[wp-hackers] Re: Sqlite

Martin Geisler mgeisler at mgeisler.net
Thu Jun 23 09:14:56 GMT 2005

Kimmo Suominen <kimmo+key+wordpress.c4f53f at suominen.com> writes:

> AFAICT the big reason for both "local" and GMT (equivalent of
> seconds since unix epoch) times in the database is permalink
> support. The local time is needed to keep the permalinks from
> changing.

That doesn't mean that one couldn't use a Unix epoch timestamp: store
the (GMT) post date as a Unix timestamp and store a time zone offset
along with it. Then calculate the local time based on that.

Notice that this wont cost more that what is already done today where
all timestamps are offset by the global gmt_offset setting.

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

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