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<title>[642] sites/trunk/wordcamp.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins: WordCamp Forms to Drafts: Initial Commit.</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://meta.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/642">642</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>iandunn</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2014-05-23 22:43:47 +0000 (Fri, 23 May 2014)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>WordCamp Forms to Drafts: Initial Commit.</pre>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkwordcamporgpublic_htmlwpcontentpluginswordcampformstodraftswordcampformstodraftsphp">sites/trunk/wordcamp.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="sitestrunkwordcamporgpublic_htmlwpcontentpluginswordcampformstodraftswordcampformstodraftsphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: sites/trunk/wordcamp.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts.php (0 => 642)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/wordcamp.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/wordcamp.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts/wordcamp-forms-to-drafts.php 2014-05-23 22:43:47 UTC (rev 642)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+Plugin Name: WordCamp Forms to Drafts
+Description: Convert form submissions into drafts for our custom post types.
+Version: 0.1
+Author: WordCamp Central
+Author URI: http://wordcamp.org
+if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
+ die( 'Access denied.' );
+class WordCamp_Forms_To_Drafts {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public function __construct() {
+ add_action( 'grunion_pre_message_sent', array( $this, 'returning_organizer_application' ), 10, 3 );
+ add_action( 'grunion_pre_message_sent', array( $this, 'new_organizer_application' ), 10, 3 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Identify the form that the submission is associated with.
+ *
+ * This requires that the post containing the [contact-form] shortcode has a meta field named 'wcfd-key' added
+ * with the value of the corresponding submission handler.
+ *
+ * @param int $submission_id
+ * @return string | false
+ */
+ protected function get_form_key( $submission_id ) {
+ $key = false;
+ $submission = get_post( $submission_id );
+ if ( ! empty( $submission->post_parent ) ) {
+ $key = get_post_meta( $submission->post_parent, 'wcfd-key', true );
+ }
+ return $key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a user's ID based on their username.
+ *
+ * @param string $username
+ * @return int
+ */
+ protected function get_user_id_from_username( $username ) {
+ $user = get_user_by( 'login', $username );
+ return empty( $user->ID ) ? 0 : $user->ID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Simulate the existence of a post type.
+ *
+ * This plugin may need to insert a form into a different site, and the targeted post type may not be active
+ * on the current site. If we don't do this, PHP notices will be generated and will break the post/get/redirect
+ * flow because of the early headers.
+ *
+ * Yes, this is an ugly hack.
+ *
+ * @param $post_type
+ */
+ protected function simulate_post_type( $post_type ) {
+ global $wp_post_types;
+ if ( empty( $wp_post_types[ $post_type ] ) ) {
+ $wp_post_types[ $post_type ] = $wp_post_types['post'];
+ $wp_post_types[ $post_type ]->name = $post_type;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a draft WordCamp post from a Returning Organizer Application submission.
+ *
+ * @param int $submission_id
+ * @param array $all_values
+ * @param array $extra_values
+ */
+ public function returning_organizer_application( $submission_id, $all_values, $extra_values ) {
+ if ( 'returning-organizer-application' != $this->get_form_key( $submission_id ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $wordcamp_to_form_key_map = array(
+ 'Location' => 'WordCamp City, State, Country',
+ 'Organizer Name' => 'Lead Organizer Name',
+ 'WordPress.org Username' => 'Lead Organizer WordPress.org Username',
+ 'Email Address' => 'Lead Organizer Email',
+ 'Sponsor Wrangler Name' => 'Sponsor Wrangler Name',
+ 'Sponsor Wrangler E-mail Address' => 'Sponsor Wrangler E-mail Address',
+ 'Budget Wrangler Name' => 'Budget Wrangler Name',
+ 'Budget Wrangler E-mail Address' => 'Budget Wrangler E-mail Address',
+ 'Number of Anticipated Attendees' => 'Number of Anticipated Attendees',
+ );
+ $this->simulate_post_type( 'wordcamp' );
+ switch_to_blog( BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE ); // central.wordcamp.org
+ // Create the post
+ $draft_id = wp_insert_post( array(
+ 'post_type' => 'wordcamp',
+ 'post_title' => 'WordCamp ' . $all_values['WordCamp City, State, Country'],
+ 'post_status' => 'draft',
+ 'post_author' => $this->get_user_id_from_username( $all_values['Lead Organizer WordPress.org Username'] ),
+ ) );
+ // Create the post meta
+ if ( $draft_id ) {
+ foreach ( $wordcamp_to_form_key_map as $wordcamp_key => $form_key ) {
+ if ( ! empty( $all_values[ $form_key ] ) ) {
+ update_post_meta( $draft_id, $wordcamp_key, $all_values[ $form_key ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ restore_current_blog();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a draft WordCamp post from a New Organizer Application submission.
+ *
+ * @param int $submission_id
+ * @param array $all_values
+ * @param array $extra_values
+ */
+ public function new_organizer_application( $submission_id, $all_values, $extra_values ) {
+ if ( 'new-organizer-application' != $this->get_form_key( $submission_id ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $wordcamp_to_form_key_map = array(
+ 'Location' => 'Enter the city, state/province, and country where you would like to organize a WordCamp.',
+ 'Organizer Name' => 'Lead Organizer Name',
+ 'WordPress.org Username' => "Lead Organizer WordPress.org Username. This is the username you'd use to log in to http://wordpress.org/support/. If you don't have one, you can register on wordpress.org at https://wordpress.org/support/register.php",
+ 'Email Address' => 'Lead Organizer Email',
+ 'Number of Anticipated Attendees' => 'How many people do you think would attend?',
+ );
+ $this->simulate_post_type( 'wordcamp' );
+ switch_to_blog( BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE ); // central.wordcamp.org
+ // Create the post
+ $draft_id = wp_insert_post( array(
+ 'post_type' => 'wordcamp',
+ 'post_title' => 'WordCamp ' . $all_values['Enter the city, state/province, and country where you would like to organize a WordCamp.'],
+ 'post_status' => 'draft',
+ 'post_author' => $this->get_user_id_from_username( $all_values["Lead Organizer WordPress.org Username. This is the username you'd use to log in to http://wordpress.org/support/. If you don't have one, you can register on wordpress.org at https://wordpress.org/support/register.php"] ),
+ ) );
+ // Create the post meta
+ if ( $draft_id ) {
+ foreach ( $wordcamp_to_form_key_map as $wordcamp_key => $form_key ) {
+ if ( ! empty( $all_values[ $form_key ] ) ) {
+ update_post_meta( $draft_id, $wordcamp_key, $all_values[ $form_key ] );
+ }
+ }
+ $mailing_address = sprintf(
+ "%s%s, %s %s\n%s",
+ empty( $all_values['Lead Organizer Street Address'] ) ? '' : $all_values['Lead Organizer Street Address'] . "\n",
+ $all_values['City'],
+ $all_values['State/Province'],
+ empty( $all_values['ZIP/Postal Code'] ) ? '' : $all_values['ZIP/Postal Code'],
+ $all_values['Country']
+ );
+ update_post_meta( $draft_id, 'Mailing Address', $mailing_address );
+ }
+ restore_current_blog();
+ }
+} // end WordCamp_Forms_To_Drafts
+$GLOBALS['wordcamp_forms_to_drafts'] = new WordCamp_Forms_To_Drafts();