[wp-forums] Sidebars and Widgets

spencerp psgif180 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 31 16:38:20 GMT 2006

No matter how many times or who fixes themes, example "sidebar" issues and stuff, it won't matter, because people add extra stuff to their themes, either throwing it off, or just the way they post their threads, will mess it up too. 

I have already basically "fixed" the Default 1.5 for various problems here:

But if people aren't using the correct codes or whatever within posts, like you can see there at that thread above or here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/66063?replies=10

It's just going to be one big run around sigh..  I knew right off the fly, installing that revamped Default 1.5 theme of "mine" didn't give validation errors.. once again it was the "user's fault" .... =/ 

> That may yet happen - but even if they did we will still get people.
> People will have customised their sidebars to a point where even the
> theme author releasing a sidebar will still need work - and it's us they
> will turn to. Like I said, it's the way it is.
> But we do have notice, we do have a chance to prepare so i think we need
> to use what time we have.
> P.
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