[wp-hackers] support for custoim post types + custom feilds

Mike Schinkel mikeschinkel at newclarity.net
Sat Jun 19 18:12:31 UTC 2010

On Jun 19, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Christopher Ross wrote:
> I have a government client which runs 50+ WordPress websites (both inside and outside firewalls) and no plugins are allowed on the site, with no exceptions. This includes stripping internal update calls, pings etc. from the core before a site can be upgraded and I know from experience, big companies are the same.

On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Curtis McHale wrote:
> I've also worked with a company that doesn't like plugins at all. Caching can be done easily without a plugin so we didn't use it. I personally also dislike plugins on my sites so avoid them at all costs. If anything can be done easily without them that's how it's done.

I find that fascinating.  I would love to hear, for my benefit and the benefit of all on the list, what the specific concerns they have about using plugins and the rationale for not using them?  Maybe there are things we could improve/change that would resolve their concerns?

Are their reasons tangible or intangible?  For example, do they dislike plugins:

1.) Because admins can enable/disable them and thus potentially break the site?

2.) Because they believe plugins slow down a site?

3.) Because they feel that plugins are not as well tested nor as well "supported" as core WordPress?

4.) Are they concerned about plugins that don't clean up after themselves?

5.) Do they require Askimet *not* be used because it is bundled as a plugin and not as core?

6.) Would they have a different view of core plugins vs. other plugins?

7.) Will they have the same opinion 100% prohibition of plugins as plugins that support vertical market functionality emerge that are specific to their business cases?

8.) I wonder if they understand that almost all the same code for a plugin can be put in a theme and if they have any issues with the same code in the theme?

9.) Is there something else?

10.) Or is it all simply a knee-jerk reaction because they assume anything labeled "plugin" is bad?

I'm not at all debating their perspective but instead simply wanting to understand it.  By understanding it we as a community might be able to make the situation better for them and still achieve many of the goals of the WordPress community.


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