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<title>[10582] sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests: Events: Rename PHPUnit test now that it's the canonical suite.</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta" style="font-size: 105%">
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Revision</dt> <dd><a style="font-weight: bold" href="http://meta.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/10582">10582</a><script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"EmailMessage","description":"Review this Commit","action":{"@type":"ViewAction","url":"http://meta.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/10582","name":"Review Commit"}}</script></dd>
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Author</dt> <dd>iandunn</dd>
<dt style="float: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold">Date</dt> <dd>2021-01-14 16:31:57 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2021)</dd>
<pre style='padding-left: 1em; margin: 2em 0; border-left: 2px solid #ccc; line-height: 1.25; font-size: 105%; font-family: sans-serif'>Events: Rename PHPUnit test now that it's the canonical suite.</pre>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlevents10teststestindexphp">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index.php</a></li>
<h3>Removed Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlevents10teststestindexphpunitphp">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index-phpunit.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlevents10teststestindexphpunitphp"></a>
<div class="delfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Deleted: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index-phpunit.php</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index-phpunit.php 2021-01-14 16:31:51 UTC (rev 10581)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index-phpunit.php 2021-01-14 16:31:57 UTC (rev 10582)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -1,1451 +0,0 @@
</span><del style="background-color: #fdd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">-<?php
-namespace Dotorg\API\Events\Tests;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use function Dotorg\API\Events\{
- get_events, get_location, build_response, is_client_core, pin_one_off_events,
- maybe_add_regional_wordcamps, get_iso_3166_2_country_codes, maybe_add_wp15_promo, remove_duplicate_events
- * @group events
- */
-class Test_Events extends TestCase {
- public static function setUpBeforeClass() : void {
- require_once dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/index.php';
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::get_events
- *
- * @group unit
- *
- * @dataProvider data_get_events
- */
- function test_get_events( array $input, array $expected ) : void {
- $actual_result = get_events( $input );
- $this->assertSame( $expected['count'], count( $actual_result ) );
- $this->assertNotEmpty( $actual_result[0]['url'] );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( time() - ( 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 ), strtotime( $actual_result[0]['date'] ) );
- $this->assertSame( $expected['country'], strtoupper( $actual_result[0]['location']['country'] ) );
- }
- function data_get_events() : array {
- $cases = array(
- // This assumes there will always be at least 2 upcoming events, so it needs to be a very active community.
- '2-near-seattle' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'number' => '2',
- 'nearby' => array(
- 'latitude' => '47.609023',
- 'longitude' => '-122.335903',
- ),
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'count' => 2,
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- '1-in-australia' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'number' => '1',
- 'country' => 'AU',
- 'restrict_by_country' => true,
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'count' => 1,
- 'country' => 'AU',
- ),
- ),
- );
- return $cases;
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::get_events
- *
- * @group unit
- *
- * @dataProvider data_get_events_country_restriction
- */
- function test_get_events_country_restriction( array $input, array $expected_countries ) : void {
- $actual_result = get_events( $input );
- $actual_countries = array_column( array_column( $actual_result, 'location' ), 'country' );
- $actual_countries = array_unique( array_map( 'strtoupper', $actual_countries ) );
- sort( $actual_countries );
- $this->assertSame( $actual_countries, $expected_countries );
- }
- function data_get_events_country_restriction() : array {
- return array(
- 'restricted-by-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'number' => '500',
- 'country' => 'CA',
- 'restrict_by_country' => true,
- ),
- 'expected_countries' => array( 'CA' ),
- ),
- /*
- * This assumes there will always be at least an upcoming event on both sides of the border, so the
- * coordinates need to be half-way between two very active groups in different countries, where the
- * mid-point is less than `$event_distances['meetup']`.
- *
- * If Toronto, CA and Buffalo, US no longer work in the future, then another possible location would be
- * `53.997654, -6.403377` -- between Belfast, GB and Dublin, IE -- or `47.986952, -122.961350` --
- * between Seattle, US and Victoria, CA.
- *
- * See https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C08M59V3P/p1524168308000202.
- */
- 'not-restricted-by-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'number' => '500',
- 'restrict_by_country' => false,
- 'nearby' => array(
- 'latitude' => '43.254372',
- 'longitude' => '-79.063746',
- ),
- ),
- 'expected_countries' => array( 'CA', 'US' ),
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::maybe_add_regional_wordcamps
- * @covers ::get_iso_3166_2_country_codes
- *
- * @group unit
- */
- public function test_maybe_add_regional_wordcamps() : void {
- $local_events = get_events( array(
- 'number' => '5',
- 'nearby' => array(
- 'latitude' => '-33.849951',
- 'longitude' => '18.426246',
- ),
- ) );
- $region_data = array(
- 'us' => array(
- 'promo_start' => strtotime( '2019-08-16 00:00:00' ),
- 'regional_countries' => array_merge(
- get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( 'south america' ),
- get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( 'north america' )
- ),
- 'event' => array(
- 'type' => 'wordcamp',
- 'title' => 'WordCamp US',
- 'url' => 'https://2019.us.wordcamp.org/',
- 'meetup' => '',
- 'meetup_url' => '',
- 'date' => '2019-11-01 00:00:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'St. Louis, MO, USA',
- 'country' => 'US',
- 'latitude' => 38.6532135,
- 'longitude' => -90.3136733,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- $core_user_agent = 'WordPress/5.2; https://example.org';
- $other_user_agent = 'Smith';
- $time_before_promo = strtotime( '2019-08-15 00:00:00' );
- $time_during_promo_phase_1 = strtotime( '+ 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
- $time_during_promo_phase_2 = strtotime( '+ 2 weeks + 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
- $time_during_promo_phase_3 = strtotime( '+ 4 weeks + 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
- $time_after_promo = strtotime( '+ 6 weeks + 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
- $location_country_within_region = array(
- 'country' => 'us',
- );
- $location_country_outside_region = array(
- 'country' => 'es',
- );
- $location_ip_only = array(
- 'ip' => '',
- );
- // Make sure there's at least one event, otherwise there could be false positives.
- if ( ! $local_events ) {
- $local_events[] = array( 'title' => 'Mock Event' );
- }
- $tests_expect_no_changes = array();
- $tests_expect_changes = array();
- // No regional camps should be added if before the promo start date or after the promo window is past (6 weeks).
- $tests_expect_no_changes['before-promo'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_before_promo, $location_country_within_region );
- $tests_expect_no_changes['before-promo'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_after_promo, $location_country_within_region );
- // Regional camp should be added if it's within phase 1 of the promo, regardless of location.
- $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-1-within-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_within_region );
- $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-1-outside-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_outside_region );
- // Regional camp should only be added during phase 2 of promo if location is within region.
- $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-2-within-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_2, $location_country_within_region );
- $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-2-outside-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_2, $location_country_outside_region );
- $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-2-ip-only'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_2, $location_ip_only );
- // Regional camp should only be added during phase 3 of promo if location is within event country.
- $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-3-within-event-country'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_3, $location_country_within_region );
- $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-3-outside-event-country'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_3, $location_country_outside_region );
- $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-3-ip-only'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_3, $location_ip_only );
- // Regional camp should only be added if the user agent is Core.
