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<title>[161] sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits: Open source the rest of the release files for the credits API.</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://meta.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/161">161</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>nacin</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2013-12-20 08:38:50 +0000 (Fri, 20 Dec 2013)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>Open source the rest of the release files for the credits API.
These were done as sucessive copies to make a pretty (and interesting) diff.</pre>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp33php">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-33.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp34php">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-34.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp35php">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-35.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp36php">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-36.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp37php">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-37.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp38php">sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-38.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp33phpfromrev160sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp32php"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-33.php (from rev 160, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-32.php) (0 => 161)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-33.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-33.php 2013-12-20 08:38:50 UTC (rev 161)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+class WP_33_Credits extends WP_Credits {
+ function groups() {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'project-leaders' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Project Leaders',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ryan' => array( 'Ryan Boren', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ),
+ 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ),
+ 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'jenmylo' => array( 'Jen Mylo', 'User Experience Lead' ),
+ 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'core-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Core Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Guest Committer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'contributing-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Contributing Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'scribu' => 'Cristi Burcă',
+ 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'recent-rockstars' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Recent Rockstars',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi',
+ 'chexee' => 'Chelsea Otakan',
+ 'johnbillion' => array( 'John Blackbourn', '0000ba6dd1b089e1746abbfe6281ee3b' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $groups;
+ }
+ // As of [19669], 3.3.1.
+ function props() {
+ return array(
+ 'aaroncampbell',
+ 'adambackstrom',
+ 'adeptris',
+ 'alexkingorg',
+ 'amereservant',
+ 'ampt',
+ 'AndrewFrazier',
+ 'andrewryno',
+ 'andy',
+ 'ansimation',
+ 'arena',
+ 'batmoo',
+ 'benbalter',
+ 'brandondove',
+ 'carlospaulino',
+ 'Caspie',
+ 'cebradesign',
+ 'cgrymala',
+ 'chexee',
+ 'chipbennett',
+ 'chrisbliss18',
+ 'CoenJacobs',
+ 'coffee2code',
+ 'cyberhobo',
+ 'DaMsT', // props missed by committer
+ 'danielbachhuber',
+ 'davecpage',
+ 'dcowgill',
+ 'deltafactory',
+ 'demetris',
+ 'designsimply',
+ 'devinreams',
+ 'dgwyer',
+ 'DH-Shredder',
+ 'dimadin',
+ 'dllh',
+ 'dougwrites',
+ 'dragoonis',
+ 'DrewAPicture',
+ 'eduplessis',
+ 'eightamrock',
+ 'ejdanderson',
+ 'eko-fr',
+ 'Elpie',
+ 'elyobo',
+ 'empireoflight',
+ 'ericmann',
+ 'ethitter',
+ 'evansolomon',
+ 'exell.christopher',
+ 'filosofo',
+ 'fonglh',
+ 'garyc40',
+ 'GaryJ',
+ 'georgestephanis',
+ 'gluten',
+ 'goldenapples',
+ 'goto10',
+ 'hakre',
+ 'helenyhou',
+ 'iammattthomas',
+ 'iandstewart',
+ 'Ipstenu',
+ 'jacobwg',
+ 'jakemgold',
+ 'jakub.tyrcha',
+ 'jamescollins',
+ 'Jayjdk',
+ 'jeremyclarke',
+ 'jgadbois',
+ 'Jick',
+ 'joehoyle',
+ 'johnbillion',
+ 'johnjamesjacoby',
+ 'johnonolan',
+ 'johnpbloch',
+ 'jorbin',
+ 'josephscott',
+ 'jtclarke',
+ 'justindgivens',
+ 'JustinSainton',
+ 'kawauso',
+ 'kevinB',
+ 'kitchin',
+ 'koke',
+ 'kovshenin',
+ 'kurtpayne',
+ 'l3rady',
+ 'lancewillett',
+ 'Latz',
+ 'ldebrouwer',
+ 'linuxologos',
+ 'lloydbudd',
+ 'logiclord',
+ 'lordandrei',
+ 'lukeschlather',
+ 'lumination',
+ 'madjax',
+ 'mako09',
+ 'MarcusPope',
+ 'mark-k',
+ 'markmcwilliams',
+ 'markoheijnen',
+ 'masonjames',
+ 'mattwiebe',
+ 'MattyRob',
+ 'matveb',
+ 'mau',
+ 'mbijon',
+ 'mdawaffe',
+ 'merty',
+ 'mfields',
+ 'mhauan',
+ 'miqrogroove',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka',
+ 'mrtorrent',
+ 'Nao',
+ 'natebedortha',
+ 'nbachiyski', // commit
+ 'ocean90',
+ 'olivM',
+ 'olleicua',
+ 'otto42',
+ 'pagesimplify',
+ 'paulhastings0',
+ 'pavelevap',
+ 'PeteMall',
+ 'peterwilsoncc',
+ 'ppaire',
+ 'ptahdunbar',
+ 'r-a-y',
+ 'ramiy',
+ 'rasheed',
+ 'rosshanney',
+ 'ruslany',
+ 'ryanhellyer',
+ 'ryanimel',
+ 'saracannon',
+ 'sbressler',
+ 'scottbasgaard',
+ 'scottconnerly',
+ 'scribu',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov',
+ 'settle',
+ 'sillybean',
+ 'Simek',
+ 'simonwheatley',
+ 'sirzooro',
+ 'solarissmoke',
+ 'sorich87',
+ 'tech163',
+ 'tenpura',
+ 'tfnab',
+ 'TheDeadMedic',
+ 'tmoorewp',
+ 'TomAuger',
+ 'trepmal',
+ 'usermrpapa',
+ 'valendesigns',
+ 'vanillalounge',
+ 'vegasgeek',
+ 'Viper007Bond',
+ 'vnsavage',
+ 'wonderboymusic',
+ 'wpmuguru',
+ 'wpweaver',
+ 'WraithKenny', // props missed by committer
+ 'xknown',
+ 'yoavf',
+ 'yuraz',
+ 'zeo',
+ );
+ }
+ function external_libraries() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Class POP3', 'http://squirrelmail.org/' ),
+ array( 'Color Animations', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color' ),
+ // array( 'ColorPicker', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'Horde Text Diff', 'http://pear.horde.org/' ),
+ array( 'hoverIntent', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hoverIntent' ),
+ array( 'imgAreaSelect', 'http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery', 'http://jquery.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI', 'http://jqueryui.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', 'https://github.com/tzuryby/jquery.hotkeys' ),
+ array( 'jQuery serializeObject', 'http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.query', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object' ),
+ // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.suggest', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/suggest' ),
+ array( 'json2', 'https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js' ),
+ array( 'PclZip', 'http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/' ),
+ array( 'PemFTP', 'http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1743.html' ),
+ array( 'phpass', 'http://www.openwall.com/phpass/' ),
+ array( 'PHPMailer', 'http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/' ),
+ array( 'Plupload', 'http://www.plupload.com/' ),
+ array( 'SimplePie', 'http://simplepie.org/' ),
+ array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/' ),
+ array( 'Thickbox', 'http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/' ),
+ array( 'TinyMCE', 'http://www.tinymce.com/' ),
+ );
+ }
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp34phpfromrev160sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp32php"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-34.php (from rev 160, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-32.php) (0 => 161)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-34.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-34.php 2013-12-20 08:38:50 UTC (rev 161)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+class WP_34_Credits extends WP_Credits {
+ function groups() {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'project-leaders' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Project Leaders',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ryan' => array( 'Ryan Boren', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ),
+ 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ),
+ 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'jenmylo' => array( 'Jen Mylo', 'User Experience Lead' ),
+ 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'core-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Core Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Guest Committer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'contributing-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Contributing Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'scribu' => 'Cristi Burcă',
+ 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov',
+ 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi',
+ 'aaroncampbell' => 'Aaron D. Campbell',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'recent-rockstars' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Recent Rockstars',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'maxcutler' => 'Max Cutler',
+ 'kurtpayne' => 'Kurt Payne',
+ 'markoheijnen' => 'Marko Heijnen',
+ 'sabreuse' => 'Amy Hendrix',
+ 'georgestephanis' => 'George Stephanis',
+ 'sushkov' => 'Stas Sușkov',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $groups;
+ }
+ // As of [20948], 3.4-RC1.
