[wp-forums] Shared Hosting questions

Geoff Johnson thunderlove at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 22:56:26 GMT 2006

On 3/31/06, Handy <handy.solo at gmail.com> wrote:
> So... I don't know much about shared hosting.  My experience is all with
> owning the box, regardless of where it ends up.  Thus the questions.
> When I see the "omg help my db disappeared" type questions, I can't help
> but
> wonder... in a shared environment, with multiple dbs in an install of
> mysql,
> what happens if chimpB created db named "wordpress" when chimpA already
> had
> a db by that name?
> Is that something we should watch for somehow?  I see some odd support
> posts
> every now and then that seem to hint that the poster somehow lost their db
> -
> or permissions to it (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/67245?replies=3for
> example).
> Or am I totally worrying about something that wouldn't happen in the real
> world?

My first instinct would be user-error (sometimes aggravated by a poor
interface), followed closely by hacking -- on a shared host, if your
wp-config.php file is readable by the server, it is almost certainly
readable by your neighbors.


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