- $tests_expect_no_changes['other-user-agent'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $other_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_within_region );
- $tests_expect_changes['core-user-agent'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_within_region );
- foreach ( $tests_expect_no_changes as $name => $result ) {
- $this->assertSame( $local_events, $result );
- }
- $unchanged_count = count( $local_events );
- $expected_count = $unchanged_count + 1;
- foreach ( $tests_expect_changes as $name => $result ) {
- $actual_count = count( $result );
- $this->assertSame( $expected_count, $actual_count );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::get_iso_3166_2_country_codes
- *
- * @dataProvider data_get_iso_3166_2_country_codes
- *
- * @group unit
- */
- public function test_get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( $continent, $sample_country ) : void {
- $countries = get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( $continent );
- $this->assertContains( $sample_country, $countries );
- }
- public function data_get_iso_3166_2_country_codes() : array {
- return array(
- array( 'antarctica', 'HM' ),
- array( 'africa', 'KM' ),
- array( 'asia', 'SA' ),
- array( 'europe', 'IM' ),
- array( 'north america', 'MQ' ),
- array( 'oceania', 'MP' ),
- array( 'south america', 'GY' ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::maybe_add_wp15_promo
- *
- * @group unit
- */
- public function test_maybe_add_wp15_promo() : void {
- $local_events_yes_wp15 = array(
- array(
- 'type' => 'meetup',
- 'title' => 'WordPress 15th Anniversary Celebration',
- 'url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/pdx-wp/events/250109566/',
- 'meetup' => 'Portland WordPress Meetup',
- 'meetup_url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/pdx-wp/',
- 'date' => '2018-05-27 12:00:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
- 'country' => 'us',
- 'latitude' => 45.540115,
- 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'wordcamp',
- 'title' => 'WordCamp Portland, Oregon, USA',
- 'url' => 'https://2018.portland.wordcamp.org',
- 'meetup' => '',
- 'meetup_url' => '',
- 'date' => '2018-11-03 00:00:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
- 'country' => 'us',
- 'latitude' => 45.540115,
- 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
- ),
- ),
- );
- $local_events_no_wp15 = array(
- array(
- 'type' => 'meetup',
- 'title' => 'Kickoff: Meet and greet, roundtable discussion',
- 'url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/events/250327006/',
- 'meetup' => 'Corvallis WordPress Meetup',
- 'meetup_url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/',
- 'date' => '2018-05-22 18:30:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Corvallis, OR, USA',
- 'country' => 'us',
- 'latitude' => 44.563564,
- 'longitude' => - 123.26095,
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'wordcamp',
- 'title' => 'WordCamp Portland, Oregon, USA',
- 'url' => 'https://2018.portland.wordcamp.org',
- 'meetup' => '',
- 'meetup_url' => '',
- 'date' => '2018-11-03 00:00:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
- 'country' => 'us',
- 'latitude' => 45.540115,
- 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
- ),
- ),
- );
- $local_events_added_wp15 = array(
- array(
- 'type' => 'meetup',
- 'title' => 'WP15',
- 'url' => 'https://wordpress.org/news/2018/04/celebrate-the-wordpress-15th-anniversary-on-may-27/',
- 'meetup' => '',
- 'meetup_url' => '',
- 'date' => '2018-05-27 12:00:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Everywhere',
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'meetup',
- 'title' => 'Kickoff: Meet and greet, roundtable discussion',
- 'url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/events/250327006/',
- 'meetup' => 'Corvallis WordPress Meetup',
- 'meetup_url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/',
- 'date' => '2018-05-22 18:30:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Corvallis, OR, USA',
- 'country' => 'us',
- 'latitude' => 44.563564,
- 'longitude' => - 123.26095,
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'type' => 'wordcamp',
- 'title' => 'WordCamp Portland, Oregon, USA',
- 'url' => 'https://2018.portland.wordcamp.org',
- 'meetup' => '',
- 'meetup_url' => '',
- 'date' => '2018-11-03 00:00:00',
- 'location' => array(
- 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
- 'country' => 'us',
- 'latitude' => 45.540115,
- 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
- ),
- ),
- );
- $user_agent = 'WordPress/4.9; https://example.org';
- $time_before_date_range = 1523295832;
- $time_during_date_range = 1525887832;
- // Test that the promo is added if there is not already a WP15 event.
- $events_promo_added = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_no_wp15, $user_agent, $time_during_date_range );
- $this->assertSame( $local_events_added_wp15, $events_promo_added, 'needs-promo' );
- // Test that no promo is added if there is already a WP15 event.
- $events_already_has_one = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_yes_wp15, $user_agent, $time_during_date_range );
- $this->assertSame( $local_events_yes_wp15, $events_already_has_one, 'already-has-event' );
- // Test that no changes are made if the user agent isn't Core.
- $events_no_user_agent = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_no_wp15, '', $time_during_date_range );
- $this->assertSame( $local_events_no_wp15, $events_no_user_agent, 'no-user-agent' );
- // Test that no promo is added if the time is outside the date range.
- $events_outside_date_range = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_no_wp15, $user_agent, $time_before_date_range );
- $this->assertSame( $local_events_no_wp15, $events_outside_date_range, 'outside-date-range' );
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::remove_duplicate_events
- *
- * @group unit
- */
- public function test_remove_duplicate_events() : void {
- $duplicate_events = array(
- // Each of these represents an event; extraneous fields have been removed for readability.
- array(
- 'url' => 'https://2020.us.wordcamp.org/',
- ),
- array(
- 'url' => 'https://2020.detroit.wordcamp.org/',
- ),
- array(
- // Intentionally missing the trailing slash, to account for inconsistencies in data.
- 'url' => 'https://2020.us.wordcamp.org',
- ),
- );
- $unique_events = array(
- array(
- 'url' => 'https://2020.us.wordcamp.org',
- ),
- array(
- 'url' => 'https://2020.detroit.wordcamp.org/',
- ),
- );
- $this->assertSame( $unique_events, remove_duplicate_events( $duplicate_events ) );
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::get_location
- *
- * @group unit
- *
- * @dataProvider data_get_location
- */
- public function test_get_location( array $input, $expected ) : void {
- $actual_result = get_location( $input );
- // Normalize to lowercase to account for inconsistency in the IP database
- if ( isset( $actual_result['description'] ) && is_string( $actual_result['description'] ) ) {
- $actual_result['description'] = strtolower( $actual_result['description'] );
- }
- /*
- * Normalize coordinates to account for minor differences in the databases.
- *
- * Rounding to three decimal places means that we're still accurate within about 110 meters, which is
- * good enough for our purposes.
- *
- * @link https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/8674/49125.