+ function props() {
+ return array(
+ '082net',
+ 'BenChapman',
+ 'Caspie',
+ 'CoenJacobs',
+ 'Cyapow',
+ 'DH-Shredder',
+ 'DrewAPicture',
+ 'GaryJ',
+ 'GautamGupta',
+ 'Ipstenu',
+ 'Japh',
+ 'JarretC',
+ 'Jayjdk',
+ 'Lardjo',
+ 'Latz',
+ 'Mamaduka',
+ 'master-jake', // "Master Jake"
+ 'MattyRob',
+ 'Namely',
+ 'Nao',
+ 'Otto42',
+ 'PeteMall',
+ 'Rarst',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov',
+ 'TobiasBg',
+ 'TomAuger',
+ 'Utkarsh',
+ 'Viper007Bond',
+ 'aaroncampbell',
+ 'ajacommerce',
+ 'akshayagarwal',
+ 'aldenta',
+ 'alex-ye',
+ 'alexkingorg',
+ 'ampt',
+ 'andrea_r',
+ 'andrewryno',
+ 'andy',
+ 'arena',
+ 'arieputranto',
+ 'bananastalktome',
+ 'barry',
+ 'batmoo',
+ 'benbalter',
+ 'billerickson',
+ 'boonebgorges',
+ 'c3mdigital',
+ 'camiloclc',
+ 'casben79',
+ 'ceefour',
+ 'cheald',
+ 'chellycat',
+ 'chexee',
+ 'chipbennett',
+ 'convissor',
+ 'danielbachhuber',
+ 'daniloercoli',
+ 'deltafactory',
+ 'demetris',
+ 'devesine',
+ 'dgwyer',
+ 'dimadin',
+ 'djcp',
+ 'dllh',
+ 'dougwrites',
+ 'ebababi',
+ 'edward-mindreantre', // "edward mindreantre"
+ 'ejdanderson',
+ 'emhr',
+ 'empireoflight',
+ 'ericlewis',
+ 'ericmann',
+ 'evansolomon',
+ 'filosofo',
+ 'fredwu',
+ 'garyc40',
+ 'georgestephanis',
+ 'greuben',
+ 'griffinjt',
+ 'hearvox',
+ 'helenyhou',
+ 'hugobaeta', // props missed by committer in [20138]
+ 'husobj',
+ 'iammattthomas',
+ 'iandstewart',
+ 'insertvisionhere',
+ 'intoxstudio',
+ 'jaquers',
+ 'jeremyclarke',
+ 'jeremyfelt',
+ 'jiehanzheng',
+ 'jkudish',
+ 'johnbillion',
+ 'johnjamesjacoby',
+ 'joostdevalk',
+ 'josephscott',
+ 'justindgivens',
+ 'kawauso',
+ 'kenan3008',
+ 'klagraff',
+ 'kobenland',
+ 'koke',
+ 'kovshenin',
+ 'kurtpayne',
+ 'lancewillett',
+ 'leewillis77',
+ 'linuxologos',
+ 'markauk',
+ 'markoheijnen',
+ 'mattonomics',
+ 'mattwiebe',
+ 'matveb',
+ 'maxcutler',
+ 'mdawaffe',
+ 'merty',
+ 'mfields',
+ 'mgolawala',
+ 'mikeschinkel',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka',
+ 'mrtorrent',
+ 'netweblogic',
+ 'niallkennedy',
+ 'nikolayyordanov', // "nikolay.yordanov"
+ 'norocketsurgeon',
+ 'npetetin',
+ 'nprasath002',
+ 'nunomorgadinho',
+ 'ocean90',
+ 'ocollet',
+ 'ounziw',
+ 'pavelevap',
+ 'pbiron',
+ 'pishmishy',
+ 'prettyboymp',
+ 'ptahdunbar',
+ 'pw201',
+ 'ramiy',
+ 'redsweater',
+ 'rmccue',
+ 'roscius',
+ 'rosshanney',
+ 'russellwwest',
+ 'ryanduff',
+ 'sabreuse',
+ 'scott-gonzalez', // "scott.gonzalez"
+ 'scribu',
+ 'settle',
+ 'simonwheatley',
+ 'sirzooro',
+ 'sivel',
+ 'skithund',
+ 'sksmatt',
+ 'solarissmoke',
+ 'sorich87',
+ 'soulseekah',
+ 'stephdau',
+ 'sushkov',
+ 'tamlyn',
+ 'tenpura',
+ 'thezman84',
+ 'tollmanz',
+ 'toppa',
+ 'tott',
+ 'transom',
+ 'trepmal',
+ 'tw2113',
+ 'vanillalounge',
+ 'webord',
+ 'wojtekszkutnik',
+ 'wonderslug',
+ 'xibe',
+ 'xknown',
+ 'yoavf',
+ 'zeo',
+ 'zx2c4',
+ );
+ }
+ function external_libraries() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Class POP3', 'http://squirrelmail.org/' ),
+ array( 'Color Animations', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color' ),
+ // array( 'ColorPicker', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'Horde Text Diff', 'http://pear.horde.org/' ),
+ array( 'hoverIntent', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hoverIntent' ),
+ array( 'imgAreaSelect', 'http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery', 'http://jquery.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI', 'http://jqueryui.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', 'https://github.com/tzuryby/jquery.hotkeys' ),
+ array( 'jQuery serializeObject', 'http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.query', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object' ),
+ // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.suggest', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/suggest' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', 'http://touchpunch.furf.com/' ),
+ array( 'json2', 'https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js' ),
+ array( 'PclZip', 'http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/' ),
+ array( 'PemFTP', 'http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1743.html' ),
+ array( 'phpass', 'http://www.openwall.com/phpass/' ),
+ array( 'PHPMailer', 'http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/' ),
+ array( 'Plupload', 'http://www.plupload.com/' ),
+ array( 'SimplePie', 'http://simplepie.org/' ),
+ array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/' ),
+ array( 'Thickbox', 'http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/' ),
+ array( 'TinyMCE', 'http://www.tinymce.com/' ),
+ );
+ }
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp35phpfromrev160sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp32php"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-35.php (from rev 160, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-32.php) (0 => 161)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-35.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-35.php 2013-12-20 08:38:50 UTC (rev 161)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+class WP_35_Credits extends WP_Credits {
