[wp-forums] Editing and Answering..

spencerp psgif180 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 5 21:10:22 GMT 2006


Nah, I never took your comments offensively, or whatever. =) And I also agree to what you're saying about all this, I know there is a good number of ppl on the forum that might take things differently..but I "try" to keep it so most understand it though... I said "try" lol.. 

I don't know though, I guess I'm looking at all this on just the "general forum user" aspect of it all (meaning, that it shouldn't be a problem for me to use sarcasm), and not the moderator's look. 

I guess if I was a moderator, then that would be a whole other ball game.. but since I'm not, I don't really see any harm in me using some "sarcasm" here and there lol. 

And I fully understand why I was a "topic" on the list, and I'm not upset about it, at all. I'm still here, looking back at it now, feeling like an arse for being the way I was on the support forums, with that use of "grammar and harshness". =(

This whole thing is actually a (good) smack upside the head, to wake me up and stop being a drunken harsh azz on the board..really I'm glad this was brought up as a concern and glad those posted their opinions and suggetions on it too.. 

Like I said, I'll do my best and hardest to keep cool and not use such harsh words and so forth.. Just sometimes I get hot headed quick though, when trying to "help" someone and they started replying with cockyness..that does piss me off lol! 

But anyways, I'll just keep those wonderful feelings or thoughts of mine for on my blog then, like whooami does hahaha. 


> spencerp:
> I don't have a problem with sarcasm as such.  Meanness and profanity are another 
> whole issue (okay, no one's going to be bothered by "damn" or "hell" or as I 
> sometimes use, "right bitch" - it's the heavy duty stuff I personally object to 
> on a forum which should at least attempt to keep a professional tone).
> The main thing about sarcasm is that people who don't have English as their 
> native language will probably not get it at all and may take offense even where 
> none was intended - this can cause escalation.  And it's just very very 
> difficult to express that tone in text.  It generally comes across as just plain 
> nasty, which is less than ideal.
> You are helpful.  I never meant to indicate I thought you weren't.  If you got 
> that impression from anything I personally posted, I apologize.  I would just 
> prefer that we all (not just you) moderate ourselves first:  our language, our 
> attitudes, our responses.  I'm trying to moderate myself, at which I sometimes 
> fail, tis all too true.
> V
> PS - It does seem that we all fairly frequently forget that a:  the list is 
> anything but private; b:  no one is a singular example of anything on the forum.
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