[wp-hackers] Query Bookmarks/Links with Custom Taxonomy that matches same Custom Taxonomy assigned to a Custom Post Type in single.php sidebar

Angelia Baladon angelia at 10sexyapples.com
Wed Aug 25 01:59:12 UTC 2010

Wow. That was a mouthful. Let me explain ...

I have some custom post types — "lessons", "howtos", "workshops"

I have several custom taxonomies ie "Unit Topic", "Academic Subject", "Art
Subject" etc.

I have assigned these custom taxonomies to all of my custom post types
*and*to built_in post_type "link".

In the sidebar of my single lesson/howto/workshop, I have customized some
code to show related content by comparing the number of these custom
taxonomies that are common ( basically it's a beefed up version of a
"related post" plugin ). So, for instance, in the single "lesson" post, the
sidebar contains related "howtos", and "workshops".

What I am attempting to do now is to further customize the relation code, to
include a list of related "links" there in the sidebar as well.

Herein lies the rub. I've never dealt with links before. I mostly do CMS
stuff, and not one site has even needed to touch links, so, I'm a complete
virgin with them. As well, they are in a different table ... add on top of
that the still shakiness of the association between links and custom
taxonomies and ... well ... heeeeeeelllllllp

Does anyone have any advice that will help me out here? I feel all
vulnerable and alone ;-)

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