+ function groups() {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'project-leaders' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Project Leaders',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ryan' => array( 'Ryan Boren', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ),
+ 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ),
+ 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'core-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Core Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Guest Committer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'contributing-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Contributing Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'scribu' => 'Cristi Burcă',
+ 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov',
+ 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi',
+ 'lancewillett' => 'Lance Willett',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'recent-rockstars' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Recent Rockstars',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'lessbloat' => 'Dave Martin',
+ 'obenland' => 'Konstantin Obenland',
+ 'DH-Shredder' => 'Mike Schroder',
+ 'drewstrojny' => 'Drew Strojny',
+ 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ),
+ 'mattwiebe' => 'Matt Wiebe',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $groups;
+ }
+ // As of final release, r23123
+ function props() {
+ return array(
+ 'aaroncampbell',
+ 'aaronholbrook', // props missed by committer
+ 'alecrust',
+ 'alex-ye',
+ 'alexkingorg',
+ 'alexvorn2',
+ 'alyssonweb',
+ 'ampt',
+ 'andrear', // andrea.r
+ 'andrewryno',
+ 'andrewspittle',
+ 'andy',
+ 'apokalyptik',
+ 'azaozz',
+ 'bainternet',
+ 'bananastalktome',
+ 'barrykooij',
+ 'batmoo',
+ 'barry',
+ 'bbrooks', // given props as 'Ben Brooks'
+ 'benkulbertis',
+ 'bergius',
+ 'betzster',
+ 'bigdawggi',
+ 'bolo1988',
+ 'bpetty',
+ 'bradparbs',
+ 'bradthomas127',
+ 'bradyvercher',
+ 'brandondove',
+ 'BrianLayman',
+ 'c3mdigital',
+ 'cannona',
+ 'casben79',
+ 'Caspie',
+ 'cdog',
+ 'cfinke',
+ 'chellycat',
+ 'chexee',
+ 'Chouby',
+ 'chriswallace',
+ 'coffee2code',
+ 'corvannoorloos',
+ 'dan-rivera', // Dan Rivera
+ 'dd32',
+ 'deltafactory',
+ 'DH-Shredder',
+ 'dimadin',
+ 'djzone',
+ 'dllh',
+ 'doublesharp',
+ 'DrewAPicture',
+ 'drewstrojny',
+ 'duck_',
+ 'eddiemoya',
+ 'elyobo',
+ 'emiluzelac',
+ 'empireoflight',
+ 'ericlewis',
+ 'ericmann',
+ 'ericwahlforss',
+ 'ethitter',
+ 'evansolomon',
+ 'f-j-kaiser', // F J Kaiser
+ 'fadingdust',
+ 'foxinni',
+ 'gandham',
+ 'GaryJ', // given props as Gary-J
+ 'garyc40',
+ 'GeertDD',
+ 'georgestephanis',
+ 'GhostToast',
+ 'gluten',
+ 'gnarf',
+ 'goldenapples',
+ 'greenshady',
+ 'GregLone',
+ 'griffinjt',
+ 'hakre',
+ 'hanni',
+ 'hardy101',
+ 'hd-J',
+ 'hebbet',
+ 'helenyhou',
+ 'hugobaeta',
+ 'husobj',
+ 'iamfriendly',
+ 'iammattthomas',
+ 'iamtakashi',
+ 'iandstewart',
+ 'ikailo',
+ 'Ipstenu',
+ 'itworx',
+ 'j-idris',
+ 'jakemgold',
+ 'jakubtyrcha', // jakub.tyrcha
+ 'jamescollins',
+ 'jammitch',
+ 'jenmylo',
+ 'Japh',
+ 'JarretC',
+ 'javert03',
+ 'Jayjdk',
+ 'jblz',
+ 'jbrinley',
+ 'jcakec',
+ 'jeffsebring',
+ 'jeremyfelt',
+ 'JerrySarcastic',
+ 'jkudish',
+ 'jndetlefsen',
+ 'joehoyle',
+ 'joelhardi',
+ 'johnbillion',
+ 'johnjamesjacoby',
+ 'johnpbloch',
+ 'jond3r',
+ 'jondavidjohn',
+ 'joostdekeijzer',
+ 'jorbin',
+ 'josephscott',
+ 'jtsternberg',
+ 'JustinSainton',
+ 'Kawauso',
+ 'Keruspe',
+ 'kitchin',
+ 'klagraff',
+ 'knutsp',
+ 'koke',
+ 'koop',
+ 'kopepasah',
+ 'kovshenin',
+ 'kurtpayne',
+ 'Kyrylo',
+ 'lancewillett',
+ 'larysa',
+ 'Latz',
+ 'ldebrouwer',
+ 'leogermani',
+ 'lessbloat',
+ 'lesteph',
+ 'lgedeon',
+ 'lightningspirit',
+ 'linuxologos',
+ 'MadtownLems',
+ 'mailnew2ster',
+ 'Mamaduka',
+ 'maor',
+ 'MarcusPope',
+ 'markel',
+ 'markjaquith',
+ 'markoheijnen',
+ 'markoheinjen',
+ 'martythornley',
+ 'matt',
+ 'mattdanner',
+ 'mattwiebe',
+ 'MattyRob',
+ 'maxcutler',
+ 'mbijon',
+ 'mdawaffe',
+ 'mdgl',
+ 'melchoyce',
+ 'merty',
+ 'mfields',
+ 'mgdl',
+ 'MikeHansenMe',
+ 'mikelittle',
+ 'mikeschinkel',
+ 'mimecine',
+ 'miqrogroove',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka',
+ 'mohanjith',
+ 'Moraleidame', // Moraleida.me
+ 'mpvanwinkle77',
+ 'mrroundhill',
+ 'mtdesign',
+ 'murky',
+ 'nacin',
+ 'Nao',
+ 'nbachiyski',
+ 'neoxx',
+ 'niallkennedy',
+ 'nikolov.tmw',
+ 'nprasath002',
+ 'ntm',
+ 'nvartolomei',
+ 'obenland',
+ 'ocean90',
+ 'op12no2',
+ 'Otto42',
+ 'pas5027', // props missed by committer (r22460)
+ 'pavelevap',
+ 'pdclark',
+ 'pento',
+ 'PeteMall',
+ 'philiparthurmoore',
+ 'phill_brown',
+ 'picklepete',
+ 'picklewagon',
+ 'PotterSys',
+ 'pross',
+ 'r-a-y',
+ 'ramiy',
+ 'rmccue',
+ 'rstern',
+ 'ryan',
+ 'ryanimel',
+ 'RyanJKoehler',
+ 'ryelle',
+ 'rzen',
+ 'sabreuse',
+ 'saltcod',
+ 'saracannon',
+ 'sc0ttclark',
+ 'sc0ttkclark',
+ 'scottgonzalez', // scott.gonzalez (props missed by committer, r22513)
+ 'scribu',
+ 'sennza',
+ 'senzza',
+ 'sergeysbetkenovgaroru', // sergey.s.betke@novgaro.ru
+ 'SergeyBiryukov',
+ 'simonwheatley',
+ 'sirzooro',
+ 'sivel',
+ 'sixhours',
+ 'solarissmoke',
+ 'ssamture',
+ 'sterlo',
+ 'sumindmitriy',
+ 'sushkov',
+ 'swekitsune',
+ 'targz-1', // tar.gz
+ 'taylorde',
+ 'thee17',