- */
- if ( isset( $actual_result['latitude'], $actual_result['longitude'] ) ) {
- $actual_result['latitude'] = number_format( round( $actual_result['latitude'], 3 ), 3 );
- $actual_result['longitude'] = number_format( round( $actual_result['longitude'], 3 ), 3 );
- }
- $this->assertSame( $expected, $actual_result );
- }
- public function data_get_location() : array {
- $cases = array(
- /*
- * Only the country code is given
- */
- 'country-code-australia' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'country' => 'AU',
- 'restrict_by_country' => true,
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'AU',
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * The country name, locale, and timezone are given
- */
- 'country-exonym-1-word' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Indonesia',
- 'locale' => 'id_ID',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Jakarta',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'ID',
- 'description' => 'indonesia',
- ),
- ),
- 'country-exonym-2-words' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
- 'locale' => 'bs_BA',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Sarajevo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'BA',
- 'description' => 'bosnia and herzegovina',
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * A location couldn't be found
- */
- 'city-invalid-private-ip' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity',
- 'ip' => '',
- ),
- 'expected' => false,
- ),
- /*
- * No input was provided
- */
- 'input-empty' => array(
- 'input' => array(),
- 'expected' => array(),
- ),
- /*
- * The English city exonym, locale, and timezone are given
- */
- 'city-africa' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Nairobi',
- 'locale' => 'en_GB',
- 'timezone' => 'Africa/Nairobi',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'nairobi',
- 'latitude' => '-1.283',
- 'longitude' => '36.817',
- 'country' => 'KE',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-asia' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Tokyo',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'tokyo',
- 'latitude' => '35.690',
- 'longitude' => '139.692',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-europe' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Berlin',
- 'locale' => 'de_DE',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'berlin',
- 'latitude' => '52.524',
- 'longitude' => '13.411',
- 'country' => 'DE',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-north-america' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Vancouver',
- 'locale' => 'en_CA',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Vancouver',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'vancouver',
- 'latitude' => '49.250',
- 'longitude' => '-123.119',
- 'country' => 'CA',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-oceania' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Brisbane',
- 'locale' => 'en_AU',
- 'timezone' => 'Australia/Brisbane',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'brisbane',
- 'latitude' => '-27.468',
- 'longitude' => '153.028',
- 'country' => 'AU',
- ),
- ),
- // Many users never change the default `en_US` locale in Core
- 'city-oceania-with-en_US' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Sydney',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'Australia/Sydney',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'sydney',
- 'latitude' => '-33.868',
- 'longitude' => '151.207',
- 'country' => 'AU',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-south-america' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Sao Paulo',
- 'locale' => 'pt_BR',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'sao paulo',
- 'latitude' => '-23.548',
- 'longitude' => '-46.636',
- 'country' => 'BR',
- ),
- ),
- // Users will often type them without the dash, bypassing an exact match
- 'city-with-dashes-in-formal-name' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Osakashi',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'osakashi',
- 'latitude' => '34.694',
- 'longitude' => '135.502',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- // If a location is provided, the fallback search should be attempted before an IP search
- 'fallback-with-public-ip' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Osakashi',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- 'ip' => '', // Tokyo
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'osakashi',
- 'latitude' => '34.694',
- 'longitude' => '135.502',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-with-apostrophe-in-formal-name' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => "Coeur d'Alene",
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => "coeur d'alene",
- 'latitude' => '47.678',
- 'longitude' => '-116.780',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-with-diacritics-in-query' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Doña Ana',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Denver',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'doña ana',
- 'latitude' => '32.390',
- 'longitude' => '-106.814',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-with-diacritics-in-formal-name-but-not-in-query' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Dona Ana',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Denver',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'dona ana',
- 'latitude' => '32.390',
- 'longitude' => '-106.814',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-with-period-in-query' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'St. Louis',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'st. louis',
- 'latitude' => '38.627',
- 'longitude' => '-90.198',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-with-period-in-formal-name-but-not-in-query' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'St Louis',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'st louis',
- 'latitude' => '38.627',
- 'longitude' => '-90.198',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * The city endonym, locale, and timezone are given
- */
- 'city-endonym-accents-africa' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Yaoundé',
- 'locale' => 'fr_FR',
- 'timezone' => 'Africa/Douala',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'yaoundé',
- 'latitude' => '3.867',
- 'longitude' => '11.517',
- 'country' => 'CM',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-non-latin-africa' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'አዲስ አበ',
- 'locale' => 'am',
- 'timezone' => 'Africa/Addis_Ababa',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'አዲስ አበባ',
- 'latitude' => '9.025',
- 'longitude' => '38.747',
- 'country' => 'ET',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia1' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => '白浜町宇佐崎南',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => '白浜町宇佐崎南',
- 'latitude' => '34.783',
- 'longitude' => '134.717',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia2' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'تهران',
- 'locale' => 'fa_IR',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tehran',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'تهران',
- 'latitude' => '35.694',
- 'longitude' => '51.422',
- 'country' => 'IR',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia3' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'كراچى',
- 'locale' => 'ur',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Karachi',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'كراچى',
- 'latitude' => '24.861',
- 'longitude' => '67.010',
- 'country' => 'PK',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia4' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => '京都',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => '京都',
- 'latitude' => '35.021',
- 'longitude' => '135.754',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia5' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => '東京',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => '東京',
- 'latitude' => '35.690',
- 'longitude' => '139.692',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-ideographic-municipal-unit-asia' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => '大阪',
- 'locale' => 'ja',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => '大阪',
- 'latitude' => '34.694',
- 'longitude' => '135.502',
- 'country' => 'JP',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-europe' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Wien',
- 'locale' => 'de_DE',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'wien',
- 'latitude' => '48.208',
- 'longitude' => '16.372',
- 'country' => 'AT',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-europe2' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Москва',
- 'locale' => 'ru_RU',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'Москва',
- 'latitude' => '55.752',
- 'longitude' => '37.616',
- 'country' => 'RU',
- ),
- ),
- // https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3295
- 'city-endonym-europe3-uppercase' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Санкт-Петербург',
- 'locale' => 'ru_RU',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'Санкт-Петербург',
- 'latitude' => '59.939',
- 'longitude' => '30.314',
- 'country' => 'RU',
- ),
- ),
- // https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3295
- 'city-endonym-europe3-lowercase' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'санкт-петербург',
- 'locale' => 'ru_RU',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'Санкт-Петербург',
- 'latitude' => '59.939',
- 'longitude' => '30.314',
- 'country' => 'RU',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-accents-north-america' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Ciudad de México',
- 'locale' => 'en_MX',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Mexico_City',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'ciudad de méxico',
- 'latitude' => '19.283',
- 'longitude' => '-99.133',
- 'country' => 'MX',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-accents-oceania' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Hagåtña',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Guam',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'hagåtña',
- 'latitude' => '13.476',
- 'longitude' => '144.749',
- 'country' => 'GU',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-endonym-south-america' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Bogotá',
- 'locale' => 'es_CO',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Bogota',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'bogotá',
- 'latitude' => '4.610',
- 'longitude' => '-74.082',
- 'country' => 'CO',
- ),
- ),
- // https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3367
- // The following tests ensure that West/East portlands return correctly with inversed timezones.
- 'usa-city-disambiguation' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Portland',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'portland',
- 'latitude' => '45.523',
- 'longitude' => '-122.676',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'usa-city-disambiguation-2' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Portland, OR',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'portland, or',
- 'latitude' => '45.523',
- 'longitude' => '-122.676',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'usa-city-disambiguation-3' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Portland',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'portland',
- 'latitude' => '43.657',
- 'longitude' => '-70.259',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'usa-city-disambiguation-4' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Portland, ME',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'portland, me',
- 'latitude' => '43.657',
- 'longitude' => '-70.259',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'usa-city-disambiguation-by-preferred-name' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Chicago',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'chicago',
- 'latitude' => '41.850',
- 'longitude' => '-87.650',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- 'usa-city-disambiguation-by-preferred-name-2' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Chicago',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'chicago',
- 'latitude' => '41.850',
- 'longitude' => '-87.650',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- // Calcutta, Ohio, USA is a preferred name, but the country is more relevant here.
