[wp-forums] Sidebars and Widgets

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 10:15:50 GMT 2006

You would think that the powers that be would have released an updated
Kubrick and classic along with this bombshell....

On 3/31/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> Podz wrote:
> > Is it me or are sidebar problems the current mass problem?
> >
> Okay ....http://automattic.com/code/widgets/themes/
> Go read.
> Ignore the money / ask nicely bit - I'll get to that.
> ---
> Widgets could cause us massive amounts of work / posts / angry posts /
> WTF posts. Fact is theme authors should do this, not us - but we know
> some will not and we know we'll pick up the rest. It's the way it is.
> I don't know what emailing has gone on to authors and I have no idea
> which themes that are not currently in use on wp.com are workable.
> This is very open to what we need to do but we need to accept the
> workload that will happen for our users. It does for everything else :)
> I'm thinking a sticky from today "Made a theme? READ THIS!" which points
> very clearly to the above link.
> I'm also thinking that we include in that a list of known Good themes.
> Let's point people at work we know will give us less grief.
> Maybe even a list of known Bad themes (name & shame tactics)
> We need to make it clear it's not our fault, or the fault of widgets or
> the fault of wp code - this is a change theme authors choose to do. Or
> not. I have no problem with blaming an author - and I also have no
> problem with someone releasing a sidebar for a them and insisting they
> be credited in that theme ("Created by Bob - Fixed from being broken by
> Tom") - that seems perfectly fair.
> Just like the new editor came along and the new 1.5 structure we pick up
> the bits for some people - and widgets are the same (only this time we
> really can blame someone for not helping). As a side issue, if changing
> how themes interact with wp code means we get better themes for users
> that actually helps us in the longer term.
> I know someone reading this will take issue with my using the word
> 'blame' but hey, if authors want the good stuff that comes with
> releasing a theme, they can take a bit of extra work too.
> P.
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~Michael Bishop

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