[wp-design] Shuttle Dash

Chris Davis chrisdmitri at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 15:47:33 GMT 2005

So I guess I should do that, since I have already written a Shortstat
plugin as well... Bah.  The Dashboard is a very active place of

Had it stayed the way I had designed it way back when (tm) things
would be better, but Matt wanted to highlight the dev blog news, which
is honestly a good idea.  I just don't fancy it being that prominent.

On other thing we need to think about is using an xml-rpc webservice
to notify users when there is an update to WP.  I am working on one of
those for K2 right now.  It would greatly simplify the process of
getting users to upgrade when there is a security update.

I mention this so we can think about how to integrate it visually.

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