- 'city-disambiguation-by-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Calcutta',
- 'locale' => 'hi_IN',
- 'timezone' => 'Asia/Kolkata',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'calcutta',
- 'latitude' => '22.563',
- 'longitude' => '88.363',
- 'country' => 'IN',
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * A combination of city, region, and country are given, along with the locale and timezone
- *
- * InvalidCity is used in tests that want to bypass the guess_location_from_city() tests and only test the country
- */
- '1-word-city-region' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'Portland Maine',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- 'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'portland',
- 'latitude' => '43.657',
- 'longitude' => '-70.259',
- 'country' => 'US',
- ),
- ),
- '2-word-city-region' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'São Paulo Brazil',
- 'locale' => 'pt_BR',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'são paulo',
- 'latitude' => '-23.548',
- 'longitude' => '-46.636',
- 'country' => 'BR',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-1-word-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity Canada',
- 'locale' => 'en_CA',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Vancouver',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'CA',
- 'description' => 'canada',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-2-word-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity Dominican Republic',
- 'locale' => 'es_ES',
- 'timezone' => 'America/Santo_Domingo',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'DO',
- 'description' => 'dominican republic',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-3-word-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity Central African Republic',
- 'locale' => 'fr_FR',
- 'timezone' => 'Africa/Bangui',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'CF',
- 'description' => 'central african republic',
- ),
- ),
- 'country-code' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'GB',
- 'locale' => 'en_GB',
- 'timezone' => 'Europe/London',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'GB',
- 'description' => 'united kingdom',
- ),
- ),
- 'city-country-code' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity BI',
- 'locale' => 'fr_FR',
- 'timezone' => 'Africa/Bujumbura',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'country' => 'BI',
- 'description' => 'burundi',
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * Coordinates should take precedence over IP addresses
- */
- 'coordinates-over-ip-us' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'latitude' => '47.6062100',
- 'longitude' => '-122.3320700',
- 'ip' => '', // San Francisco, USA
- 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
- 'locale' => 'en_US',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => false,
- 'latitude' => '47.606',
- 'longitude' => '-122.332',
- ),
- ),
- 'coordinates-over-ip-africa' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'latitude' => '-19.634233',
- 'longitude' => '17.331767',
- 'ip' => '', // Tsumeb, Namibia
- 'timezone' => 'Africa/Windhoek',
- 'locale' => 'af',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => false,
- 'latitude' => '-19.634',
- 'longitude' => '17.332',
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * Only the IPv4 address is given.
- *
- * Note that IP locations change frequently, so some of these expected results will inevitably become outdated
- * and cause tests to fail.
- *
- * See https://awebanalysis.com/en/ipv4-directory/
- */
- 'ip-africa' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'harare',
- 'latitude' => '-17.829',
- 'longitude' => '31.054',
- 'country' => 'ZW',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ip-asia' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'zarqa',
- 'latitude' => '32.073',
- 'longitude' => '36.088',
- 'country' => 'JO',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ip-europe' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'belfast',
- 'latitude' => '54.583',
- 'longitude' => '-5.933',
- 'country' => 'GB',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ip-north-america' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'mexico city',
- 'latitude' => '19.428',
- 'longitude' => '-99.128',
- 'country' => 'MX',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ip-seattle' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'seattle',
- 'latitude' => '47.606',
- 'longitude' => '-122.332',
- 'country' => 'US',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ip-oceania' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'auckland',
- 'latitude' => '-36.867',
- 'longitude' => '174.767',
- 'country' => 'NZ',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ip-south-america' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'lima',
- 'latitude' => '-12.043',
- 'longitude' => '-77.028',
- 'country' => 'PE',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- /*
- * Only an IPv6 address is given.
- *
- * Note that IP locations change frequently, so some of these expected results will inevitably become outdated
- * and cause tests to fail.
- *
- * See https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption&tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption
- * See https://awebanalysis.com/en/ipv6-directory/
- * See https://www.google.com/search?q=australia+site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fawebanalysis.com%2Fen%2Fipv6-directory%2F
- */
- 'ipv6-africa' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2c0f:f8f0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'harare',
- 'latitude' => '-17.829',
- 'longitude' => '31.054',
- 'country' => 'ZW',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ipv6-asia-anonymized' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2405:200:1000::' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'mumbai',
- 'latitude' => '19.014',
- 'longitude' => '72.848',
- 'country' => 'IN',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ipv6-europe-anonymized' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2a02:578:1000::' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'sint-niklaas',
- 'latitude' => '51.165',
- 'longitude' => '4.144',
- 'country' => 'BE',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ipv6-north-america-anonymized' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2605:a600::' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'mountain view',
- 'latitude' => '37.386',
- 'longitude' => '-122.084',
- 'country' => 'US',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ipv6-oceania-collapsed-prefix' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '::ffff:0190:c500' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'perth',
- 'latitude' => '-31.952',
- 'longitude' => '115.861',
- 'country' => 'AU',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'ipv6-south-america' => array(
- 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2001:1388:6643:2736:10f1:897c:428c:1b3b' ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'description' => 'lima',
- 'latitude' => '-12.043',
- 'longitude' => '-77.028',
- 'country' => 'PE',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- ),
- );
- return $cases;
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::build_response
- *
- * @todo It might be better to do more abstracted tests of `main()`, or e2e tests, rather than coupling to the
- * internals of `build_request()`.
- *
- * @group unit
- *
- * @dataProvider data_build_response
- */
- function test_build_response( array $input, array $expected ) : void {
- $actual_result = build_response( $input['location'], $input['location_args'] );
- $this->assertSame( $expected['location'], $actual_result['location'] );
- $this->assertSame( isset( $expected['error'] ), isset( $actual_result['error'] ) );
- if ( $expected['events'] ) {
- $this->assertNotEmpty( $actual_result['events'] );
- $this->assertNotEmpty( $actual_result['events'][0]['url'] );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( time() - ( 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 ), strtotime( $actual_result['events'][0]['date'] ) );
- }
- if ( isset( $expected['error'] ) ) {
- $this->assertSame( $expected['error'], $actual_result['error'] );
- }
- }
- function data_build_response() : array {
- return array(
- 'utrecht-ip' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location' => array(
- 'latitude' => '52.090284',
- 'longitude' => '5.124719',
- 'internal' => true,
- ),
- 'location_args' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'location' => array(
- 'ip' => '',
- ),
- 'events' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'canada-country' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location' => array(
- 'country' => 'CA',
- ),
- 'location_args' => array(
- 'restrict_by_country' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'location' => array(
- 'country' => 'CA',
- ),
- 'events' => true,
- ),
- ),
- 'throttled' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location' => 'temp-request-throttled',
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'location' => array(),
- 'error' => 'temp-request-throttled',
- 'events' => false,
- ),
- ),
- 'no-location' => array(
- 'input' => array(
- 'location' => array(),
- ),
- 'expected' => array(
- 'location' => array(),
- 'error' => 'no_location_available',
- 'events' => false,
- ),
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::pin_one_off_events
- *
- * @group unit
- */
- function test_pin_one_off_events() {
- $seed_events = array();
- // Don't forget to update the values here when they're updated in the FUT.