+ 'timbeks',
+ 'timfs',
+ 'tlovett1',
+ 'tmoorewp',
+ 'TobiasBg',
+ 'tollmanz',
+ 'TomasM',
+ 'TomAuger',
+ 'tommcfarlin',
+ 'toppa',
+ 'toscho',
+ 'tott',
+ 'trepmal',
+ 'usermrpapa',
+ 'vhauri',
+ 'viniciusmassuchetto',
+ 'Viper007Bond',
+ 'waclawjacek',
+ 'waldojaquith',
+ 'webord',
+ 'westi',
+ 'wet',
+ 'willmot',
+ 'wojtekszkutnik', // wojtek.szkutnik
+ 'wonderboymusic',
+ 'wpmuguru',
+ 'wpsmith',
+ 'xibe',
+ 'xknown',
+ 'yoavf',
+ 'yogi-t', // Yogi T
+ 'zamoose',
+ 'zeo',
+ );
+ }
+ function external_libraries() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Backbone', 'http://backbonejs.org/' ),
+ array( 'Class POP3', 'http://squirrelmail.org/' ),
+ array( 'Color Animations', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color' ),
+ // array( 'ColorPicker', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'Horde Text Diff', 'http://pear.horde.org/' ),
+ array( 'hoverIntent', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hoverIntent' ),
+ array( 'imgAreaSelect', 'http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/' ),
+ array( 'Iris', 'https://github.com/Automattic/Iris' ),
+ array( 'jQuery', 'http://jquery.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI', 'http://jqueryui.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', 'https://github.com/tzuryby/jquery.hotkeys' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Masonry', 'http://masonry.desandro.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery serializeObject', 'http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.query', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object' ),
+ // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.suggest', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/suggest' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', 'http://touchpunch.furf.com/' ),
+ array( 'json2', 'https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js' ),
+ array( 'PclZip', 'http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/' ),
+ array( 'PemFTP', 'http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1743.html' ),
+ array( 'phpass', 'http://www.openwall.com/phpass/' ),
+ array( 'PHPMailer', 'http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/' ),
+ array( 'Plupload', 'http://www.plupload.com/' ),
+ array( 'SimplePie', 'http://simplepie.org/' ),
+ array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/' ),
+ array( 'Thickbox', 'http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/' ),
+ array( 'TinyMCE', 'http://www.tinymce.com/' ),
+ array( 'Underscore', 'http://underscorejs.org/' ),
+ );
+ }
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp36phpfromrev160sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp32php"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-36.php (from rev 160, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-32.php) (0 => 161)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-36.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-36.php 2013-12-20 08:38:50 UTC (rev 161)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+class WP_36_Credits extends WP_Credits {
+ function groups() {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'project-leaders' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Project Leaders',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ryan' => array( 'Ryan Boren', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ),
+ 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ),
+ 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'core-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Contributing Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Core Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'contributing-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => false,
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov',
+ 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi',
+ 'aaroncampbell' => 'Aaron D. Campbell',
+ 'lancewillett' => 'Lance Willett',
+ 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'recent-rockstars' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Recent Rockstars',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'lessbloat' => 'Dave Martin',
+ 'obenland' => 'Konstantin Obenland',
+ 'kovshenin' => 'Konstantin Kovshenin',
+ 'Joen' => 'Joen Asmussen',
+ 'DrewAPicture' => 'Drew Jaynes',
+ 'adamsilverstein' => 'Adam Silverstein',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $groups;
+ }
+ // As of final release, r23123
+ function props() {
+ return array(
+ 'aaroncampbell',
+ 'aaronholbrook',
+ 'adamsilverstein',
+ 'ahoereth',
+ 'AKTed',
+ 'alex-ye',
+ 'alexkingorg',
+ 'anatolbroder',
+ 'andrewryno',
+ 'andy',
+ 'apimlott',
+ 'asannad',
+ 'awellis13',
+ 'azaozz',
+ 'bananastalktome',
+ 'barry',
+ 'batmoo',
+ 'beaulebens',
+ 'beezeee',
+ 'belloswan',
+ 'bilalcoder',
+ 'bobbingwide',
+ 'bobbravo2',
+ 'bpetty',
+ 'bradparbs',
+ 'bradyvercher',
+ 'brianlayman',
+ 'c3mdigital',
+ 'cais',
+ 'carldanley',
+ 'Caspie',
+ 'celloexpressions',
+ 'cfinke',
+ 'charlestonsw',
+ 'cheeserolls',
+ 'chipbennett',
+ 'chmac',
+ 'chriswallace',
+ 'cochran',
+ 'coffee2code',
+ 'corvannoorloos',
+ 'crazycoders',
