' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with a type with only empty space.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'type' => " \t\r\n",
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with a type with only empty space.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an ID that is not a string' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an ID that is not a string.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => array( 'message' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with an ID that is not a string.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'an ID with only empty space' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with an ID with only empty space.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'id' => " \t\r\n",
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with an ID with only empty space.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'dismissible as a truthy value rather than (bool) true' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with dismissible as a truthy value rather than (bool) true.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'dismissible' => 1,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with dismissible as a truthy value rather than (bool) true.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'additional classes that are not an array' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with additional classes that are not an array.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'additional_classes' => 'class-1 class-2 class-3',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with additional classes that are not an array.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ 'paragraph wrapping as a falsy value rather than (bool) false' => array(
+ 'message' => 'A notice with paragraph wrapping as a falsy value rather than (bool) false.',
+ 'args' => array(
+ 'paragraph_wrap' => 0,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => '<div class="notice"><p>A notice with paragraph wrapping as a falsy value rather than (bool) false.</p></div>',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `wp_get_admin_notice()` throws a `_doing_it_wrong()` when
+ * a 'type' containing spaces is passed.
+ *
+ * @ticket 57791
+ *
+ * @expectedIncorrectUsage wp_get_admin_notice
+ */
+ public function test_should_throw_doing_it_wrong_with_a_type_containing_spaces() {
+ $this->assertSame(
+ '<div class="notice notice-first second third fourth"><p>A type containing spaces.</p></div>',
+ wp_get_admin_notice(
+ 'A type containing spaces.',
+ array( 'type' => 'first second third fourth' )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that `wp_get_admin_notice()` applies filters.
+ *
+ * @ticket 57791
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_should_apply_filters
+ *
+ * @param string $hook_name The name of the filter hook.
+ */
+ public function test_should_apply_filters( $hook_name ) {
+ $filter = new MockAction();
+ add_filter( $hook_name, array( $filter, 'filter' ) );
+ wp_get_admin_notice( 'A notice.', array( 'type' => 'success' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 1, $filter->get_call_count() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data provider.
+ *
+ * @return array[]
+ */
+ public function data_should_apply_filters() {
+ return array(
+ 'wp_admin_notice_args' => array( 'hook_name' => 'wp_admin_notice_args' ),
+ 'wp_admin_notice_markup' => array( 'hook_name' => 'wp_admin_notice_markup' ),
+ );
+ }