- $actual_events_before_expiration = pin_one_off_events( $seed_events, strtotime( 'December 17, 2020' ) );
- $actual_events_after_expiration = pin_one_off_events( $seed_events, strtotime( 'December 18, 2020' ) );
- $this->assertIsArray( $actual_events_after_expiration );
- $this->assertEmpty( $actual_events_after_expiration );
- $this->assertIsArray( $actual_events_before_expiration );
- $this->assertSame( 'State of the Word', $actual_events_before_expiration[0]['title'] );
- }
- /**
- * @covers ::is_client_core
- *
- * @group unit
- *
- * @dataProvider data_is_client_core
- */
- function test_is_client_core( string $user_agent, bool $expected_result ) : void {
- $actual_result = is_client_core( $user_agent );
- $this->assertSame( $expected_result, $actual_result );
- }
- public function data_is_client_core() : array {
- return array(
- 'Empty string' => array( '', false ),
- 'Mentions WP but not Core format' => array( 'Contains WordPress but no slash', false ),
- 'Core old version' => array( 'WordPress/4.9; https://example.org', true ),
- 'Core future version, no URL' => array( 'WordPress/10.0', true ),
- );
- }
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlevents10teststestindexphpfromrev10581sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlevents10teststestindexphpunitphp"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4 style="background-color: #eee; color: inherit; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1.3em; font-size: 115%">Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index.php (from rev 10581, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index-phpunit.php)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/events/1.0/tests/test-index.php 2021-01-14 16:31:57 UTC (rev 10582)
</span><span class="lines" style="display: block; padding: 0 10px; color: #888">@@ -0,0 +1,1451 @@
</span><ins style="background-color: #dfd; text-decoration:none; display:block; padding: 0 10px">+<?php
+namespace Dotorg\API\Events\Tests;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use function Dotorg\API\Events\{
+ get_events, get_location, build_response, is_client_core, pin_one_off_events,
+ maybe_add_regional_wordcamps, get_iso_3166_2_country_codes, maybe_add_wp15_promo, remove_duplicate_events
+ * @group events
+ */
+class Test_Events extends TestCase {
+ public static function setUpBeforeClass() : void {
+ require_once dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/index.php';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::get_events
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_get_events
+ */
+ function test_get_events( array $input, array $expected ) : void {
+ $actual_result = get_events( $input );
+ $this->assertSame( $expected['count'], count( $actual_result ) );
+ $this->assertNotEmpty( $actual_result[0]['url'] );
+ $this->assertGreaterThan( time() - ( 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 ), strtotime( $actual_result[0]['date'] ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $expected['country'], strtoupper( $actual_result[0]['location']['country'] ) );
+ }
+ function data_get_events() : array {
+ $cases = array(
+ // This assumes there will always be at least 2 upcoming events, so it needs to be a very active community.
+ '2-near-seattle' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'nearby' => array(
+ 'latitude' => '47.609023',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.335903',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'count' => 2,
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ '1-in-australia' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ 'restrict_by_country' => true,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'count' => 1,
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $cases;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::get_events
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_get_events_country_restriction
+ */
+ function test_get_events_country_restriction( array $input, array $expected_countries ) : void {
+ $actual_result = get_events( $input );
+ $actual_countries = array_column( array_column( $actual_result, 'location' ), 'country' );
+ $actual_countries = array_unique( array_map( 'strtoupper', $actual_countries ) );
+ sort( $actual_countries );
+ $this->assertSame( $actual_countries, $expected_countries );
+ }
+ function data_get_events_country_restriction() : array {
+ return array(
+ 'restricted-by-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'number' => '500',
+ 'country' => 'CA',
+ 'restrict_by_country' => true,
+ ),
+ 'expected_countries' => array( 'CA' ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * This assumes there will always be at least an upcoming event on both sides of the border, so the
+ * coordinates need to be half-way between two very active groups in different countries, where the
+ * mid-point is less than `$event_distances['meetup']`.
+ *
+ * If Toronto, CA and Buffalo, US no longer work in the future, then another possible location would be
+ * `53.997654, -6.403377` -- between Belfast, GB and Dublin, IE -- or `47.986952, -122.961350` --
+ * between Seattle, US and Victoria, CA.
+ *
+ * See https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C08M59V3P/p1524168308000202.
+ */
+ 'not-restricted-by-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'number' => '500',
+ 'restrict_by_country' => false,
+ 'nearby' => array(
+ 'latitude' => '43.254372',
+ 'longitude' => '-79.063746',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'expected_countries' => array( 'CA', 'US' ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::maybe_add_regional_wordcamps
+ * @covers ::get_iso_3166_2_country_codes
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ */
+ public function test_maybe_add_regional_wordcamps() : void {
+ $local_events = get_events( array(
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'nearby' => array(
+ 'latitude' => '-33.849951',
+ 'longitude' => '18.426246',
+ ),
+ ) );
+ $region_data = array(
+ 'us' => array(
+ 'promo_start' => strtotime( '2019-08-16 00:00:00' ),
+ 'regional_countries' => array_merge(
+ get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( 'south america' ),
+ get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( 'north america' )
+ ),
+ 'event' => array(
+ 'type' => 'wordcamp',
+ 'title' => 'WordCamp US',
+ 'url' => 'https://2019.us.wordcamp.org/',
+ 'meetup' => '',
+ 'meetup_url' => '',
+ 'date' => '2019-11-01 00:00:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'St. Louis, MO, USA',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ 'latitude' => 38.6532135,
+ 'longitude' => -90.3136733,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $core_user_agent = 'WordPress/5.2; https://example.org';
+ $other_user_agent = 'Smith';
+ $time_before_promo = strtotime( '2019-08-15 00:00:00' );
+ $time_during_promo_phase_1 = strtotime( '+ 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
+ $time_during_promo_phase_2 = strtotime( '+ 2 weeks + 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
+ $time_during_promo_phase_3 = strtotime( '+ 4 weeks + 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
+ $time_after_promo = strtotime( '+ 6 weeks + 1 day', $region_data['us']['promo_start'] );
+ $location_country_within_region = array(
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ );
+ $location_country_outside_region = array(
+ 'country' => 'es',
+ );
+ $location_ip_only = array(
+ 'ip' => '',
+ );
+ // Make sure there's at least one event, otherwise there could be false positives.
+ if ( ! $local_events ) {
+ $local_events[] = array( 'title' => 'Mock Event' );
+ }
+ $tests_expect_no_changes = array();
+ $tests_expect_changes = array();
+ // No regional camps should be added if before the promo start date or after the promo window is past (6 weeks).
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['before-promo'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_before_promo, $location_country_within_region );
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['before-promo'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_after_promo, $location_country_within_region );
+ // Regional camp should be added if it's within phase 1 of the promo, regardless of location.
+ $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-1-within-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_within_region );
+ $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-1-outside-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_outside_region );
+ // Regional camp should only be added during phase 2 of promo if location is within region.
+ $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-2-within-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_2, $location_country_within_region );
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-2-outside-region'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_2, $location_country_outside_region );
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-2-ip-only'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_2, $location_ip_only );
+ // Regional camp should only be added during phase 3 of promo if location is within event country.
+ $tests_expect_changes['promo-phase-3-within-event-country'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_3, $location_country_within_region );
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-3-outside-event-country'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_3, $location_country_outside_region );
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['promo-phase-3-ip-only'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_3, $location_ip_only );
+ // Regional camp should only be added if the user agent is Core.