+ 'csixty4',
+ 'danielbachhuber',
+ 'daniloercoli',
+ 'dannydehaan',
+ 'davidwilliamson',
+ 'dd32',
+ 'desrosj',
+ 'devesine',
+ 'dfavor',
+ 'dh-shredder',
+ 'DH-Shredder',
+ 'dimadin',
+ 'dllh',
+ 'dovyp',
+ 'DrewAPicture',
+ 'DrewAPicture',
+ 'duck_',
+ 'dvarga',
+ 'elfin',
+ 'empireoflight',
+ 'ericlewis',
+ 'ericmann',
+ 'ethitter',
+ 'evansolomon',
+ 'f-j-kaiser ', # F J Kaiser
+ 'faishal',
+ 'fanquake',
+ 'feedmeastraycat',
+ 'frank-klein ', # Frank Klein
+ 'FStop',
+ 'garyc40',
+ 'GaryJ',
+ 'gcorne',
+ 'GeertDD',
+ 'georgestephanis',
+ 'gish',
+ 'gorgoglionemeister',
+ 'greuben',
+ 'h4ck3rm1k3',
+ 'hakre',
+ 'hbanken',
+ 'hebbet',
+ 'helen',
+ 'helgatheviking',
+ 'hirozed',
+ 'hurtige',
+ 'hypertextranch',
+ 'iandunn',
+ 'Ipstenu',
+ 'jakub',
+ 'Jayjdk',
+ 'jbutkus',
+ 'jcastaneda',
+ 'JDTrower',
+ 'jeremyfelt',
+ 'JerrySarcastic',
+ 'jkudish',
+ 'joehoyle',
+ 'joen',
+ # 'John Dyer',
+ 'johnbillion',
+ 'johnjamesjacoby',
+ 'jonbishop',
+ 'jond3r',
+ 'jorbin',
+ 'jordie23',
+ 'josephscott',
+ 'jrbeilke',
+ 'jrf',
+ 'JustinSainton',
+ 'jvisick77',
+ 'kadamwhite',
+ 'karmatosed',
+ 'kawauso',
+ 'keoshi',
+ 'koop',
+ 'kovshenin',
+ 'kraftbj',
+ 'ktdreyer',
+ 'kurtpayne',
+ 'kwight',
+ 'lancewillett',
+ 'leewillis77',
+ 'lessbloat',
+ 'lightningspirit',
+ 'macbrink',
+ 'maor',
+ 'MarcusPope',
+ 'mark-k',
+ 'markjaquith',
+ 'markmcwilliams',
+ 'markoheijnen',
+ 'matt',
+ 'MatthewRuddy',
+ 'mattwiebe',
+ 'maxcutler',
+ 'mboynes',
+ 'mdawaffe',
+ 'melchoyce',
+ 'mfields',
+ 'mgibbs189',
+ 'MikeHansenMe',
+ 'mintindeed',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka',
+ 'mjbanks',
+ 'momo360modena',
+ 'mordauk',
+ 'MZAWeb',
+ 'n7studios',
+ 'nacin',
+ 'najamelan',
+ 'nao',
+ 'niallkennedy',
+ 'nickdaugherty',
+ 'nickmomrick',
+ 'ninnypants',
+ 'norcross',
+ 'nprasath002',
+ 'obenland',
+ 'ocean90',
+ 'ParadisePorridge',
+ 'pauldewouters',
+ 'pavelevap',
+ 'pdclark',
+ 'PeteMall',
+ 'phill_brown',
+ 'pollett',
+ 'programmin',
+ 'r24421',
+ 'rachelbaker',
+ 'ramiy',
+ 'rdall',
+ 'redpixelstudios',
+ 'redsweater',
+ 'reidburke',
+ 'retlehs',
+ 'rlerdorf',
+ 'rmccue',
+ 'rodrigosprimo',
+ 'roulandf',
+ 'rovo89',
+ 'ryanduff',
+ 'ryanhellyer',
+ 'ryelle',
+ 'sabreuse',
+ 'saracannon',
+ 'sc0ttkclark',
+ 'scholesmafia',
+ 'scribu',
+ 'sergejmueller',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov',
+ 'settle',
+ 'sim',
+ 'simonwheatley',
+ 'siobhan',
+ 'sirzooro',
+ 'slene',
+ 'solarissmoke',
+ 'soulseekah',
+ 'SriniG',
+ 'stephenh1988',
+ 'storkontheroof',
+ 'sunnyratilal',
+ 'sweetie089',
+ 'tar',
+ 'taupecat',
+ 'technosailor',
+ 'tenpura',
+ 'TheLastCicada',
+ 'thomasvanderbeek',
+ 'tivnet',
+ 'tjsingleton',
+ 'tlovett1',
+ 'TobiasBg',
+ 'tollmanz',
+ 'toscho',
+ 'TravisHoffman',
+ 'trepmal',
+ 'tw2113',
+ 'uuf6429',
+ 'viniciusmassuchetto',
+ 'Viper007Bond',
+ 'westi',
+ 'wojtek',
+ 'wonderboymusic',
+ 'wpewill',
+ 'WraithKenny',
+ 'wycks',
+ 'xibe',
+ 'xknown',
+ 'yoavf',
+ 'zekeweeks',
+ 'zeo',
+ 'ziegenberg',
+ );
+ }
+ function external_libraries() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Backbone.js', 'http://backbonejs.org/' ),
+ array( 'Class POP3', 'http://squirrelmail.org/' ),
+ array( 'Color Animations', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color' ),
+ // array( 'ColorPicker', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'Horde Text Diff', 'http://pear.horde.org/' ),
+ array( 'hoverIntent', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hoverIntent' ),
+ array( 'imgAreaSelect', 'http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/' ),
+ array( 'Iris', 'https://github.com/Automattic/Iris' ),
+ array( 'jQuery', 'http://jquery.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI', 'http://jqueryui.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', 'https://github.com/tzuryby/jquery.hotkeys' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Masonry', 'http://masonry.desandro.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery serializeObject', 'http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.query', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object' ),
+ // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.suggest', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/suggest' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', 'http://touchpunch.furf.com/' ),
+ array( 'json2', 'https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js' ),
+ array( 'MediaElement.js', 'http://mediaelementjs.com/' ),
+ array( 'PclZip', 'http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/' ),
+ array( 'PemFTP', 'http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1743.html' ),
+ array( 'phpass', 'http://www.openwall.com/phpass/' ),
+ array( 'PHPMailer', 'http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/' ),
+ array( 'Plupload', 'http://www.plupload.com/' ),
+ array( 'SimplePie', 'http://simplepie.org/' ),
+ array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/' ),
+ array( 'Thickbox', 'http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/' ),
+ array( 'TinyMCE', 'http://www.tinymce.com/' ),
+ array( 'Underscore.js', 'http://underscorejs.org/' ),
+ );
+ }
