<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>I've added TGM-Plugin-Activation to recommend plugins for my themes.<br><br></div>It continues to really mess up Theme Check.<br><br></div>First, it triggers a bunch of translation slug warnings as it uses a variable passed in.<br>
<br></div>And apparently the latest Theme Check (the one running when you upload - not the plugin which is currently not finding any problems for me - even though there are problems) is now issuing a REQUIIRED for add_theme_page. TGMPA uses add_submenu_page - again so a variable can be passed in.<br>
<br></div>Any way of getting special treatment for that plugin as I see quite a few themes now using it since the crackdown on "plugin territory" features in themes. Kind of a pain to have to go in and understand their code to make mods to pass theme check.<br>
<br>Bruce Wampler<br></div>