[wp-hackers] [OT] Top posting

Azhaguselvan azhaguselvan at gmx.com
Tue Sep 29 20:46:48 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 13:39 -0700, Beau Lebens wrote:
> Is there any particular reason we don't have many options in the Bulk
> Actions SELECT box on the Edit Posts (or Pages) screens, or has it
> just not really come up yet?
> I was just editing a blog, disabling commenting on a bunch of posts,
> and realized that I couldn't do that through the Bulk Actions menu,
> but it seemed to make sense that I should be able to.
> Here's a patch to allow that: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10878
> Depending on how far we wanted to go with this, we might also want to
> have options for doing the same with Pingbacks?
> Beau

May i know why most of you top-post?

I thought that is not a correct etiquette for a *mailing-list* , since
the mails are going to be archived. 

Why to contribute to global warming by wasting unnecessary bandwidth by
doing top-posting??

Azhaguselvan SP

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