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp37phpfromrev160sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp32php"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-37.php (from rev 160, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-32.php) (0 => 161)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-37.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-37.php 2013-12-20 08:38:50 UTC (rev 161)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+class WP_37_Credits extends WP_Credits {
+ function groups() {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'project-leaders' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Project Leaders',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ryan' => array( 'Ryan Boren', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ),
+ 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ),
+ 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'core-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Contributing Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Core Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'contributing-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => false,
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov',
+ 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi',
+ 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ),
+ 'johnbillion' => array( 'John Blackbourn', '0000ba6dd1b089e1746abbfe6281ee3b' ),
+ 'DrewAPicture' => 'Drew Jaynes',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'recent-rockstars' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Recent Rockstars',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'jeremyfelt' => 'Jeremy Felt',
+ 'c3mdigital' => 'Chris Olbekson',
+ 'kpdesign' => 'Kim Parsell',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $groups;
+ }
+ // As of final release, r25892.
+ function props() {
+ return array(
+ 'aaroncampbell',
+ 'aaronholbrook',
+ 'adamsilverstein',
+ 'aeg0125',
+ 'ahoereth',
+ 'alex-ye',
+ 'andg',
+ 'andreasnrb',
+ 'andrewspittle',
+ 'askapache',
+ 'atimmer',
+ 'azaozz',
+ 'bananastalktome',
+ 'barry',
+ 'beaulebens',
+ 'benmoody',
+ 'betzster',
+ 'bftrick',
+ 'bhengh',
+ 'bmb',
+ 'bpetty',
+ 'brianhogg',
+ 'buffler',
+ 'butuzov',
+ 'c3mdigital',
+ 'cais',
+ 'calin', // 3.7.1
+ 'carldanley',
+ 'celloexpressions',
+ 'charlesclarkson',
+ 'chipbennett',
+ 'chouby',
+ 'chrisbliss18', // 3.7.1
+ 'chrisrudzki',
+ 'cimmo',
+ 'coenjacobs',
+ 'coffee2code',
+ 'convissor',
+ 'creativeinfusion',
+ 'crrobi01',
+ 'csixty4',
+ 'daankortenbach',
+ 'danielbachhuber',
+ 'dartiss',
+ 'davidjlaietta',
+ 'dd32',
+ 'desroj',
+ 'desrosj',
+ 'devesine',
+ 'dh-shredder',
+ 'dimadin',
+ 'dllh',
+ 'dpash',
+ 'drewapicture',
+ 'drprotocols',
+ 'duck_',
+ 'dustyf',
+ 'dzver',
+ 'enej',
+ 'ericlewis',
+ 'ericmann',
+ 'evansolomon',
+ 'faishal',
+ 'faison',
+ 'fjarrett',
+ 'foofy',
+ 'frank-klein',
+ 'garyc40',
+ 'garyj', // 3.7.1
+ 'gayadesign',
+ 'gcorne',
+ 'georgestephanis',
+ 'gizburdt',
+ 'goldenapples',
+ 'gradyetc',
+ 'greuben',
+ 'hakre',
+ 'helen',
+ 'hotchkissconsulting',
+ 'iamfriendly',
+ 'iandunn',
+ 'ipstenu',
+ 'iworks',
+ 'jakubtyrcha',
+ 'jamescollins',
+ 'jayjdk',
+ 'jchristopher',
+ 'jdgrimes',
+ 'jenmylo',
+ 'jeremyfelt',
+ 'jkudish',
+ 'joehoyle',
+ 'johnafish',
+ 'johnbillion',
+ 'johnjamesjacoby',
+ 'johnnyb',
+ 'johnpbloch',
+ 'jond3r',
+ 'jonlynch',
+ 'joostdevalk',
+ 'jorbin',
+ 'josephscott',
+ 'justinsainton',
+ 'kadamwhite',
+ 'ketwaroo',
+ 'kevinb',
+ 'kitchin',
+ 'koop',
+ 'kovshenin',
+ 'kpdesign',
+ 'kraftbj',
+ 'kurtpayne',
+ 'lancewillett',
+ 'layotte',
+ 'leewillis77',
+ 'lessbloat',
+ 'lgedeon',
+ 'lucp', // 3.7.1
+ 'marco_teethgrinder',
+ 'markjaquith',
+ 'markmcwilliams',
+ 'markoheijnen',
+ 'melchoyce',
+ 'mikehansenme',
+ 'mikeschinkel',
+ 'miqrogroove',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka',
+ 'miyauchi',
+ 'mordauk',
+ 'nacin',
+ 'nao',
+ 'naomicbush',
+ 'natejacobs',
+ 'nathanrice',
+ 'nbachiyski',
+ 'neoxx',
+ 'netweb',
+ 'niallkennedy',
+ 'nickdaugherty',
+ 'nickmomrik',
+ 'nikv',
+ 'noahsilverstein',
+ 'nofearinc',
+ 'norcross',
+ 'nukaga',
+ 'nullvariable',
+ 'obenland',
+ 'ocean90',
+ 'paolal',
+ 'pauldewouters',
+ 'pavelevap',
+ 'pbiron',
+ 'pento',
+ 'peterjaap',
+ 'philiparthurmoore',
+ 'plocha',
+ 'pollett',
+ 'pross',
+ 'ptahdunbar',
+ 'r3df',
+ 'ramiy',
+ 'rasheed',
+ 'raybernard',
+ 'rboren',
+ 'rdall',
+ 'rfair404',
+ 'rmccue',
+ 'rmmcue',
+ 'rodrigosprimo',
+ 'rpattillo',
+ 'ryan',
+ 'rzen',
+ 'sabreuse',
+ 'scottsweb',
+ 'scribu',
+ 'scruffian',
+ 'sergeybiryukov',
+ 'shinichin',
+ 'sillybean',
+ 'simonwheatley',
+ 'siobhan',
+ 'siobhyb',
+ 'sirzooro',
+ 'solarissmoke',
+ 'sorich87',
+ 'stephenharris',
+ 'strangerstudios',
+ 'sweetie089',
+ 'swissspidy',
+ 'technosailor',
+ 'tenpura',
+ 'tivnet',
+ 'tlovett1',
+ 'tmtoy',
+ 'tobiasbg',
+ 'tomauger',
+ 'toscho',
+ 'trepmal',
+ 'tw2113',
+ 'usermrpapa',
+ 'vericgar',
+ 'vinod-dalvi',
+ 'viper007bond',
+ 'webord',
+ 'westonruter',
+ 'wikicms',
+ 'willnorris',
+ 'wojtekszkutnik',
+ 'wonderboymusic',
+ 'wpmuguru',
+ 'wpsmith',
+ 'wycks',
+ 'xparham',
+ 'yoavf',
+ 'yurivictor',
+ );
+ }