+ $tests_expect_no_changes['other-user-agent'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $other_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_within_region );
+ $tests_expect_changes['core-user-agent'] = maybe_add_regional_wordcamps( $local_events, $region_data, $core_user_agent, $time_during_promo_phase_1, $location_country_within_region );
+ foreach ( $tests_expect_no_changes as $name => $result ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $local_events, $result );
+ }
+ $unchanged_count = count( $local_events );
+ $expected_count = $unchanged_count + 1;
+ foreach ( $tests_expect_changes as $name => $result ) {
+ $actual_count = count( $result );
+ $this->assertSame( $expected_count, $actual_count );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::get_iso_3166_2_country_codes
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_get_iso_3166_2_country_codes
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ */
+ public function test_get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( $continent, $sample_country ) : void {
+ $countries = get_iso_3166_2_country_codes( $continent );
+ $this->assertContains( $sample_country, $countries );
+ }
+ public function data_get_iso_3166_2_country_codes() : array {
+ return array(
+ array( 'antarctica', 'HM' ),
+ array( 'africa', 'KM' ),
+ array( 'asia', 'SA' ),
+ array( 'europe', 'IM' ),
+ array( 'north america', 'MQ' ),
+ array( 'oceania', 'MP' ),
+ array( 'south america', 'GY' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::maybe_add_wp15_promo
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ */
+ public function test_maybe_add_wp15_promo() : void {
+ $local_events_yes_wp15 = array(
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'meetup',
+ 'title' => 'WordPress 15th Anniversary Celebration',
+ 'url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/pdx-wp/events/250109566/',
+ 'meetup' => 'Portland WordPress Meetup',
+ 'meetup_url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/pdx-wp/',
+ 'date' => '2018-05-27 12:00:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'latitude' => 45.540115,
+ 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
+ ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'wordcamp',
+ 'title' => 'WordCamp Portland, Oregon, USA',
+ 'url' => 'https://2018.portland.wordcamp.org',
+ 'meetup' => '',
+ 'meetup_url' => '',
+ 'date' => '2018-11-03 00:00:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'latitude' => 45.540115,
+ 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $local_events_no_wp15 = array(
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'meetup',
+ 'title' => 'Kickoff: Meet and greet, roundtable discussion',
+ 'url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/events/250327006/',
+ 'meetup' => 'Corvallis WordPress Meetup',
+ 'meetup_url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/',
+ 'date' => '2018-05-22 18:30:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Corvallis, OR, USA',
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'latitude' => 44.563564,
+ 'longitude' => - 123.26095,
+ ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'wordcamp',
+ 'title' => 'WordCamp Portland, Oregon, USA',
+ 'url' => 'https://2018.portland.wordcamp.org',
+ 'meetup' => '',
+ 'meetup_url' => '',
+ 'date' => '2018-11-03 00:00:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'latitude' => 45.540115,
+ 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $local_events_added_wp15 = array(
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'meetup',
+ 'title' => 'WP15',
+ 'url' => 'https://wordpress.org/news/2018/04/celebrate-the-wordpress-15th-anniversary-on-may-27/',
+ 'meetup' => '',
+ 'meetup_url' => '',
+ 'date' => '2018-05-27 12:00:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Everywhere',
+ ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'meetup',
+ 'title' => 'Kickoff: Meet and greet, roundtable discussion',
+ 'url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/events/250327006/',
+ 'meetup' => 'Corvallis WordPress Meetup',
+ 'meetup_url' => 'https://www.meetup.com/Corvallis-WordPress-Meetup/',
+ 'date' => '2018-05-22 18:30:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Corvallis, OR, USA',
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'latitude' => 44.563564,
+ 'longitude' => - 123.26095,
+ ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'wordcamp',
+ 'title' => 'WordCamp Portland, Oregon, USA',
+ 'url' => 'https://2018.portland.wordcamp.org',
+ 'meetup' => '',
+ 'meetup_url' => '',
+ 'date' => '2018-11-03 00:00:00',
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'location' => 'Portland, OR, USA',
+ 'country' => 'us',
+ 'latitude' => 45.540115,
+ 'longitude' => - 122.630699,
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $user_agent = 'WordPress/4.9; https://example.org';
+ $time_before_date_range = 1523295832;
+ $time_during_date_range = 1525887832;
+ // Test that the promo is added if there is not already a WP15 event.
+ $events_promo_added = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_no_wp15, $user_agent, $time_during_date_range );
+ $this->assertSame( $local_events_added_wp15, $events_promo_added, 'needs-promo' );
+ // Test that no promo is added if there is already a WP15 event.
+ $events_already_has_one = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_yes_wp15, $user_agent, $time_during_date_range );
+ $this->assertSame( $local_events_yes_wp15, $events_already_has_one, 'already-has-event' );
+ // Test that no changes are made if the user agent isn't Core.
+ $events_no_user_agent = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_no_wp15, '', $time_during_date_range );
+ $this->assertSame( $local_events_no_wp15, $events_no_user_agent, 'no-user-agent' );
+ // Test that no promo is added if the time is outside the date range.
+ $events_outside_date_range = maybe_add_wp15_promo( $local_events_no_wp15, $user_agent, $time_before_date_range );
+ $this->assertSame( $local_events_no_wp15, $events_outside_date_range, 'outside-date-range' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::remove_duplicate_events
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ */
+ public function test_remove_duplicate_events() : void {
+ $duplicate_events = array(
+ // Each of these represents an event; extraneous fields have been removed for readability.
+ array(
+ 'url' => 'https://2020.us.wordcamp.org/',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'url' => 'https://2020.detroit.wordcamp.org/',
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Intentionally missing the trailing slash, to account for inconsistencies in data.
+ 'url' => 'https://2020.us.wordcamp.org',
+ ),
+ );
+ $unique_events = array(
+ array(
+ 'url' => 'https://2020.us.wordcamp.org',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'url' => 'https://2020.detroit.wordcamp.org/',
+ ),
+ );
+ $this->assertSame( $unique_events, remove_duplicate_events( $duplicate_events ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::get_location
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_get_location
+ */
+ public function test_get_location( array $input, $expected ) : void {
+ $actual_result = get_location( $input );
+ // Normalize to lowercase to account for inconsistency in the IP database
+ if ( isset( $actual_result['description'] ) && is_string( $actual_result['description'] ) ) {
+ $actual_result['description'] = strtolower( $actual_result['description'] );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Normalize coordinates to account for minor differences in the databases.
+ *
+ * Rounding to three decimal places means that we're still accurate within about 110 meters, which is
+ * good enough for our purposes.
+ *
+ * @link https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/8674/49125.
