[wp-forums] Browsing oddity on forums (IE7 Beta)

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Tue Mar 21 07:54:05 GMT 2006

<puts on safety helmet>
I'm testing the latest beta of Internet Explorer 7[1]. It's much improved
(OK, it would have to be...)
However, I've got an interesting issue that seems specific to the WP forums.
The Back button doesn't work within the forums. If the forum has been opened
in a new tab, the back button remains inactive no matter how many pages I go
through. If I've gone to the forum after another site, the back button takes
me to the previous site, again regardless of how many pages I've been to in
the forum.
At first, I thought it was purely an IE bug (may well be...), but other
sites behave normally.
[1] Partly because sooner or later I'll have to support it at work, and
partly because, hey, it's a new version which deserves the same chance as
anyone else's.

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Losing it[1] <http://lcb.me.uk/losingit/> 


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