+ function external_libraries() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Backbone.js', 'http://backbonejs.org/' ),
+ array( 'Class POP3', 'http://squirrelmail.org/' ),
+ array( 'Color Animations', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color' ),
+ // array( 'ColorPicker', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'Horde Text Diff', 'http://pear.horde.org/' ),
+ array( 'hoverIntent', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hoverIntent' ),
+ array( 'imgAreaSelect', 'http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/' ),
+ array( 'Iris', 'https://github.com/Automattic/Iris' ),
+ array( 'jQuery', 'http://jquery.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI', 'http://jqueryui.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', 'https://github.com/tzuryby/jquery.hotkeys' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Masonry', 'http://masonry.desandro.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery serializeObject', 'http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.query', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object' ),
+ // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.suggest', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/suggest' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', 'http://touchpunch.furf.com/' ),
+ array( 'json2', 'https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js' ),
+ array( 'MediaElement.js', 'http://mediaelementjs.com/' ),
+ array( 'PclZip', 'http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/' ),
+ array( 'PemFTP', 'http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1743.html' ),
+ array( 'phpass', 'http://www.openwall.com/phpass/' ),
+ array( 'PHPMailer', 'http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/' ),
+ array( 'Plupload', 'http://www.plupload.com/' ),
+ array( 'SimplePie', 'http://simplepie.org/' ),
+ array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/' ),
+ array( 'Thickbox', 'http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/' ),
+ array( 'TinyMCE', 'http://www.tinymce.com/' ),
+ array( 'Underscore.js', 'http://underscorejs.org/' ),
+ array( 'zxcvbn', 'https://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn' ),
+ );
+ }
<a id="sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp38phpfromrev160sitestrunkapiwordpressorgpublic_htmlcorecreditswp32php"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-38.php (from rev 160, sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-32.php) (0 => 161)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-38.php (rev 0)
+++ sites/trunk/api.wordpress.org/public_html/core/credits/wp-38.php 2013-12-20 08:38:50 UTC (rev 161)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+class WP_38_Credits extends WP_Credits {
+ function groups() {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'project-leaders' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Project Leaders',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ryan' => array( 'Ryan Boren', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ),
+ 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ),
+ 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'core-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => 'Contributing Developers',
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ),
+ 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Core Developer' ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'contributing-developers' => array(
+ 'name' => false,
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling',
+ 'SergeyBiryukov' =>'Sergey Biryukov',
+ 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi',
+ 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ),
+ 'johnbillion' => array( 'John Blackbourn', '0000ba6dd1b089e1746abbfe6281ee3b' ),
+ 'DrewAPicture' => 'Drew Jaynes',
+ 'iammattthomas' => 'Matt Thomas',
+ 'lancewillett' => 'Lance Willett',
+ 'Otto42' => 'Samuel Wood',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'recent-rockstars' => array(
+ 'name' => false,
+ 'type' => 'titles',
+ 'shuffle' => true,
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'apeatling' => 'Andy Peatling',
+ 'dbernar1' => 'Dan Bernardic',
+ 'drw158' => 'Dave Whitley',
+ 'EmpireOfLight' => 'Ben Dunkle',
+ 'isaackeyet' => 'Isaac Keyet',
+ 'Joen' => 'Joen Asmussen',
+ 'kraftbj' => 'Brandon Kraft',
+ 'lessbloat' => 'Dave Martin',
+ 'littlethingsstudio' => 'Kate Whitley',
+ 'matveb' => 'Matías Ventura',
+ 'melchoyce' => 'Mel Choyce',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka' => 'Michael Erlewine',
+ 'ryelle' => 'Kelly Dwan',
+ 'shaunandrews' => 'Shaun Andrews',
+ 'tillkruess' => 'Till Krüss',
+ 'jorbin' => 'Aaron Jorbin',
+ 'kadamwhite' => 'K. Adam White',
+ 'yoavf' => 'Yoav Farhi',
+ 'celloexpressions' => 'Nick Halsey',
+ 'iamtakashi' => 'Takashi Irie',
+ 'obenland' => 'Konstantin Obenland',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ return $groups;
+ }
+ // As of final release, r25914 to r26862
+ function props() {
+ return array(
+ 'aaronholbrook',
+ 'adamsilverstein',
+ 'admiralthrawn',
+ 'ahoereth',
+ 'andypeatling',
+ 'ankitgadertcampcom',
+ 'apeatling',
+ 'aralbald',
+ 'atimmer',
+ 'aubreypwd',