+ */
+ if ( isset( $actual_result['latitude'], $actual_result['longitude'] ) ) {
+ $actual_result['latitude'] = number_format( round( $actual_result['latitude'], 3 ), 3 );
+ $actual_result['longitude'] = number_format( round( $actual_result['longitude'], 3 ), 3 );
+ }
+ $this->assertSame( $expected, $actual_result );
+ }
+ public function data_get_location() : array {
+ $cases = array(
+ /*
+ * Only the country code is given
+ */
+ 'country-code-australia' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ 'restrict_by_country' => true,
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * The country name, locale, and timezone are given
+ */
+ 'country-exonym-1-word' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Indonesia',
+ 'locale' => 'id_ID',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Jakarta',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'ID',
+ 'description' => 'indonesia',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'country-exonym-2-words' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
+ 'locale' => 'bs_BA',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Sarajevo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'BA',
+ 'description' => 'bosnia and herzegovina',
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * A location couldn't be found
+ */
+ 'city-invalid-private-ip' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity',
+ 'ip' => '',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => false,
+ ),
+ /*
+ * No input was provided
+ */
+ 'input-empty' => array(
+ 'input' => array(),
+ 'expected' => array(),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * The English city exonym, locale, and timezone are given
+ */
+ 'city-africa' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Nairobi',
+ 'locale' => 'en_GB',
+ 'timezone' => 'Africa/Nairobi',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'nairobi',
+ 'latitude' => '-1.283',
+ 'longitude' => '36.817',
+ 'country' => 'KE',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-asia' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Tokyo',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'tokyo',
+ 'latitude' => '35.690',
+ 'longitude' => '139.692',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-europe' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Berlin',
+ 'locale' => 'de_DE',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'berlin',
+ 'latitude' => '52.524',
+ 'longitude' => '13.411',
+ 'country' => 'DE',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-north-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Vancouver',
+ 'locale' => 'en_CA',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Vancouver',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'vancouver',
+ 'latitude' => '49.250',
+ 'longitude' => '-123.119',
+ 'country' => 'CA',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-oceania' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Brisbane',
+ 'locale' => 'en_AU',
+ 'timezone' => 'Australia/Brisbane',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'brisbane',
+ 'latitude' => '-27.468',
+ 'longitude' => '153.028',
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // Many users never change the default `en_US` locale in Core
+ 'city-oceania-with-en_US' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Sydney',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'Australia/Sydney',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'sydney',
+ 'latitude' => '-33.868',
+ 'longitude' => '151.207',
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-south-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Sao Paulo',
+ 'locale' => 'pt_BR',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'sao paulo',
+ 'latitude' => '-23.548',
+ 'longitude' => '-46.636',
+ 'country' => 'BR',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // Users will often type them without the dash, bypassing an exact match
+ 'city-with-dashes-in-formal-name' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Osakashi',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'osakashi',
+ 'latitude' => '34.694',
+ 'longitude' => '135.502',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // If a location is provided, the fallback search should be attempted before an IP search
+ 'fallback-with-public-ip' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Osakashi',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ 'ip' => '', // Tokyo
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'osakashi',
+ 'latitude' => '34.694',
+ 'longitude' => '135.502',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-with-apostrophe-in-formal-name' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => "Coeur d'Alene",
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => "coeur d'alene",
+ 'latitude' => '47.678',
+ 'longitude' => '-116.780',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-with-diacritics-in-query' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Doña Ana',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Denver',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'doña ana',
+ 'latitude' => '32.390',
+ 'longitude' => '-106.814',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-with-diacritics-in-formal-name-but-not-in-query' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Dona Ana',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Denver',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'dona ana',
+ 'latitude' => '32.390',
+ 'longitude' => '-106.814',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-with-period-in-query' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'St. Louis',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'st. louis',
+ 'latitude' => '38.627',
+ 'longitude' => '-90.198',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-with-period-in-formal-name-but-not-in-query' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'St Louis',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'st louis',
+ 'latitude' => '38.627',
+ 'longitude' => '-90.198',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * The city endonym, locale, and timezone are given
+ */
+ 'city-endonym-accents-africa' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Yaoundé',
+ 'locale' => 'fr_FR',
+ 'timezone' => 'Africa/Douala',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'yaoundé',
+ 'latitude' => '3.867',
+ 'longitude' => '11.517',
+ 'country' => 'CM',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-non-latin-africa' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'አዲስ አበ',
+ 'locale' => 'am',
+ 'timezone' => 'Africa/Addis_Ababa',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'አዲስ አበባ',
+ 'latitude' => '9.025',
+ 'longitude' => '38.747',
+ 'country' => 'ET',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia1' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => '白浜町宇佐崎南',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => '白浜町宇佐崎南',
+ 'latitude' => '34.783',
+ 'longitude' => '134.717',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia2' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'تهران',
+ 'locale' => 'fa_IR',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tehran',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'تهران',
+ 'latitude' => '35.694',
+ 'longitude' => '51.422',
+ 'country' => 'IR',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia3' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'كراچى',
+ 'locale' => 'ur',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Karachi',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'كراچى',
+ 'latitude' => '24.861',
+ 'longitude' => '67.010',
+ 'country' => 'PK',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia4' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => '京都',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => '京都',
+ 'latitude' => '35.021',
+ 'longitude' => '135.754',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-ideographic-asia5' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => '東京',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => '東京',
+ 'latitude' => '35.690',
+ 'longitude' => '139.692',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-ideographic-municipal-unit-asia' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => '大阪',
+ 'locale' => 'ja',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => '大阪',
+ 'latitude' => '34.694',
+ 'longitude' => '135.502',
+ 'country' => 'JP',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-europe' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Wien',
+ 'locale' => 'de_DE',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'wien',
+ 'latitude' => '48.208',
+ 'longitude' => '16.372',
+ 'country' => 'AT',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-europe2' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Москва',
+ 'locale' => 'ru_RU',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'Москва',
+ 'latitude' => '55.752',
+ 'longitude' => '37.616',
+ 'country' => 'RU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3295
+ 'city-endonym-europe3-uppercase' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Санкт-Петербург',
+ 'locale' => 'ru_RU',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'Санкт-Петербург',
+ 'latitude' => '59.939',
+ 'longitude' => '30.314',
+ 'country' => 'RU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3295
+ 'city-endonym-europe3-lowercase' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'санкт-петербург',
+ 'locale' => 'ru_RU',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'Санкт-Петербург',
+ 'latitude' => '59.939',
+ 'longitude' => '30.314',
+ 'country' => 'RU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-accents-north-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Ciudad de México',
+ 'locale' => 'en_MX',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Mexico_City',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'ciudad de méxico',
+ 'latitude' => '19.283',
+ 'longitude' => '-99.133',
+ 'country' => 'MX',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-accents-oceania' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Hagåtña',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Guam',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'hagåtña',
+ 'latitude' => '13.476',
+ 'longitude' => '144.749',
+ 'country' => 'GU',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-endonym-south-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Bogotá',
+ 'locale' => 'es_CO',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Bogota',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'bogotá',
+ 'latitude' => '4.610',
+ 'longitude' => '-74.082',
+ 'country' => 'CO',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3367
+ // The following tests ensure that West/East portlands return correctly with inversed timezones.
+ 'usa-city-disambiguation' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Portland',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'portland',
+ 'latitude' => '45.523',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.676',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'usa-city-disambiguation-2' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Portland, OR',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'portland, or',
+ 'latitude' => '45.523',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.676',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'usa-city-disambiguation-3' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Portland',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'portland',
+ 'latitude' => '43.657',
+ 'longitude' => '-70.259',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'usa-city-disambiguation-4' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Portland, ME',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'portland, me',
+ 'latitude' => '43.657',
+ 'longitude' => '-70.259',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'usa-city-disambiguation-by-preferred-name' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Chicago',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'chicago',
+ 'latitude' => '41.850',
+ 'longitude' => '-87.650',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'usa-city-disambiguation-by-preferred-name-2' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Chicago',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'chicago',
+ 'latitude' => '41.850',
+ 'longitude' => '-87.650',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ // Calcutta, Ohio, USA is a preferred name, but the country is more relevant here.
