[wp-forums] Dear WordPress support community

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Sun Mar 5 03:50:43 GMT 2006

On 3/4/2006 8:45:13 PM, Kaf Oseo (kaf at szub.net) wrote:
> Take a breath.
> Count to 10.
> Don't take it all so seriously.
> -Kaf
> P.S. Maybe count to 10 again.
> _______________________________________________

Hmmm.  I count to 10 (or a hundred sometimes) when I'm pissed.  I'm not pissed 
about this, I thought (and still think) that what he posted doesn't belong on 
the forum and is simply troll-bait asking for ignition.

But then again, I've been known to be wrong, so if the consensus is that I'm 
wrong this time as many others, I'll put it back.


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