+ 'azaozz',
+ 'bamadesigner',
+ 'bananastalktome',
+ 'bassgang',
+ 'binarymoon',
+ 'bpetty',
+ 'bradyvercher',
+ 'buffler', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'cainm',
+ 'calin',
+ 'carldanley',
+ 'caspie',
+ 'celloexpressions',
+ 'chellycat',
+ 'chrisbliss18',
+ 'codebykat',
+ 'coffee2code',
+ 'corphi',
+ 'danieldudzic',
+ 'datafeedrcom',
+ 'dbernar1',
+ 'dd32',
+ 'defries',
+ 'designsimply',
+ 'devesine',
+ 'dh-shredder',
+ 'dimadin',
+ 'dougwollison',
+ 'drewapicture',
+ 'drozdz',
+ 'drw158',
+ 'duck_',
+ 'dziudek',
+ 'empireoflight',
+ 'ericlewis',
+ 'ericmann',
+ 'ethitter',
+ 'evansolomon',
+ 'faison',
+ 'fliespl',
+ 'frank-klein',
+ 'garyj',
+ 'georgestephanis',
+ 'gnarf37',
+ 'gradyetc',
+ 'grapplerulrich',
+ 'hanni',
+ 'helen',
+ 'iammattthomas',
+ 'iamtakashi',
+ 'iandunn',
+ 'iblamefish',
+ 'ipstenu',
+ 'isaackeyet',
+ 'jacklenox',
+ 'janhenckens',
+ 'jartes',
+ 'jayjdk',
+ 'jblz',
+ 'jdgrimes',
+ 'jeffr0',
+ 'jeherve', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'jenmylo',
+ 'jeremyfelt',
+ 'jhned',
+ 'jim912',
+ 'joedolson', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'joen',
+ 'johnafish',
+ 'johnbillion',
+ 'johnjamesjacoby',
+ 'joostdevalk',
+ 'jorbin',
+ 'joshuaabenazer',
+ 'jpry',
+ 'justinsainton',
+ 'kadamwhite',
+ 'koki4a',
+ 'kovshenin',
+ 'kpdesign',
+ 'kraftbj',
+ 'kwight',
+ 'l10n',
+ 'lancewillett',
+ 'latz',
+ 'leewillis77',
+ 'lessbloat',
+ 'lite3',
+ 'littlethingsstudio',
+ 'lucp',
+ 'mako09',
+ 'markjaquith',
+ 'markmcwilliams',
+ 'markoheijnen',
+ 'matt',
+ 'mattheu',
+ 'mattwiebe',
+ 'matveb',
+ 'mauryaratan',
+ 'mdbitz',
+ 'mbmufffin', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'megane9988',
+ 'melchoyce',
+ 'micahwave',
+ 'michelwppi',
+ 'mikehansenme',
+ 'mikelittle',
+ 'mitchoyoshitaka',
+ 'miyauchi',
+ 'morganestes',
+ 'mt8biz',
+ 'nacin',
+ 'nao',
+ 'nbachiyski',
+ 'neil_pie',
+ 'netweb',
+ 'nickdaugherty',
+ 'ninio',
+ 'ninnypants',
+ 'nofearinc',
+ 'nukaga',
+ 'nvwd',
+ 'obenland',
+ 'ocean90',
+ 'odysseygate',
+ 'originalexe',
+ 'otto42',
+ 'ounziw',
+ 'pauldewouters',
+ 'pavelevap',
+ 'pento',
+ 'ptahdunbar',
+ 'raamdev',
+ 'rachelbaker',
+ 'radices',
+ 'rdall',
+ 'rickalee',
+ 'rodrigosprimo',
+ 'ryan',
+ 'ryelle',
+ 'rzen',
+ 'sabreuse', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'sanchothefat',
+ 'sboisvert',
+ 'scottbasgaard',
+ 'scribu',
+ 'seanchayes',
+ 'sergeybiryukov',
+ 'shaunandrews',
+ 'shinichin',
+ 'simonwheatley',
+ 'siobhan',
+ 'siobhyb',
+ 'sirbrillig',
+ 'sixhours',
+ 'solarissmoke',
+ 'soulseekah',
+ 'stephenharris',
+ 'stevenkword',
+ 'swissspidy',
+ 'taupecat', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'thomasguillot',
+ 'tierra',
+ 'tillkruess',
+ 'tivnet',
+ 'tlamedia',
+ 'tmtoy',
+ 'tobiasbg',
+ 'tollmanz',
+ 'tommcfarlin',
+ 'trepmal',
+ 'trishasalas', // 2014 pre-3.8
+ 'westi',
+ 'westonruter',
+ 'wet',
+ 'wonderboymusic',
+ 'yoavf',
+ 'yonasy',
+ 'zodiac1978',
+ );
+ }
+ function external_libraries() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Backbone.js', 'http://backbonejs.org/' ),
+ array( 'Class POP3', 'http://squirrelmail.org/' ),
+ array( 'Color Animations', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color' ),
+ // array( 'ColorPicker', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'Horde Text Diff', 'http://pear.horde.org/' ),
+ array( 'hoverIntent', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hoverIntent' ),
+ array( 'imgAreaSelect', 'http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/' ),
+ array( 'Iris', 'https://github.com/Automattic/Iris' ),
+ array( 'jQuery', 'http://jquery.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI', 'http://jqueryui.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', 'https://github.com/tzuryby/jquery.hotkeys' ),
+ array( 'jQuery Masonry', 'http://masonry.desandro.com/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery serializeObject', 'http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.query', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object' ),
+ // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ),
+ array( 'jQuery.suggest', 'http://plugins.jquery.com/project/suggest' ),
+ array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', 'http://touchpunch.furf.com/' ),
+ array( 'json2', 'https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js' ),
+ array( 'MediaElement.js', 'http://mediaelementjs.com/' ),
+ array( 'PclZip', 'http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/' ),
+ array( 'PemFTP', 'http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1743.html' ),
+ array( 'phpass', 'http://www.openwall.com/phpass/' ),
+ array( 'PHPMailer', 'http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/' ),
+ array( 'Plupload', 'http://www.plupload.com/' ),
+ array( 'SimplePie', 'http://simplepie.org/' ),
+ array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/' ),
+ array( 'Thickbox', 'http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/' ),
+ array( 'TinyMCE', 'http://www.tinymce.com/' ),
+ array( 'Underscore.js', 'http://underscorejs.org/' ),
+ array( 'zxcvbn', 'https://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn' ),
+ );
+ }