+ 'city-disambiguation-by-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Calcutta',
+ 'locale' => 'hi_IN',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Kolkata',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'calcutta',
+ 'latitude' => '22.563',
+ 'longitude' => '88.363',
+ 'country' => 'IN',
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * A combination of city, region, and country are given, along with the locale and timezone
+ *
+ * InvalidCity is used in tests that want to bypass the guess_location_from_city() tests and only test the country
+ */
+ '1-word-city-region' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'Portland Maine',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'portland',
+ 'latitude' => '43.657',
+ 'longitude' => '-70.259',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ ),
+ ),
+ '2-word-city-region' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'São Paulo Brazil',
+ 'locale' => 'pt_BR',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'são paulo',
+ 'latitude' => '-23.548',
+ 'longitude' => '-46.636',
+ 'country' => 'BR',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-1-word-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity Canada',
+ 'locale' => 'en_CA',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Vancouver',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'CA',
+ 'description' => 'canada',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-2-word-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity Dominican Republic',
+ 'locale' => 'es_ES',
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Santo_Domingo',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'DO',
+ 'description' => 'dominican republic',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-3-word-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity Central African Republic',
+ 'locale' => 'fr_FR',
+ 'timezone' => 'Africa/Bangui',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'CF',
+ 'description' => 'central african republic',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'country-code' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'GB',
+ 'locale' => 'en_GB',
+ 'timezone' => 'Europe/London',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'GB',
+ 'description' => 'united kingdom',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'city-country-code' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location_name' => 'InvalidCity BI',
+ 'locale' => 'fr_FR',
+ 'timezone' => 'Africa/Bujumbura',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'country' => 'BI',
+ 'description' => 'burundi',
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * Coordinates should take precedence over IP addresses
+ */
+ 'coordinates-over-ip-us' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'latitude' => '47.6062100',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.3320700',
+ 'ip' => '', // San Francisco, USA
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+ 'locale' => 'en_US',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => false,
+ 'latitude' => '47.606',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.332',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'coordinates-over-ip-africa' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'latitude' => '-19.634233',
+ 'longitude' => '17.331767',
+ 'ip' => '', // Tsumeb, Namibia
+ 'timezone' => 'Africa/Windhoek',
+ 'locale' => 'af',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => false,
+ 'latitude' => '-19.634',
+ 'longitude' => '17.332',
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * Only the IPv4 address is given.
+ *
+ * Note that IP locations change frequently, so some of these expected results will inevitably become outdated
+ * and cause tests to fail.
+ *
+ * See https://awebanalysis.com/en/ipv4-directory/
+ */
+ 'ip-africa' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'harare',
+ 'latitude' => '-17.829',
+ 'longitude' => '31.054',
+ 'country' => 'ZW',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ip-asia' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'zarqa',
+ 'latitude' => '32.073',
+ 'longitude' => '36.088',
+ 'country' => 'JO',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ip-europe' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'belfast',
+ 'latitude' => '54.583',
+ 'longitude' => '-5.933',
+ 'country' => 'GB',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ip-north-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'mexico city',
+ 'latitude' => '19.428',
+ 'longitude' => '-99.128',
+ 'country' => 'MX',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ip-seattle' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'seattle',
+ 'latitude' => '47.606',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.332',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ip-oceania' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'auckland',
+ 'latitude' => '-36.867',
+ 'longitude' => '174.767',
+ 'country' => 'NZ',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ip-south-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'lima',
+ 'latitude' => '-12.043',
+ 'longitude' => '-77.028',
+ 'country' => 'PE',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ /*
+ * Only an IPv6 address is given.
+ *
+ * Note that IP locations change frequently, so some of these expected results will inevitably become outdated
+ * and cause tests to fail.
+ *
+ * See https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption&tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption
+ * See https://awebanalysis.com/en/ipv6-directory/
+ * See https://www.google.com/search?q=australia+site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fawebanalysis.com%2Fen%2Fipv6-directory%2F
+ */
+ 'ipv6-africa' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2c0f:f8f0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'harare',
+ 'latitude' => '-17.829',
+ 'longitude' => '31.054',
+ 'country' => 'ZW',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ipv6-asia-anonymized' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2405:200:1000::' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'mumbai',
+ 'latitude' => '19.014',
+ 'longitude' => '72.848',
+ 'country' => 'IN',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ipv6-europe-anonymized' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2a02:578:1000::' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'sint-niklaas',
+ 'latitude' => '51.165',
+ 'longitude' => '4.144',
+ 'country' => 'BE',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ipv6-north-america-anonymized' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2605:a600::' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'mountain view',
+ 'latitude' => '37.386',
+ 'longitude' => '-122.084',
+ 'country' => 'US',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ipv6-oceania-collapsed-prefix' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '::ffff:0190:c500' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'perth',
+ 'latitude' => '-31.952',
+ 'longitude' => '115.861',
+ 'country' => 'AU',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'ipv6-south-america' => array(
+ 'input' => array( 'ip' => '2001:1388:6643:2736:10f1:897c:428c:1b3b' ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'description' => 'lima',
+ 'latitude' => '-12.043',
+ 'longitude' => '-77.028',
+ 'country' => 'PE',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $cases;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::build_response
+ *
+ * @todo It might be better to do more abstracted tests of `main()`, or e2e tests, rather than coupling to the
+ * internals of `build_request()`.
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_build_response
+ */
+ function test_build_response( array $input, array $expected ) : void {
+ $actual_result = build_response( $input['location'], $input['location_args'] );
+ $this->assertSame( $expected['location'], $actual_result['location'] );
+ $this->assertSame( isset( $expected['error'] ), isset( $actual_result['error'] ) );
+ if ( $expected['events'] ) {
+ $this->assertNotEmpty( $actual_result['events'] );
+ $this->assertNotEmpty( $actual_result['events'][0]['url'] );
+ $this->assertGreaterThan( time() - ( 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 ), strtotime( $actual_result['events'][0]['date'] ) );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $expected['error'] ) ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $expected['error'], $actual_result['error'] );
+ }
+ }
+ function data_build_response() : array {
+ return array(
+ 'utrecht-ip' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'latitude' => '52.090284',
+ 'longitude' => '5.124719',
+ 'internal' => true,
+ ),
+ 'location_args' => array( 'ip' => '' ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'ip' => '',
+ ),
+ 'events' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'canada-country' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'country' => 'CA',
+ ),
+ 'location_args' => array(
+ 'restrict_by_country' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'location' => array(
+ 'country' => 'CA',
+ ),
+ 'events' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'throttled' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location' => 'temp-request-throttled',
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'location' => array(),
+ 'error' => 'temp-request-throttled',
+ 'events' => false,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'no-location' => array(
+ 'input' => array(
+ 'location' => array(),
+ ),
+ 'expected' => array(
+ 'location' => array(),
+ 'error' => 'no_location_available',
+ 'events' => false,
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::pin_one_off_events
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ */
+ function test_pin_one_off_events() {
+ $seed_events = array();
+ // Don't forget to update the values here when they're updated in the FUT.
+ $actual_events_before_expiration = pin_one_off_events( $seed_events, strtotime( 'December 17, 2020' ) );
+ $actual_events_after_expiration = pin_one_off_events( $seed_events, strtotime( 'December 18, 2020' ) );
+ $this->assertIsArray( $actual_events_after_expiration );
+ $this->assertEmpty( $actual_events_after_expiration );
+ $this->assertIsArray( $actual_events_before_expiration );
+ $this->assertSame( 'State of the Word', $actual_events_before_expiration[0]['title'] );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ::is_client_core
+ *
+ * @group unit
+ *
+ * @dataProvider data_is_client_core
+ */
+ function test_is_client_core( string $user_agent, bool $expected_result ) : void {
+ $actual_result = is_client_core( $user_agent );
+ $this->assertSame( $expected_result, $actual_result );
+ }
+ public function data_is_client_core() : array {
+ return array(
+ 'Empty string' => array( '', false ),
+ 'Mentions WP but not Core format' => array( 'Contains WordPress but no slash', false ),
+ 'Core old version' => array( 'WordPress/4.9; https://example.org', true ),
+ 'Core future version, no URL' => array( 'WordPress/10.0', true ),
+ );
+ }