[wp-hackers] Let's make Buttonsnap fully obsolete

Ozh ozh at planetozh.com
Wed Apr 2 08:34:32 GMT 2008

>One solution would be to do quicktags.js -> quicktags.js.php and make it
>dynamically generated (i.e. hooks and filters), but then we may run into
>caching issues (although no-cache headers would fix that). Another 
>would be one similar to how Buttonsnap works and just manually add 
>to the container.

I think that would be really pretty cool.

First option (quicktag.js.php) gives two options:
- external <script src="quicktag.js.php"> :
This means that both the Write page and the quicktag file will require 
wp-config.php, which will double all the SQL queries and plugin loading 
and stuff.
- inline quicktag javascript: 
wp-config.php is included only once, but it adds nearly 10kb to the Write 

I think the second option is better. Thoughts?


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